1,714 research outputs found

    Malytics: A Malware Detection Scheme

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    An important problem of cyber-security is malware analysis. Besides good precision and recognition rate, a malware detection scheme needs to be able to generalize well for novel malware families (a.k.a zero-day attacks). It is important that the system does not require excessive computation particularly for deployment on the mobile devices. In this paper, we propose a novel scheme to detect malware which we call Malytics. It is not dependent on any particular tool or operating system. It extracts static features of any given binary file to distinguish malware from benign. Malytics consists of three stages: feature extraction, similarity measurement and classification. The three phases are implemented by a neural network with two hidden layers and an output layer. We show feature extraction, which is performed by tf -simhashing, is equivalent to the first layer of a particular neural network. We evaluate Malytics performance on both Android and Windows platforms. Malytics outperforms a wide range of learning-based techniques and also individual state-of-the-art models on both platforms. We also show Malytics is resilient and robust in addressing zero-day malware samples. The F1-score of Malytics is 97.21% and 99.45% on Android dex file and Windows PE files respectively, in the applied datasets. The speed and efficiency of Malytics are also evaluated

    Multiple Instance Learning for Malware Classification

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    This work addresses classification of unknown binaries executed in sandbox by modeling their interaction with system resources (files, mutexes, registry keys and communication with servers over the network) and error messages provided by the operating system, using vocabulary-based method from the multiple instance learning paradigm. It introduces similarities suitable for individual resource types that combined with an approximative clustering method efficiently group the system resources and define features directly from data. This approach effectively removes randomization often employed by malware authors and projects samples into low-dimensional feature space suitable for common classifiers. An extensive comparison to the state of the art on a large corpus of binaries demonstrates that the proposed solution achieves superior results using only a fraction of training samples. Moreover, it makes use of a source of information different than most of the prior art, which increases the diversity of tools detecting the malware, hence making detection evasion more difficult

    Projecting "better than randomly": How to reduce the dimensionality of very large datasets in a way that outperforms random projections

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    For very large datasets, random projections (RP) have become the tool of choice for dimensionality reduction. This is due to the computational complexity of principal component analysis. However, the recent development of randomized principal component analysis (RPCA) has opened up the possibility of obtaining approximate principal components on very large datasets. In this paper, we compare the performance of RPCA and RP in dimensionality reduction for supervised learning. In Experiment 1, study a malware classification task on a dataset with over 10 million samples, almost 100,000 features, and over 25 billion non-zero values, with the goal of reducing the dimensionality to a compressed representation of 5,000 features. In order to apply RPCA to this dataset, we develop a new algorithm called large sample RPCA (LS-RPCA), which extends the RPCA algorithm to work on datasets with arbitrarily many samples. We find that classification performance is much higher when using LS-RPCA for dimensionality reduction than when using random projections. In particular, across a range of target dimensionalities, we find that using LS-RPCA reduces classification error by between 37% and 54%. Experiment 2 generalizes the phenomenon to multiple datasets, feature representations, and classifiers. These findings have implications for a large number of research projects in which random projections were used as a preprocessing step for dimensionality reduction. As long as accuracy is at a premium and the target dimensionality is sufficiently less than the numeric rank of the dataset, randomized PCA may be a superior choice. Moreover, if the dataset has a large number of samples, then LS-RPCA will provide a method for obtaining the approximate principal components.Comment: Originally published in IEEE DSAA in 2016; this post-print fixes a rendering error of the += operator in Algorithm

    Stimulation and Detection of Android Repackaged Malware with Active Learning

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    Repackaging is a technique that has been increasingly adopted by authors of Android malware. The main problem facing the research community working on devising techniques to detect this breed of malware is the lack of ground truth that pinpoints the malicious segments grafted within benign apps. Without this crucial knowledge, it is difficult to train reliable classifiers able to effectively classify novel, out-of-sample repackaged malware. To circumvent this problem, we argue that reliable classifiers can be trained to detect repackaged malware, if they are allowed to request new, more accurate representations of an app's behavior. This learning technique is referred to as active learning. In this paper, we propose the usage of active learning to train classifiers able to cope with the ambiguous nature of repackaged malware. We implemented an architecture, Aion, that connects the processes of stimulating and detecting repackaged malware using a feedback loop depicting active learning. Our evaluation of a sample implementation of Aion using two malware datasets (Malgenome and Piggybacking) shows that active learning can outperform conventional detection techniques and, hence, has great potential to detect Android repackaged malware

    Attack and Defense of Dynamic Analysis-Based, Adversarial Neural Malware Classification Models

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    Recently researchers have proposed using deep learning-based systems for malware detection. Unfortunately, all deep learning classification systems are vulnerable to adversarial attacks. Previous work has studied adversarial attacks against static analysis-based malware classifiers which only classify the content of the unknown file without execution. However, since the majority of malware is either packed or encrypted, malware classification based on static analysis often fails to detect these types of files. To overcome this limitation, anti-malware companies typically perform dynamic analysis by emulating each file in the anti-malware engine or performing in-depth scanning in a virtual machine. These strategies allow the analysis of the malware after unpacking or decryption. In this work, we study different strategies of crafting adversarial samples for dynamic analysis. These strategies operate on sparse, binary inputs in contrast to continuous inputs such as pixels in images. We then study the effects of two, previously proposed defensive mechanisms against crafted adversarial samples including the distillation and ensemble defenses. We also propose and evaluate the weight decay defense. Experiments show that with these three defensive strategies, the number of successfully crafted adversarial samples is reduced compared to a standard baseline system without any defenses. In particular, the ensemble defense is the most resilient to adversarial attacks. Importantly, none of the defenses significantly reduce the classification accuracy for detecting malware. Finally, we demonstrate that while adding additional hidden layers to neural models does not significantly improve the malware classification accuracy, it does significantly increase the classifier's robustness to adversarial attacks

    Malware triage for early identification of Advanced Persistent Threat activities

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    In the last decade, a new class of cyber-threats has emerged. This new cybersecurity adversary is known with the name of "Advanced Persistent Threat" (APT) and is referred to different organizations that in the last years have been "in the center of the eye" due to multiple dangerous and effective attacks targeting financial and politic, news headlines, embassies, critical infrastructures, TV programs, etc. In order to early identify APT related malware, a semi-automatic approach for malware samples analysis is needed. In our previous work we introduced a "malware triage" step for a semi-automatic malware analysis architecture. This step has the duty to analyze as fast as possible new incoming samples and to immediately dispatch the ones that deserve a deeper analysis, among all the malware delivered per day in the cyber-space, the ones that really worth to be further examined by analysts. Our paper focuses on malware developed by APTs, and we build our knowledge base, used in the triage, on known APTs obtained from publicly available reports. In order to have the triage as fast as possible, we only rely on static malware features, that can be extracted with negligible delay, and use machine learning techniques for the identification. In this work we move from multiclass classification to a group of oneclass classifier, which simplify the training and allows higher modularity. The results of the proposed framework highlight high performances, reaching a precision of 100% and an accuracy over 95

    A Neural Embeddings Approach for Detecting Mobile Counterfeit Apps

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    Counterfeit apps impersonate existing popular apps in attempts to misguide users to install them for various reasons such as collecting personal information, spreading malware, or simply to increase their advertisement revenue. Many counterfeits can be identified once installed, however even a tech-savvy user may struggle to detect them before installation as app icons and descriptions can be quite similar to the original app. To this end, this paper proposes to use neural embeddings generated by state-of-the-art convolutional neural networks (CNNs) to measure the similarity between images. Our results show that for the problem of counterfeit detection a novel approach of using style embeddings given by the Gram matrix of CNN filter responses outperforms baseline methods such as content embeddings and SIFT features. We show that further performance increases can be achieved by combining style embeddings with content embeddings. We present an analysis of approximately 1.2 million apps from Google Play Store and identify a set of potential counterfeits for top-1,000 apps. Under a conservative assumption, we were able to find 139 apps that contain malware in a set of 6,880 apps that showed high visual similarity to one of the top-1,000 apps in Google Play Store

    We Can Track You If You Take the Metro: Tracking Metro Riders Using Accelerometers on Smartphones

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    Motion sensors (e.g., accelerometers) on smartphones have been demonstrated to be a powerful side channel for attackers to spy on users' inputs on touchscreen. In this paper, we reveal another motion accelerometer-based attack which is particularly serious: when a person takes the metro, a malicious application on her smartphone can easily use accelerator readings to trace her. We first propose a basic attack that can automatically extract metro-related data from a large amount of mixed accelerator readings, and then use an ensemble interval classier built from supervised learning to infer the riding intervals of the user. While this attack is very effective, the supervised learning part requires the attacker to collect labeled training data for each station interval, which is a significant amount of effort. To improve the efficiency of our attack, we further propose a semi-supervised learning approach, which only requires the attacker to collect labeled data for a very small number of station intervals with obvious characteristics. We conduct real experiments on a metro line in a major city. The results show that the inferring accuracy could reach 89\% and 92\% if the user takes the metro for 4 and 6 stations, respectively

    Adversarial Feature Selection against Evasion Attacks

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    Pattern recognition and machine learning techniques have been increasingly adopted in adversarial settings such as spam, intrusion and malware detection, although their security against well-crafted attacks that aim to evade detection by manipulating data at test time has not yet been thoroughly assessed. While previous work has been mainly focused on devising adversary-aware classification algorithms to counter evasion attempts, only few authors have considered the impact of using reduced feature sets on classifier security against the same attacks. An interesting, preliminary result is that classifier security to evasion may be even worsened by the application of feature selection. In this paper, we provide a more detailed investigation of this aspect, shedding some light on the security properties of feature selection against evasion attacks. Inspired by previous work on adversary-aware classifiers, we propose a novel adversary-aware feature selection model that can improve classifier security against evasion attacks, by incorporating specific assumptions on the adversary's data manipulation strategy. We focus on an efficient, wrapper-based implementation of our approach, and experimentally validate its soundness on different application examples, including spam and malware detection

    eXpose: A Character-Level Convolutional Neural Network with Embeddings For Detecting Malicious URLs, File Paths and Registry Keys

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    For years security machine learning research has promised to obviate the need for signature based detection by automatically learning to detect indicators of attack. Unfortunately, this vision hasn't come to fruition: in fact, developing and maintaining today's security machine learning systems can require engineering resources that are comparable to that of signature-based detection systems, due in part to the need to develop and continuously tune the "features" these machine learning systems look at as attacks evolve. Deep learning, a subfield of machine learning, promises to change this by operating on raw input signals and automating the process of feature design and extraction. In this paper we propose the eXpose neural network, which uses a deep learning approach we have developed to take generic, raw short character strings as input (a common case for security inputs, which include artifacts like potentially malicious URLs, file paths, named pipes, named mutexes, and registry keys), and learns to simultaneously extract features and classify using character-level embeddings and convolutional neural network. In addition to completely automating the feature design and extraction process, eXpose outperforms manual feature extraction based baselines on all of the intrusion detection problems we tested it on, yielding a 5%-10% detection rate gain at 0.1% false positive rate compared to these baselines
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