20,953 research outputs found

    A Literature Review and Meta-analysis of Digital Games and Second Language Learning

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    Exposed to traditional language learning strategies, students will gradually lose interest in and motivation to not only learn English, but also any language or culture. Hence, researchers are seeking technology-based learning strategies, such as digital game-mediated language learning, to motivate students and improve learning performance. This paper synthesizes the findings of empirical studies focused on the effectiveness of digital games in language education published within the last five years. Nine qualitative, quantitative, and mixed-method studies are collected and analyzed in this paper. The review found that recent empirical research was conducted primarily to examine the effectiveness by measuring language learning outcomes, motivation, and interactions. Weak proficiency was found in vocabulary retention, but strong proficiency was present in communicative skills such as speaking. Furthermore, in general, students reported that they are motivated to engage in language learning when digital games are involved; however, the motivation is also observed to be weak due to the design of the game and/or individual differences. The most effective method used to stimulate interaction language learning process seems to be digital games, as empirical studies demonstrate that it effectively promotes language education. However, significant work is still required to provide clear answers with respect to innovative and effective learning practice

    Educational games - are they worth the effort? A literature survey of the effectiveness of serious games

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    English Language Learner Teachers’ Perceptions Of Digital Games On Student Learning

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    This body of work contains three articles that examine the intersectionality between English Language Learner (ELL) teachers and digital games. The purpose of the study is to qualitatively explore the perception of ELL teachers’ use of digital games as educational tools and whether they realize the potential to promote language learning for ELLs. This study aims to understand the lived experiences of ELL teachers to identify their viewpoint of language learning through gaming. The work focuses particularly on the teacher in an effort to contribute empirical work that supports the need for a more holistic approach to digital games in teacher education programs. This dissertation sought to answer four main questions: 1) What is the perception and lived experiences of ELL teachers use of digital games as educational tools?; 2) What are the perceived challenges facing ELL teachers in incorporating digital games?; 3) How does ELL teacher’s perception of digital games influence their use and incorporation?; 4) How do ELL teachers define best practices for digital games in order to promote language learning? I employed qualitative case study methods with a phenomenological lens to analyze the data. I interviewed six ELL teachers in the upper Midwest of the United States. The outcome of this study has the potential to enable teachers to use digital games effectively and to ultimately improve teaching and learning. Today, almost every aspect of society requires the use of technology. Therefore, the incorporation of technology into lesson plans is aligned with the needs of society in the 21st century. By adding digital games into classroom learning, educators may be able to better prepare students for their future careers. This preparation can be achieved because digital games have the potential to increase students’ problem-solving skills, as well as spatial and logical reasoning. The upward mobility and learning opportunities in digital games for ELLs are multiplied in fun and engaging ways


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    This research aimed to determine the effectiveness of teaching reading comprehension using a cooperative learning model for first-year students at Universitas Muhammadiyah Bone. The study employed a quasi-experimental design, involving two groups: an experimental group (30 students) and a control group (30 students). Both groups underwent pre-test assessments, material presentations, and post-test evaluations. The data, collected through multiple-choice items, were analyzed using mean scores and the t-test formula. The research revealed that reading comprehension improved significantly in the experimental group (mean score 83.11) compared to the control group (mean score 61.56). The t-test also indicated a significant difference between the two groups, favoring the cooperative learning model. In conclusion, the use of the cooperative learning model effectively enhances students' reading comprehension.

    Expectations eclipsed in foreign language education: learners and educators on an ongoing journey / edited by Hülya Görür-Atabaş, Sharon Turner.

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    Between June 2-4, 2011 Sabancı University School of Languages welcomed colleagues from 21 different countries to a collaborative exploration of the challenging and inspiring journey of learners and educators in the field of language education.\ud \ud The conference provided an opportunity for all stakeholders to share their views on language education. Colleagues met with world-renowned experts and authors in the fields of education and psychology, faculty and administrators from various universities and institutions, teachers from secondary educational backgrounds and higher education, as well as learners whose voices are often not directly shared but usually reported.\ud \ud The conference name, Eclipsing Expectations, was inspired by two natural phenomena, a solar eclipse directly before the conference, and a lunar eclipse, immediately after. Learners and educators were hereby invited to join a journey to observe, learn and exchange ideas in orde

    The effects of integrating mobile devices with teaching and learning on students' learning performance: A meta-analysis and research synthesis

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    AbstractMobile devices such as laptops, personal digital assistants, and mobile phones have become a learning tool with great potential in both classrooms and outdoor learning. Although there have been qualitative analyses of the use of mobile devices in education, systematic quantitative analyses of the effects of mobile-integrated education are lacking. This study performed a meta-analysis and research synthesis of the effects of integrated mobile devices in teaching and learning, in which 110 experimental and quasiexperimental journal articles published during the period 1993–2013 were coded and analyzed. Overall, there was a moderate mean effect size of 0.523 for the application of mobile devices to education. The effect sizes of moderator variables were analyzed and the advantages and disadvantages of mobile learning in different levels of moderator variables were synthesized based on content analyses of individual studies. The results of this study and their implications for both research and practice are discussed

    Implementation Of Quizizz-Based Learning Media In General English Lessons In The Stkip Al Maksum Elementary School Teacher Education Study Program

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    This study investigates the utilization or implementation of Quizizz, an internet-based questionnaire platform, as an instructional tool for general English courses in the STKIP AL Maksum Primary School Teacher Education Study Program. The objective of this study is to examine the media planning procedure, its execution, and the determinants that impact the utilization of Quizizz. This study employs a qualitative descriptive methodology and collects data through triangulation techniques, including documentation, interviews, and observation. Quizizz is a game-based learning platform that enhances student engagement and offers adaptable assessment alternatives, according to the literature review. The results of studies indicate that Quizizz has a beneficial impact on student motivation by enhancing the relevance and interest of the learning process. In spite of this, obstacles associated with technological infrastructure must be taken into account in order to achieve maximum efficacy. This study enhances comprehension regarding the incorporation of technology in English education, placing particular emphasis on the significance of cutting-edge learning tools like Quizizz in contemporary educational advancements. Key words:  Quizizz, Media, General English

    Exploring Critical Thinking and Negotiation of Meaning Through \u3cem\u3eMinecraftEDU\u3c/em\u3e: A Case Study of Elementary Language Learners

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    Critical thinking and problem solving are identified as 21st century skills crucial to the process of foreign language acquisition, and include negotiating and co-constructing meaning in order to effectively communicate with others (Committee for Economic Development, 2006). The purpose of this study was to replicate earlier research in which university-aged French language learners participated in task-based activities within the social game environment of SecondLife to produce discourse representing critical thinking and negotiation of meaning. Through purposeful modifications, this replication study investigated the collective discourse produced by a group of elementary-aged English Language Learners (ELLs) engaged in task-based activities within the social gaming environment of MinecraftEDU in order to determine if patterns of critical thinking, problem solving, and negotiation and co-construction of meaning were present. This qualitative study employed a case study methodology, utilizing Hull and Saxon’s (2009) Coding Table for Social Constructivist Interactions to determine levels and occurrences of critical thinking, problem solving, and negotiation and co-construction of meaning. Through the course of the nine-day intervention, patterns of negotiation and con-construction of meaning were not identified. Students overwhelmingly engaged in conversations containing simple observations and opinions, as well as clarifying questions that reflected lower-order thinking skills. Additionally, the researcher used qualitative content analysis to identify emergent themes indicating the ways in which the students communicated with one another in the target language. From this analysis, three themes emerged that are classified as Independent Game Play, Importance of Objectives, and Deviant Behavior. Implications from this study include social game design and use within foreign language instruction, identity exploration within an online environment, and reduced fear of failure when participating in a social game. Recommendations for future research are suggested
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