5 research outputs found


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    ABSTRACT Architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) teams need more efficient and effective decision-making methods, particularly in the pre-construction phase when decisions have the most significant impact on building performance. This paper discusses the selection and application of decision-making methods for the preconstruction phase of a lean corporate campus project. Findings are based on the project team's review of several value-based decision methods and final selection of the Choosing By Advantages (CBA) approach. CBA was implemented first using group preferences, then with simple additive weighting of individual preferences. In general, decision makers found that CBA enabled multi-disciplinary stakeholder participation and added value to decision-making for simple decision problems. However, decision makers also believed that CBA was inefficient and ineffective for more complex decision problems and did not adequately clarify decision rationale. Switching to individual preferences improved efficacy, efficiency, and value of information derived from the decision-making process, but clarity of rationale remained an issue due to the inherent complexity of decision problems and inconsistencies in factor selection between decisions. These observations suggest the need for future research concerning the design and implementation of appropriate tools for pre-construction decision-making on lean projects


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    Critical Success Factors (CSF) aims to measure project performance. As a method of survey was conducted (survey), applying a questionnaire validated by Cronbach's alpha. This work aims to identify and analyze communication as a Critical Success Factor (CSF) in the management of various project areas. It is known that communication is a problem, however, most studies only identifies it as such, without specifying where, when or with whom happens communication project failure. The sample consisted of 89 professionals working on projects. The results show that 100% of respondents believe that communication is a FCS. The meetings are a means of communication, 11% reported that the goals are rarely achieved due parallel discussions, issues of deviations, when there is no unnecessary meetings.Factores Críticos de Éxito (CSF) tiene como objetivo medir el desempeño del proyecto. Como método de encuesta se realizó (encuesta), la aplicación de un cuestionario validado por el alfa de Cronbach. Este trabajo tiene como objetivo identificar y analizar la comunicación como un factor crítico de éxito (CSF) en la gestión de diversas áreas del proyecto. Se sabe que la comunicación es un problema, sin embargo, la mayoría de los estudios sólo identifica como tal, sin especificar dónde, cuándo o con quien pasa fracaso del proyecto de comunicación. La muestra está formada por 89 profesionales que trabajan en proyectos. Los resultados muestran que el 100% de los encuestados cree que la comunicación es un FCS. Las reuniones son un medio de comunicación, el 11% informó que los objetivos son raramente logran discusiones paralelas debido, problemas de desviaciones, cuando no hay reuniones innecesarias.Sabe-se que a comunicação é um problema, entretanto, a maioria dos estudos apenas a identifica como tal, não especificando onde, quando ou com quem acontece as falhas de comunicação em projetos. Fatores Críticos de Sucesso (FCS) tem a finalidade de medir o desempenho do projeto, logo, este trabalho tem como objetivo principal identificar e analisar a comunicação como um Fator Crítico de Sucesso (FCS) na gestão de projetos de áreas diversas. Como método foi realizada uma pesquisa de levantamento (survey), aplicando-se um questionário validado pelo coeficiente alfa de Cronbach. A amostra constituiu de 89 profissionais que trabalham com projetos. Os resultados mostram que 100% dos entrevistados acreditam que a comunicação é um FCS. As reuniões são um meio de comunicação, 11% relataram que os objetivos são poucas vezes atingidos devido discussões paralelas, desvios de assuntos, quando não há reuniões desnecessárias.DOI: 10.21714/2178-8030gep.v18.349

    Cloud computing in construction industry: Use cases, benefits and challenges

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    Cloud computing technologies have revolutionised several industries (such as aerospace, manufacturing, automobile, retail, etc.) for several years. Although the construction industry is well placed to also leverage these technologies for competitive and operational advantage, the diffusion of the technologies in the industry follows a steep curve. This study therefore highlights the current contributions and use cases of cloud computing technologies in construction practices. As such, a systematic review was carried out using ninety-two (92) peer-reviewed publications, published within a ten-year period of 2009-2019. A key highlight of the research findings is that cloud computing is an innovation delivery enabler for other emerging technologies (building information modelling, internet of things, virtual reality, augmented reality, big data analytics, mobile computing) in the construction industry. As such, this paper brings to the fore, current and future application areas of cloud computing vis-à-vis other emerging technologies in the construction industry. The paper also identifies barriers to the broader adoption of cloud computing in the construction industry and discusses strategies for overcoming these barriers

    Development of an Integrated Process, Modeling and Simulation Platform for Performance-Based Design of Low-Energy and High IEQ Buildings

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    The objective of this study was to develop a Virtual Design Studio (VDS) : a software platform for integrated, coordinated and optimized design of green building systems with low energy consumption, high indoor environmental quality (IEQ), and high level of sustainability. The VDS is intended to assist collaborating architects, engineers and project management team members throughout from the early phases to the detailed building design stages. It can be used to plan design tasks and workflow, and evaluate the potential impacts of various green building strategies on the building performance by using the state of the art simulation tools as well as industrial/professional standards and guidelines for green building system design. Based on the review and analysis of existing professional practices in building system design, particularly those used in U.S., Germany and UK, a generic process for performance-based building design, construction and operation was proposed. It included Assess, Define, Design, Apply, and Monitoring (ADDAM) stages. The current VDS focused on the first three stages. The VDS considers the building design as a multi-dimensional process involving multiple design teams, design factors, and design stages. The intersection among these three dimensions defines a specific design task in terms of who , what and when . It also considers building design as a multi-objective process that aims to enhance the five aspects of performance for green building systems: site sustainability, materials and resource efficiency, water utilization efficiency, energy efficiency and impacts to the atmospheric environment, and IEQ. The current VDS development has been limited to the energy efficiency and IEQ performance with particular focus on thermal, air quality and lighting environmental quality because of their strong interaction with the energy performance of buildings. The VDS software framework contains four major functions: 1) Design coordination: It enables users to define tasks using the Input-Process-Output flow approach, which specifies the anticipated activities (i.e., the process), required input and output information, and anticipated interactions with other tasks. It also allows task scheduling to define the work flow, and sharing of the design data and information via internet. 2) Modeling and simulation: It enables users to perform building simulations to predict the energy consumption and IEQ conditions at any of the design stages by using EnergyPlus and a combined heat, air, moisture and pollutant simulation (CHAMPS) model. A method for co-simulation was developed to allow the use of both models at the same time step for the combined energy and indoor air quality analysis. 3) Results visualization: It enables users to display a 3-D geometric design of the building by reading BIM (building information model) file generated by design software such as SketchUp, and the predicted results of heat, air, moisture, pollutant and light distributions in the building. 4) Performance evaluation: It enables the users to compare the performance of a proposed building design against a reference building that is defined for the same type of buildings under the same climate condition, and predict the percent of improvements over the minimum requirements specified in ASHRAE Standard 55-2010, 62.1-2010 and 90.1-2010. An approach was developed to estimate the potential impact of a design factor on the whole building performance, and hence can assist the user to identify areas that have most pay back for investment. The VDS software was developed by using C++ with the conventional Model, View and Control (MVC) software architecture. The software has been verified by using a simple 3-zone case building. The application of the VDS concepts and framework for building design and performance analysis has been illustrated by using a medium size five story office building that received the LEED Platinum Certification from USGBC