14 research outputs found

    Towards smart assessment: A metamodel proposal

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    International audienceAssessment initiatives in organisations are focused on the evaluation of organisational aspects aiming to obtain a critic view of their status. The assessment results are used to lead improvement programs or to serve as base for comparative purposes. Assessment approaches may comprise complex tasks demanding a large amount of time and resources. Moreover, assessment results are highly dependent on the assessment input, which may have a dynamic nature due to the constant evolution of organisations. The assessment results should be adaptable to these changes without much effort whilst being able to provide efficient and reliable results. Therefore, providing smart capabilities to the assessment process or to systems in charge of performing assessments represents a step forward in the search for more efficient appraisal processes. This work proposes a metamodel defining the elements of a Smart Assessment, which is guided by elements related to the smartness concept such as knowledge, learning, reasoning and inferring capabilities. The metamodel is further specialized considering a Business Process In-teroperability Smart Assessment scenario

    Reference Model in BPMN Notation for a Production Scheduling System

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    Companies are progressively investing in practices aimed at improving the quality of management, with the main purpose of enabling them to operate competitively in the present market. For this, it is necessary to document the activities and information of the existing business processes in the organization, aiming at reducing time and cost in the elaboration of the particular model. In this context, the objective of this work is to develop a reference model of the Production Scheduling (PS) processes, an important module of production planning and control (PPC). The research methodology used in this work was divided into the following stages: study of PS and business process modeling, definition of reference model processes, choice of methodology and process modeling tool, development of reference model and prototype of the software and, finally, analysis of results. The modeling notation used was the BPMN, since it is considered a standard language in the field of process modeling. The prototype was developed through the Delphi interface in order to apply the model to support the implementation of business management programs. As results, from a formal documentation, the model proved to be a useful mechanism in the understanding of the processes raised and appropriate in the support to the implantation of production management tools

    Proposal of a Reference Model in BPMN Notation for an MRP System

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    Companies are progressively investing in practices aimed at improving the quality of management, with the main purpose of enabling them to operate competitively in the present market. For this, it is necessary to document the activities and information of the existing business processes in the organization, aiming at reducing time and cost in the elaboration of the particular model. In this context, the objective of this work is to develop a reference model of the Manufacturing Resource Planning (MRP) processes, an important module of production planning and control (PPC). The research methodology used in this work was divided into the following stages: study of MRP and business process modeling, definition of reference model processes, choice of methodology and process modeling tool, development of reference model and prototype of the software and, finally, analysis of results. The modeling notation used was the BPMN, since it is considered a standard language in the field of process modeling. The prototype was developed through the Delphi interface in order to apply the model to support the implementation of business management programs. As results, from a formal documentation, the model proved to be a useful mechanism in the understanding of the processes raised and appropriate in the support to the implantation of production management tools

    A reference model in BPMN for conceptual modelling of master planning schedule

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    Companies are progressively investing in practices aimed at improving the quality of management, with the main purpose of enabling them to operate competitively in the present market. For this, it is necessary to document the activities and information of the existing business processes in the organization, aiming at reducing time and cost in the elaboration of the particular model. In this context, the objective of this work is to develop a reference model of the Master Production Schedule (MPS) processes, an important module of production planning and control (PPC). The research methodology used in this work was divided into the following stages: study of MPS and business process modeling, definition of reference model processes, choice of methodology and process modeling tool, development of reference model and prototype of the software and, finally, analysis of results. The modeling notation used was the BPMN, since it is considered a standard language in the field of process modeling. The prototype was developed through the Delphi interface in order to apply the model to support the implementation of business management programs. As results, from a formal documentation, the model proved to be a useful mechanism in the understanding of the processes raised and appropriate in the support to the implantation of production management tools

    Types of business-to-business e-marketplaces: The role of a theory-based, domain-specific model

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    In this study, we seek to further our knowledge of e-marketplaces by exploring empirically the existence of different types of business-to-business e-marketplaces. We used the reference model for electronic markets [Schmid & Lindemann 1998] as the theoretical foundation for a domain-specific model that we used to develop a set of coherent types of e-marketplaces, based on data from 24 German e-marketplaces. Analysis using multi-dimensional scaling identified three types of e-marketplaces that differed on whether they were horizontal or vertical in nature, the services they provide, and whether they erect market barriers. Interestingly, these factors are those that managers can control most readily and that they can therefore vary to produce an e-marketplace tailored to their business. We present a theoretical analysis of our e-marketplace types based in the literature on managerial control. Our theoretical analysis, the three types of e-marketplace we determined, and the domain-specific e-marketplace model we derived to conduct our investigation, provide a foundation for creating a cumulative tradition in e-marketplace research

    Improving the quality of process reference models: A quality function deployment-based approach

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    Little academic work exists on managing reference model development and measuring reference model quality, yet there is a clear need for higher quality reference models. We address this gap by developing a quality management and measurement instrument. The foundation for the instrument is the well-known Quality Function Deployment (QFD) approach. The QFD-based approach incorporates prior research on reference model requirements and development approaches. Initial evaluation of the instrument is carried out with a case study of a logistic reference process. The case study reveals that the instrument is a valuable tool for the management and estimation of reference model quality


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    Dieser Beitrag untersucht die Anwendung von industriespezifischen Referenzmodellen im Entwurfsprozess für Serviceorientierte Architekturen (SOA). Während sowohl Methoden der Modellwiederverwendung, als auch verschiedene Qualitätsframeworks für die Bewertung von Referenzmodellen vorgeschlagen wurden, sind Untersuchungen, die einen konkreten Ansatz der Modellwiederverwendung im SOA-Entwurf vorstellen und mittels Qualitätskriterien evaluieren, nicht bekannt. Wir schlagen ein erweitertes Qualitätsmodell für die Evaluierung der Referenzmodellanwendung im SOA-Entwurf vor und wenden es auf eine existierende Methode an, deren integrativer Bestandteil die Wiederverwendung von Referenzmodellen ist. Es wurde ein Laborexperiment durchgeführt, welches qualitative und zeitliche Vorteile des Referenzmodelleinsatzes zeigt

    From Paper-Based to Mobile Checklists - A Reference Model

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    Checklists are cognitive tools that ensure quality, safety and reduce human errors when executing working routines. Besides their popularity in practice, checklists increasingly receive attention from academics, who have even called for a "science of checklists". According to prior studies, mobile checklists are more effective than their paper-based alternatives, but research in this domain is still limited. It focuses on mobile checklists' use and benefits, ra- ther than on their characteristics and design. Our study aims at developing a reference model for conceptualizing mobile checklists. The suggested reference model has been constructed by following design science principles, based on an extensive analysis of paper-based and mobile checklists from the literature and from the practical world. Its main contribution is a shared understanding of the domain knowledge between users and developers, which helps to communicate innovative ideas about mobile checklist application

    From Paper-Based to Mobile Checklists - A Reference Model

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    Abstract. Checklists are cognitive tools that ensure quality, safety and reduce human errors when executing working routines. Besides their popularity in practice, checklists increasingly receive attention from academics, who have even called for a "science of checklists". According to prior studies, mobile checklists are more effective than their paper-based alternatives, but research in this domain is still limited. It focuses on mobile checklists' use and benefits, rather than on their characteristics and design. Our study aims at developing a reference model for conceptualizing mobile checklists. The suggested reference model has been constructed by following design science principles, based on an extensive analysis of paper-based and mobile checklists from the literature and from the practical world. Its main contribution is a shared understanding of the domain knowledge between users and developers, which helps to communicate innovative ideas about mobile checklist applications

    Feature Space Based Business Model Quality Evaluation

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    It is inevitable that there are more or less diversities between business models created by different modelers, thus it is necessary to evaluate and compare them quantitatively to help decision makers discover whose models are pressing much closer to customer requirements. In this paper, a new approach for business model quality evaluation is presented. In order to deal with business models described by varied modeling languages, a unified and extended feature modeling technique is adopted. Quality of a user created model is then measured from two views “completeness” and “soundness” by assessing the distance between the user model and the standard model with the help of feature space as the tools. An example is briefly shown along with each concept and algorithm for illustration. Benefits and deficiencies of our method are briefly concluded for future works