1,364 research outputs found

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationData-driven analytics has been successfully utilized in many experience-oriented areas, such as education, business, and medicine. With the profusion of traffic-related data from Internet of Things and development of data mining techniques, data-driven analytics is becoming increasingly popular in the transportation industry. The objective of this research is to explore the application of data-driven analytics in transportation research to improve the traffic management and operations. Three problems in the respective areas of transportation planning, traffic operation, and maintenance management have been addressed in this research, including exploring the impact of dynamic ridesharing system in a multimodal network, quantifying non-recurrent congestion impact on freeway corridors, and developing infrastructure sampling method for efficient maintenance activities. First, the impact of dynamic ridesharing in a multimodal network is studied with agent-based modeling. The competing mechanism between dynamic ridesharing system and public transit is analyzed. The model simulates the interaction between travelers and the environment and emulates travelers' decision making process with the presence of competing modes. The model is applicable to networks with varying demographics. Second, a systematic approach is proposed to quantify Incident-Induced Delay on freeway corridors. There are two particular highlights in the study of non-recurrent congestion quantification: secondary incident identification and K-Nearest Neighbor pattern matching. The proposed methodology is easily transferable to any traffic operation system that has access to sensor data at a corridor level. Lastly, a high-dimensional clustering-based stratified sampling method is developed for infrastructure sampling. The stratification process consists of two components: current condition estimation and high-dimensional cluster analysis. High-dimensional cluster analysis employs Locality-Sensitive Hashing algorithm and spectral sampling. The proposed method is a potentially useful tool for agencies to effectively conduct infrastructure inspection and can be easily adopted for choosing samples containing multiple features. These three examples showcase the application of data-driven analytics in transportation research, which can potentially transform the traffic management mindset into a model of data-driven, sensing, and smart urban systems. The analytic

    Adopting and incorporating crowdsourced traffic data in advanced transportation management systems

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    The widespread availability of internet and mobile devices has made crowdsourced reports a considerable source of information in many domains. Traffic managers, among others, have started using crowdsourced traffic incident reports (CSTIRs) to complement their existing sources of traffic monitoring. One of the prominent providers of CSTIRs is Waze. In this dissertation, first a quantitative analysis was conducted to evaluate Waze data in comparison to the existing sources of Iowa Department of Transportation. The potential added coverage that Waze can provide was also estimated. Redundant CSTIRs of the same incident were found to be one of the main challenges of Waze and CSTIRs in general. To leverage the value of the redundant reports and address this challenge, a state-of-the-art cluster analysis was implemented to reduce the redundancies, while providing further information about the incident. The clustered CSTIRs indicate the area impacted by an incident and provide a basis for estimating the reliability of the cluster. Furthermore, the challenges with clustering CSTIRs were described and recommendations were made for parameter tuning and cluster validation. Finally, an open-source software package was offered to implement the clustering method in near real-time. This software downloads and parses the raw data, implements clustering, tracks clusters, assigns a reliability score to clusters, and provides a RESTful API for information dissemination portals and web pages to use the data for multiple applications within the DOT and for the general public. With emerging technologies such as connected vehicles and vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) communication, CSTIRs and similar type of data are expected to grow. The findings and recommendations in this work, although implemented on Waze data, will be beneficial to the analysis of these emerging sources of data

    A data driven method for congestion mining using big data analytic

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    Congestion detection is one of the key steps to reduce delays and associated costs in traļ¬ƒc management. With the increasing usage of GPS base navigation, promising speed data is now available. This study utilizes such extensive historical probe data to detect spatiotemporal congestion by mining historical speed data. The detected congestion were further classiļ¬ed as Recurrent and Non Recurrent Congestion (RC, NRC). This paper presents a big data driven expert system for identifying both recurrent and non-recurrent congestion and analyzing the delay and cost associated with them. For this purpose, ļ¬rst normal and anomalous days were classiļ¬ed based on travel rate distribution. Later, we utilized Bayesian change point detection to segment speed signal and detect temporal congestion. Finally according to the type of congestion summary statistics and performance measures including (delays, delay cost, and congestion hours) were analyzed. In this study, a statistical big data mining methodology is developed and the robustness of the proposed methodology is tested on probe data for 2016 calendar year, in Des Moines region, Iowa, US. The proposed framework is self adaptive because it does not rely on additional information for detecting spatio-temporal congestion. Therefore, it addresses the limits of prior work in NRC detection. The optimum value for congestion percentage threshold is identiļ¬ed by Elbow cut oļ¬€ method and speed values were temporally denoise

    Mining and correlating traffic events from human sensor observations with official transport data using self-organizing-maps

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    Cities are complex systems, where related Human activities are increasingly difficult to explore within. In order to understand urban processes and to gain deeper knowledge about cities, the potential of location-based social networks like Twitter could be used a promising example to explore latent relationships of underlying mobility patterns. In this paper, we therefore present an approach using a geographic self-organizing map (Geo-SOM) to uncover and compare previously unseen patterns from social media and authoritative data. The results, which we validated with Live Traffic Disruption (TIMS) feeds from Transport for London, show that the observed geospatial and temporal patterns between special events (r = 0.73), traffic incidents (r = 0.59) and hazard disruptions (r = 0.41) from TIMS, are strongly correlated with traffic-related, georeferenced tweets. Hence, we conclude that tweets can be used as a proxy indicator to detect collective mobility events and may help to provide stakeholders and decision makers with complementary information on complex mobility processes


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    Traffic data obtained through crowdsourcing are becoming more accessible to traffic agencies due to advancements in smartphone technology. Traffic managers aim to use this data to complement their conventional sources of data and provide additional context in their analysis. In this study, Waze incident alerts are integrated with GPS-Probe speed data and Kentucky State Police (KSP) crashes to assess their impact on traffic flow and safety on freeways in Kentucky. The analysis showed that the presence of a vehicle on the shoulder is associated with about 36.7% of freeway crashes in Kentucky. The presence of a vehicle on the shoulder coupled with congestion were 11.7% of the crashes. As such, the correlation between vehicle on shoulder, congestion and crashes was significant. Albeit present within the vicinity of 7.4% of crashes, the presence of a vehicle in the travel lane did not show as having a significant correlation with crashes. Linking Waze crash alerts with crashes and assessing their spatiotemporal patterns, it is found that Waze crashes are spatially accurate and hence could be used as an alternate source for identifying crashes, sometimes earlier, in Kentucky and hence cutting down incident response and clearance times. The data used in this study and the analytical methods employed offer much needed insight into the potential of crowdsourced traffic incident data for traffic monitoring to ensure safety

    An Online Decision-Theoretic Pipeline for Responder Dispatch

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    The problem of dispatching emergency responders to service traffic accidents, fire, distress calls and crimes plagues urban areas across the globe. While such problems have been extensively looked at, most approaches are offline. Such methodologies fail to capture the dynamically changing environments under which critical emergency response occurs, and therefore, fail to be implemented in practice. Any holistic approach towards creating a pipeline for effective emergency response must also look at other challenges that it subsumes - predicting when and where incidents happen and understanding the changing environmental dynamics. We describe a system that collectively deals with all these problems in an online manner, meaning that the models get updated with streaming data sources. We highlight why such an approach is crucial to the effectiveness of emergency response, and present an algorithmic framework that can compute promising actions for a given decision-theoretic model for responder dispatch. We argue that carefully crafted heuristic measures can balance the trade-off between computational time and the quality of solutions achieved and highlight why such an approach is more scalable and tractable than traditional approaches. We also present an online mechanism for incident prediction, as well as an approach based on recurrent neural networks for learning and predicting environmental features that affect responder dispatch. We compare our methodology with prior state-of-the-art and existing dispatch strategies in the field, which show that our approach results in a reduction in response time with a drastic reduction in computational time.Comment: Appeared in ICCPS 201


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    Traffic congestion is not foreign to major metropolitan areas. Congestion in large cities often is associated with dense land developments and continued economic growth. In general, congestion can be classified into two categories: recurring and nonrecurring. Recurring congestion often occurs at certain parts of highway networks, referred to as bottleneck locations. Nonrecurring congestion, on the other hand, can be caused by different reasons, including work zones, special events, accidents, inclement weather, poor signal timing, etc. The work presented here demonstrates an approach to effectively identifying spatiotemporal patterns of traffic congestion at a network level. The Metro Atlanta highway network was used as a case study. Real time traffic data was acquired from the Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT) Navigator system. For a qualitative analysis, speed data was categorized into three levels: low, median, and high. Cluster analysis was performed with respect to the categorized speed data in the spatiotemporal domain to identify where and when congestion has occurred and for how long, which indicate the severity of congestion. This qualitative analysis was performed by day of week to identify potential variation in congestion over weekdays and weekend. For a quantitative analysis, actual speed data was used to construct daily spatiotemporal maps to reveal congestion patterns at a more granular level, where congestion is represented as ā€œcloudā€ in the spatiotemporal domain. Future work will be focusing on deep learning of congestion patterns using Convolutional Long Short Term Memory (ConvLSTM) networks

    Vehicle on Shoulder and Crash ā€” Correlation or Causation?

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    This study sought to evaluate the relationships between vehicles on shoulder, congestion, and crashes. Three pertinent datasets on interstates were obtained and then integrated using a spatiotemporal approach. The analysis showed that about 36% of the crashes had vehicle on shoulder present in their vicinity, defined as 0.25 miles upstream and downstream of a crash site and 30 minutes before crash occurrence. The percentage increased considerably as spatial/temporal window expanded. In addition, congestion was found to be associated with about 25% of the crashes. The presence of both vehicle on shoulder and congestion was found for 11.7% of the crashes, signifying a high correlation between them and crashes. Based on crash narrative review, 1.8% of all crashes directly involved vehicles on shoulder and 23% of the carshes cited congestion as a contributor. However, thereā€™s little indication in the crash narratives on how vehicles on shoulder contributed to crashes, beyond their direct involvement, or how they contributed to congestion which may led to crashes. Only 6 out of the 512 crashes flagged for review through the keyword search process specified a vehicle on shoulder as a contributor to congestion and subsequent crashes. While a small fraction of crashes were attributed to vehicles on shoulder, these crashes tended to be more severe than average interstate crashes

    Spatiotemporal Convergence of Crime and Vehicle Crash Hotspots: Additional Consideration for Policing Places

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    Policing strategies that seek to simultaneously combat crime and vehicle crashes operate under the assumption that these two problems have a corollary relationshipā€”an assumption that has received scant empirical attention and is the focus of the present study. Geocoded vehicle crash, violent crime, and property crime totals across were aggregated to Indianapolis census blocks over a 36-month period (2011-2013). Time series negative binomial regression and local indicators of spatial autocorrelation analyses were conducted. Results indicate that both violent and property crime are significantly related to vehicle crash counts, both overall and during the temporal confines of patrol tours. Relationship strength was modest. Spatiotemporal analysis of crime and crash data can identify places for police intervention and improved scholarly evaluation
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