34 research outputs found

    Aerospace Medicine and Biology. A continuing bibliography with indexes

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    This bibliography lists 244 reports, articles, and other documents introduced into the NASA scientific and technical information system in February 1981. Aerospace medicine and aerobiology topics are included. Listings for physiological factors, astronaut performance, control theory, artificial intelligence, and cybernetics are included

    Sleep homeostasis in the European jackdaw (<i>Coloeus monedula</i>):Sleep deprivation increases NREM sleep time and EEG power while reducing hemispheric asymmetry

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    Introduction: Sleep is a wide-spread phenomenon that is thought to occur in all animals. Yet, the function of it remains an enigma. Conducting sleep experiments in different species may shed light on the evolution and functions of sleep. Therefore, we studied sleep architecture and sleep homeostatic responses to sleep deprivation in the European jackdaw (Coloeus monedula).Methods: A total of nine young adult birds were implanted with epidural electrodes and equipped with miniature data loggers for recording movement activity (accelerometery) and electroencephalogram (EEG). Individually-housed jackdaws were recorded under controlled conditions with a 12:12-h light-dark cycle.Results: During baseline, the birds spent on average 48.5% of the time asleep (39.8% non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep and 8.7% rapid eye movement (REM) sleep). Most of the sleep occurred during the dark phase (dark phase: 75.3% NREM sleep and 17.2% REM sleep; light phase 4.3% NREM sleep and 0.1% REM sleep). After sleep deprivation of 4 and 8ā€‰h starting at lights off, the birds showed a dose-dependent increase in NREM sleep time. Also, NREM sleep EEG power in the 1.5ā€“3ā€‰Hz frequency range, which is considered to be a marker of sleep homeostasis in mammals, was significantly increased for 1-2ā€‰h after both 4SD and 8SD. While there was little true unihemispheric sleep in the Jackdaws, there was a certain degree of hemispheric asymmetry in NREM sleep EEG power during baseline, which reduced after sleep deprivation in a dose-dependent manner.Conclusion: In conclusion, jackdaws display homeostatic regulation of NREM sleep and sleep pressure promotes coherence in EEG power

    Engineering data compendium. Human perception and performance, volume 3

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    The concept underlying the Engineering Data Compendium was the product of a research and development program (Integrated Perceptual Information for Designers project) aimed at facilitating the application of basic research findings in human performance to the design of military crew systems. The principal objective was to develop a workable strategy for: (1) identifying and distilling information of potential value to system design from existing research literature, and (2) presenting this technical information in a way that would aid its accessibility, interpretability, and applicability by system designers. The present four volumes of the Engineering Data Compendium represent the first implementation of this strategy. This is Volume 3, containing sections on Human Language Processing, Operator Motion Control, Effects of Environmental Stressors, Display Interfaces, and Control Interfaces (Real/Virtual)

    Aerospace Medicine and Biology: A continuing bibliography with indexes, supplement 267, January 1985

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    This publication is a cumulative index to the abstracts contained in the Supplements 255 through 266 of Aerospace Medicine and Biology: A Continuing Bibliography. It includes seven indexes--subject, personal author, corporate source, foreign technology, contract number, report number, and accession number

    Driver fatigue and performance decrements over time-on-task: Effects and mitigation

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    Road crashes are a leading cause of death by injury globally (WHO, 2018), with fatigue estimated to contribute to 17% of fatal crashes (Tefft, 2012; TfNSW, 2017). A century of research has advanced our knowledge regarding the causes and effects of fatigue, but much remains unknown. In particular, while there is evidence that both heightened sleep-need and characteristics of the driving task can give rise to fatigue, the relative and combined effects of these factors are not sufficiently understood. Also, while several potential task-based fatigue interventions have been suggested, the effectiveness of these potential interventions is not well established. The present research is comprised of three empirical, driving simulator-based studies that aim to enhance our current understanding of the causes and possible mitigators of driver fatigue. The first study aimed to determine the contributions of time-on-task and sleep restriction, individually and combined, on the development of driver fatigue and performance impairment, and to investigate the potentially protective effects of a simple task modification. Sixty participants drove a simulated, monotonous route for 2 hours, under conditions of either prior sleep restriction or no sleep restriction, and with either normal speed limit signs or signs that required calculation of a mathematical problem, which has previously been shown to protect performance (Dunn & Williamson, 2012). Results clearly demonstrate that both sleep restriction and time-on-task contribute independently to driver fatigue, but there was some indication that sleep-restricted drivers could initially protect their performance, perhaps through the exertion of greater effort. The speed sign manipulation failed to show any protective effects. The second study was designed to further examine the effect of task-factors on driver state and performance over time-on-task. Exposure to a secondary cognitive task has been found to improve driving performance during the period of exposure, but the effects of this intervention over the duration of a drive has received limited attention. This study specifically investigated whether repeated exposures to a secondary task can overcome the degradation of performance and subjective state that occurs over time-on-task, whether any such benefits are dependent on the cognitive workload imposed by the task, and whether these beneficial effects might be attributable to increased effort. This study (N = 17, fully within participants design) employed a secondary cognitive task commonly found to elicit temporally limited beneficial effects in driving performance (n-back task), presenting it three times during an otherwise monotonous 90-minute simulated drive. Each participant performed three drives, one in each of three conditions, with order of condition counterbalanced between participants. The three conditions involved either three periods of 2-back (higher cognitive workload), three periods of 0-back (lower cognitive workload), or no n-back task (control). Results demonstrated that the 2-back condition marginally improved driving performance during exposure but neither condition reduced the degradation of performance or subjective state over time-on-task. The third study built upon study two by exploring whether increasing the frequency of secondary-task exposures would result in reduced performance decrements over time and also by comparing the effect of secondary-task exposure to the effect of taking breaks from driving, which is currently the typical advice provided to drivers to counteract fatigue and performance decrements. This study involved ninety-two participants driving a simulated, monotonous route for 90 minutes in one of six conditions: Driving only (control); infrequent 2-back exposure (three exposures, as per study 2); frequent 2-back exposure (five exposures); continuous 2-back exposure throughout the drive; infrequent breaks (three breaks); or frequent breaks (five breaks). Results indicate that infrequent exposure to a secondary task sustained driving performance over 90-minutes of time-on-task, which is inconsistent with the findings of study 2. Contrary to expectations, frequent secondary-task exposure was less beneficial than infrequent exposure, providing no benefit over the control condition. Continuous secondary-task exposure was detrimental to performance over time-on-task. The provision of breaks from driving also sustained driving performance over time-on-task, with more frequent breaks providing marginally greater benefit than less frequent breaks. Providing participants with breaks from driving was also beneficial for subjective states, measured as sleepiness, fatigue and effort. Results also confirmed that performance improvements in the secondary-task conditions were not solely a result of increased effort. These studies demonstrate that continuous time-on-task driving in highway-like conditions has a robust fatiguing effect. This effect is independent of, but exacerbated by, receiving insufficient sleep, highlighting the importance of taking continuous operating time into consideration, even in the context of seemingly simple tasks and when drivers are well-slept. Additionally, these studies demonstrate that repeated exposure to a secondary task might be an effective intervention for sustaining performance during monotonous drives of at least 90-minutes duration, but the nature and frequency of such interventions appear to be a key factor in their effectiveness. Results also suggest that performance might be best sustained by taking very frequent breaks, and although this might be impractical in the context of driving, this finding might be applied to a broad range of tasks that require sustained attention, including operations in security and quality control

    Human Resource Management in Emergency Situations

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    The dissertation examines the issues related to the human resource management in emergency situations and introduces the measures helping to solve these issues. The prime aim is to analyse complexly a human resource management, built environment resilience management life cycle and its stages for the purpose of creating an effective Human Resource Management in Emergency Situations Model and Intelligent System. This would help in accelerating resilience in every stage, managing personal stress and reducing disaster-related losses. The dissertation consists of an Introduction, three Chapters, the Conclusions, References, List of Authorā€™s Publications and nine Appendices. The introduction discusses the research problem and the research relevance, outlines the research object, states the research aim and objectives, overviews the research methodology and the original contribution of the research, presents the practical value of the research results, and lists the defended propositions. The introduction concludes with an overview of the authorā€™s publications and conference presentations on the topic of this dissertation. Chapter 1 introduces best practice in the field of disaster and resilience management in the built environment. It also analyses disaster and resilience management life cycle ant its stages, reviews different intelligent decision support systems, and investigates researches on application of physiological parameters and their dependence on stress. The chapter ends with conclusions and the explicit objectives of the dissertation. Chapter 2 of the dissertation introduces the conceptual model of human resource management in emergency situations. To implement multiple criteria analysis of the research object the methods of multiple criteria analysis and mahematics are proposed. They should be integrated with intelligent technologies. In Chapter 3 the model developed by the author and the methods of multiple criteria analysis are adopted by developing the Intelligent Decision Support System for a Human Resource Management in Emergency Situations consisting of four subsystems: Physiological Advisory Subsystem to Analyse a Userā€™s Post-Disaster Stress Management; Text Analytics Subsystem; Recommender Thermometer for Measuring the Preparedness for Resilience and Subsystem of Integrated Virtual and Intelligent Technologies. The main statements of the thesis were published in eleven scientific articles: two in journals listed in the Thomson Reuters ISI Web of Science, one in a peer-reviewed scientific journal, four in peer-reviewed conference proceedings referenced in the Thomson Reuters ISI database, and three in peer-reviewed conference proceedings in Lithuania. Five presentations were given on the topic of the dissertation at conferences in Lithuania and other countries

    Nursing outcome standards for polytrauma patients with traumatic brain injuries in the Mafikeng district

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    Thesis (MCUR)--University of stellenbosch, 2001.ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In trauma the priority is given to identifying the life-threatening injuries and immediately implementing treatment (Demetriades, 1993:3). Severe trauma resuscitation and assessment often have to be carried out simultaneously to detect and treat conditions that are rapidly fatal if not attended to immediately and according to priority. Urgent priorities in trauma management include maintaining a clear and patent airway to facilitate respiration and cervical spine protection by avoiding rough manipulation of the head and neck by supporting the neck with a neck immobiliser. Any external bleeding has to be controlled by applying direct pressure to the wound. Cardiovascular problems, for example shock or myocardial infarction, respiratory problems and hypoxia which are detrimental, particularly in the case of head injury, should be excluded. A detailed head-to-toe examination which includes the head, neck, chest, abdomen, back, musculo-skeletal system, rectum and vagina has to be performed. For the head-injured patient, correct any condition, which may complicate the existing head injury, for example hypoxia, shock, pneumothorax and fractures of long bones or pelvis. Implement the A (airway), B (breathing), C (circulation), D (disability, neurological and drugs) and E (environment) for structured management of the patient. Muller's, (1996) two-phase model was utilised to formulate and validate nursing outcome standards. In phase one literature was explored to develop provisional standards on polytrauma patients with traumatic brain injuries. In phase two the provisional standards were validated by experts (doctors and nurses) in critical care, trauma and emergency nursing including nurses and a doctor working in the casualty department of a provincial hospital in Mafikeng. Final standards were formulated and adapted accordingly. Standards for the management of a polytrauma patient with traumatic brain injuries included: A safe environment for patients, nurses and doctors Primary survey in casualty department which includes the maintenance of airway, breathing, circulation, disability/ neurological, drugs and exposure The secondary survey that includes the head to toe examination, definitive orthopaedic care and stabilisation before transfer to the intensive care unit A standard on all relevant equipment which might be needed in case the patient goes into cardiac arrest on the way to the intensive care unit, was also formulated. The standard on documentation included the primary and secondary survey in the casualty department, transport to the intensive care unit, activities and the condition of the patient. The final standards dealt with the accurate handing over of the patient to the intensive care personnel. The following recommendations were made: ā€¢ Implement the outcome standard by means of a quality improvement programme through a top-down approach. ā€¢ Provide training: Nurses and doctors have an obligation to render quality care, therefore they have the right to be trained in emergency procedures. ā€¢ All registered nurses working in the casualty or emergency departmentsshould be trained in at least Basic Life Support (CPR), Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS), Advanced Paediatric Life Support (APLS) and Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS) while waiting to be sent for the trauma-nursing course. ā€¢ Improve infection control measures in the casualty department ā€¢ Emergency drugs must always be available. ā€¢ Improve the on-call system. ā€¢ Formulate a policy on sharing of the equipment by both casualty and ICU staff. ā€¢ Motivate for the necessary equipment. Implement procedures for debriefing of staff, the evaluation of actions during resuscitation and implement measures for psychological support of the family. ā€¢ For further research, implement and test a training programme whereby nurses can formulate their own standards. ā€¢ Evaluate whether the standards have improved the quality of trauma care, and develop standards for leu nursing of the brain injured patient and the rehabilitation of polytrauma patients with traumatic brain injuries The uniqueness of the study lies in the fact that no formal outcomes standard for trauma patients with traumatic brain injuries have been developed in any of the North West Provincial hospitals.AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die identifisering van lewensbedreigende beserings en die onmiddellike implementering van behandeling, is in trauma 'n eerste prioriteit (Demetriades, 1993: 3). Resussitasie en die beraming van erge traumagevalle noodsaak in baie gevalle, gelyktydige hantering. Sou hierdie hantering nie gelyktydig en onmiddellik volgens prioriteit plaasvind nie, kan dit noodlottige gevolge inhou. Belangrike prioriteite in traumabehandeling sluit in, die instandhouding van 'n patente lugweg om asemhaling te onderhou asook die beskerming van die servikale rugmurgkolom, deur die ruwe manipulasie van die kop en nek te vermy deur die implementering van 'n nekimmobiliseerder. Kardiovaskulere probleme, byvoorbeeld skok of miokardiale infarksie, asook respiratoriese probleme wat lewensbedreigend vir die pasient met 'n hoofbeseering is, moet uitgesluit word. 'n Gedetailleerde van kop-tot-tone ondersoek, wat die kop, nek, borskas, abdomen, rug, muskulo-sketale stelsel, rektum en vagina insluit, moet uitgevoer word. In die pasient met hoofbeserings moet enige toestand byvoorbeeld frakture van die langbene of die pelvis, skok of 'n pneumothorax, eers behandel word. Implementeer die A (Iugweg - "airway"), B (asemhaling - "breathing"), C (sirkulasie -"circulation"), D (gestremdheid - "disability", neurologies- "neurological" en drogerye-"drugs") en E (omgewing - "environment") vir die gestruktureerde behandeling van die pasient. Die twee fase model van Muller (1996) is gebruik vir die formulering en validering van die verpleeguitkomsstandaarde. In fase een is die literatuur verken om die voorlopige standaarde vir polytrauma pasiente met traumatiese breinbeserings te ontwikkel. In fase twee is die voorlopige standaarde gevalideer deur kundiges (dokters en verpleegkundiges) in kritieke sorg, trauma en noodverpleging. Die verpleegkundiges en dokter wat werksaam is in die ongevalle-eenheid van 'n plaaslike provinsiale hospitaal in Mafikeng is ook ingesluit. Finale standaarde is geformuleer en dienooreenkomstig aanvaar. Die standaarde vir die politrauma pasient met traumatiese breinbeserings, sluit in: 'n Veilige omgewing vir pasiente, verpleegkundiges en dokters. Die prirnere beraming in ongevalle ten opsigte van instandhouding van die lugweg, asemhaling, sirkulasie, gestremdheid, drogerye en blootstelling. Die sekondere beraming: wat behels die kop-tot-tone ondersoek. Definitiewe ortopediese behandeling en stabilisering voor oorplasing na die intensiewe-sorg-eenheid. 'n Standaard met betrekking tot die nodige toerusting wat benodig mag word tydens 'n hart stilstand, oppad na die intensiewe-sorg-eenheid, is ook geformuleer. Die standaard ten opsigte van dokumentasie sluit die primere, en sekondere beraming, vervoer na die intensiewe-sorg-eenheid, aktiwiteite en toestand van die pasient, in. Die finale standaarde is gebaseer op die oorhandiging van die pasient aan die intensiewe-sorg-personeel. Die volgende aanbevelings word gemaak: ā€¢ Implementeer die uitkomsstandaarde deur middel van 'n gehalteverbeteringsprogram deur gebruik te maak van 'n "top-down" benadering -, ā€¢ Voorsien opleiding: Verpleegkundiges en dokters het 'n verpligting om gehaltesorg te lewer, hulle het dus 'n reg om onderrig te ontvang in noodprosedures, en verder het die pasient die req op gehalter noodbehandeling. ā€¢ Aile geregistreerde verpleegkundiges wat in die ongevalle en die noodafdeling werk, behoort opgelei word in ten minste basiese lewensondersteuning (CPR), Gevorderde Trauma Lewens Ondersteuning (ACLS), Gevorderde Pediatriese lewensondersteuning (APLS) en Gevorderde Trauma lewensondersteuning (ATLS), terwyl gewag word om die trauma verpleegkundigekursus te deurloop. ā€¢ Verbeter mteksiebeheermaatreels in ongevalle. ā€¢ Noodmedikasie moet ten aile tye beskikbaar wees. ā€¢ Verbeter die op-roepstelsel ("on cali"). ā€¢ Formuleer 'n beleid oor die gesamentlike gebruik van toerusting deur beide ongevalle- en intensiewe-sorg-eenheid-personeel. ā€¢ Motiveer vir die nodige toerusting. ā€¢ Implementeer prosedures om personeel to te laat vir ontlonting (debriefing), die evaluering van aksies tydens die resusitasie prosedure en implementeer metodes vir die sielkundige ondersteuning van die familie. ā€¢ Ten opsigte van verdere narvorsing behoort 'n opleidingsprogram qeunplernenteer en getoets te word met betrekking tot verpleegkundiges wat hulle eie standaarde will formuleer. ā€¢ Evalueer of die standaarde die gehalte van traumasorg verbeter het en ontwikkel standaarde vir intensierwe-sorg-verpleging van die breinbeseerde pasient asook die rehabilitasie van politrauma pasiente met traumatise breinbeesering. Die unieke bydra van die studie word gevind in die feit dat daar nog geen gerformaliseerde uitkomstandaarde vir traumapasiente met breinbeseerings in enige van die Noord Wes Provinsie se hospitale ontwikkel is nie

    Nursing outcome standards for polytrauma patients with traumatic brain injuries in the Mafikeng district

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    Thesis (MCUR)--University of stellenbosch, 2001.ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In trauma the priority is given to identifying the life-threatening injuries and immediately implementing treatment (Demetriades, 1993:3). Severe trauma resuscitation and assessment often have to be carried out simultaneously to detect and treat conditions that are rapidly fatal if not attended to immediately and according to priority. Urgent priorities in trauma management include maintaining a clear and patent airway to facilitate respiration and cervical spine protection by avoiding rough manipulation of the head and neck by supporting the neck with a neck immobiliser. Any external bleeding has to be controlled by applying direct pressure to the wound. Cardiovascular problems, for example shock or myocardial infarction, respiratory problems and hypoxia which are detrimental, particularly in the case of head injury, should be excluded. A detailed head-to-toe examination which includes the head, neck, chest, abdomen, back, musculo-skeletal system, rectum and vagina has to be performed. For the head-injured patient, correct any condition, which may complicate the existing head injury, for example hypoxia, shock, pneumothorax and fractures of long bones or pelvis. Implement the A (airway), B (breathing), C (circulation), D (disability, neurological and drugs) and E (environment) for structured management of the patient. Muller's, (1996) two-phase model was utilised to formulate and validate nursing outcome standards. In phase one literature was explored to develop provisional standards on polytrauma patients with traumatic brain injuries. In phase two the provisional standards were validated by experts (doctors and nurses) in critical care, trauma and emergency nursing including nurses and a doctor working in the casualty department of a provincial hospital in Mafikeng. Final standards were formulated and adapted accordingly. Standards for the management of a polytrauma patient with traumatic brain injuries included: A safe environment for patients, nurses and doctors Primary survey in casualty department which includes the maintenance of airway, breathing, circulation, disability/ neurological, drugs and exposure The secondary survey that includes the head to toe examination, definitive orthopaedic care and stabilisation before transfer to the intensive care unit A standard on all relevant equipment which might be needed in case the patient goes into cardiac arrest on the way to the intensive care unit, was also formulated. The standard on documentation included the primary and secondary survey in the casualty department, transport to the intensive care unit, activities and the condition of the patient. The final standards dealt with the accurate handing over of the patient to the intensive care personnel. The following recommendations were made: ā€¢ Implement the outcome standard by means of a quality improvement programme through a top-down approach. ā€¢ Provide training: Nurses and doctors have an obligation to render quality care, therefore they have the right to be trained in emergency procedures. ā€¢ All registered nurses working in the casualty or emergency departmentsshould be trained in at least Basic Life Support (CPR), Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS), Advanced Paediatric Life Support (APLS) and Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS) while waiting to be sent for the trauma-nursing course. ā€¢ Improve infection control measures in the casualty department ā€¢ Emergency drugs must always be available. ā€¢ Improve the on-call system. ā€¢ Formulate a policy on sharing of the equipment by both casualty and ICU staff. ā€¢ Motivate for the necessary equipment. Implement procedures for debriefing of staff, the evaluation of actions during resuscitation and implement measures for psychological support of the family. ā€¢ For further research, implement and test a training programme whereby nurses can formulate their own standards. ā€¢ Evaluate whether the standards have improved the quality of trauma care, and develop standards for leu nursing of the brain injured patient and the rehabilitation of polytrauma patients with traumatic brain injuries The uniqueness of the study lies in the fact that no formal outcomes standard for trauma patients with traumatic brain injuries have been developed in any of the North West Provincial hospitals.AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die identifisering van lewensbedreigende beserings en die onmiddellike implementering van behandeling, is in trauma 'n eerste prioriteit (Demetriades, 1993: 3). Resussitasie en die beraming van erge traumagevalle noodsaak in baie gevalle, gelyktydige hantering. Sou hierdie hantering nie gelyktydig en onmiddellik volgens prioriteit plaasvind nie, kan dit noodlottige gevolge inhou. Belangrike prioriteite in traumabehandeling sluit in, die instandhouding van 'n patente lugweg om asemhaling te onderhou asook die beskerming van die servikale rugmurgkolom, deur die ruwe manipulasie van die kop en nek te vermy deur die implementering van 'n nekimmobiliseerder. Kardiovaskulere probleme, byvoorbeeld skok of miokardiale infarksie, asook respiratoriese probleme wat lewensbedreigend vir die pasient met 'n hoofbeseering is, moet uitgesluit word. 'n Gedetailleerde van kop-tot-tone ondersoek, wat die kop, nek, borskas, abdomen, rug, muskulo-sketale stelsel, rektum en vagina insluit, moet uitgevoer word. In die pasient met hoofbeserings moet enige toestand byvoorbeeld frakture van die langbene of die pelvis, skok of 'n pneumothorax, eers behandel word. Implementeer die A (Iugweg - "airway"), B (asemhaling - "breathing"), C (sirkulasie -"circulation"), D (gestremdheid - "disability", neurologies- "neurological" en drogerye-"drugs") en E (omgewing - "environment") vir die gestruktureerde behandeling van die pasient. Die twee fase model van Muller (1996) is gebruik vir die formulering en validering van die verpleeguitkomsstandaarde. In fase een is die literatuur verken om die voorlopige standaarde vir polytrauma pasiente met traumatiese breinbeserings te ontwikkel. In fase twee is die voorlopige standaarde gevalideer deur kundiges (dokters en verpleegkundiges) in kritieke sorg, trauma en noodverpleging. Die verpleegkundiges en dokter wat werksaam is in die ongevalle-eenheid van 'n plaaslike provinsiale hospitaal in Mafikeng is ook ingesluit. Finale standaarde is geformuleer en dienooreenkomstig aanvaar. Die standaarde vir die politrauma pasient met traumatiese breinbeserings, sluit in: 'n Veilige omgewing vir pasiente, verpleegkundiges en dokters. Die prirnere beraming in ongevalle ten opsigte van instandhouding van die lugweg, asemhaling, sirkulasie, gestremdheid, drogerye en blootstelling. Die sekondere beraming: wat behels die kop-tot-tone ondersoek. Definitiewe ortopediese behandeling en stabilisering voor oorplasing na die intensiewe-sorg-eenheid. 'n Standaard met betrekking tot die nodige toerusting wat benodig mag word tydens 'n hart stilstand, oppad na die intensiewe-sorg-eenheid, is ook geformuleer. Die standaard ten opsigte van dokumentasie sluit die primere, en sekondere beraming, vervoer na die intensiewe-sorg-eenheid, aktiwiteite en toestand van die pasient, in. Die finale standaarde is gebaseer op die oorhandiging van die pasient aan die intensiewe-sorg-personeel. Die volgende aanbevelings word gemaak: ā€¢ Implementeer die uitkomsstandaarde deur middel van 'n gehalteverbeteringsprogram deur gebruik te maak van 'n "top-down" benadering -, ā€¢ Voorsien opleiding: Verpleegkundiges en dokters het 'n verpligting om gehaltesorg te lewer, hulle het dus 'n reg om onderrig te ontvang in noodprosedures, en verder het die pasient die req op gehalter noodbehandeling. ā€¢ Aile geregistreerde verpleegkundiges wat in die ongevalle en die noodafdeling werk, behoort opgelei word in ten minste basiese lewensondersteuning (CPR), Gevorderde Trauma Lewens Ondersteuning (ACLS), Gevorderde Pediatriese lewensondersteuning (APLS) en Gevorderde Trauma lewensondersteuning (ATLS), terwyl gewag word om die trauma verpleegkundigekursus te deurloop. ā€¢ Verbeter mteksiebeheermaatreels in ongevalle. ā€¢ Noodmedikasie moet ten aile tye beskikbaar wees. ā€¢ Verbeter die op-roepstelsel ("on cali"). ā€¢ Formuleer 'n beleid oor die gesamentlike gebruik van toerusting deur beide ongevalle- en intensiewe-sorg-eenheid-personeel. ā€¢ Motiveer vir die nodige toerusting. ā€¢ Implementeer prosedures om personeel to te laat vir ontlonting (debriefing), die evaluering van aksies tydens die resusitasie prosedure en implementeer metodes vir die sielkundige ondersteuning van die familie. ā€¢ Ten opsigte van verdere narvorsing behoort 'n opleidingsprogram qeunplernenteer en getoets te word met betrekking tot verpleegkundiges wat hulle eie standaarde will formuleer. ā€¢ Evalueer of die standaarde die gehalte van traumasorg verbeter het en ontwikkel standaarde vir intensierwe-sorg-verpleging van die breinbeseerde pasient asook die rehabilitasie van politrauma pasiente met traumatise breinbeesering. Die unieke bydra van die studie word gevind in die feit dat daar nog geen gerformaliseerde uitkomstandaarde vir traumapasiente met breinbeseerings in enige van die Noord Wes Provinsie se hospitale ontwikkel is nie

    Aerospace medicine and biology, an annotated bibliography. volume xi- 1962-1963 literature

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    Aerospace medicine and biology - annotated bibliography for 1962 and 196