7 research outputs found

    A perception-based emotion contagion model in crowd emergent evacuation simulation

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    With the increasing number of emergencies, the crowd simulation technology has attracted wide attention in recent years. Existing emergencies have shown that individuals are easy to be influenced by other’s emotion during the evacuation. This will make it easier for people to aggregate together and increase security risks. Some of the existing evacuation models without considering emotion are therefore not suitable for describing crowd behaviors in emergencies. We propose a perception-based emotion contagion model and use multi-agent technology to simulate the crowd behaviors. Navigation points are introduced to guide the movement of the agents. Based on the proposed model, a prototype simulation system for crowd emotion contagion is developed. The comparative simulation experiments verify that the model can effectively deduct the evacuation time and crowd emotion contagion. The proposed model could be an assistant analysis method for crowd management in emergencies

    Deep Q-Learning With Q-Matrix Transfer Learning for Novel Fire Evacuation Environment

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    Author's accepted manuscript.© 2020 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.acceptedVersio

    Analyzing Human-Building Interactions in Virtual Environments Using Crowd Simulations

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    This research explores the relationship between human-occupancy and environment designs by means of human behavior simulations. Predicting and analyzing user-related factors during environment designing is of vital importance. Traditional Computer-Aided Design (CAD) and Building Information Modeling (BIM) tools mostly represent geometric and semantic aspects of environment components (e.g., walls, pillars, doors, ramps, and floors). They often ignore the impact that an environment layout produces on its occupants and their movements. In recent efforts to analyze human social and spatial behaviors in buildings, researchers have started using crowd simulation techniques for dynamic analysis of urban and indoor environments. These analyses assist the designers in analyzing crowd-related factors in their designs and generating human-aware environments. This dissertation focuses on developing interactive solutions to perform spatial analytics that can quantify the dynamics of human-building interactions using crowd simulations in the virtual and built-environments. Partially, this dissertation aims to make these dynamic crowd analytics solutions available to designers either directly within mainstream environment design pipelines or as cross-platform simulation services, enabling users to seamlessly simulate, analyze, and incorporate human-centric dynamics into their design workflows

    Advances in Deep Learning Towards Fire Emergency Application : Novel Architectures, Techniques and Applications of Neural Networks

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    Paper IV is not published yet.With respect to copyright paper IV and paper VI was excluded from the dissertation.Deep Learning has been successfully used in various applications, and recently, there has been an increasing interest in applying deep learning in emergency management. However, there are still many significant challenges that limit the use of deep learning in the latter application domain. In this thesis, we address some of these challenges and propose novel deep learning methods and architectures. The challenges we address fall in these three areas of emergency management: Detection of the emergency (fire), Analysis of the situation without human intervention and finally Evacuation Planning. In this thesis, we have used computer vision tasks of image classification and semantic segmentation, as well as sound recognition, for detection and analysis. For evacuation planning, we have used deep reinforcement learning.publishedVersio

    Enhancing Evacuation Planning in Public Buildings: Optimising Egress Location and Protection

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    Effective evacuation strategies are crucial for ensuring the safety of individuals during emergencies and disasters. Despite significant progress in evacuation planning, the intricate dynamics of disaster scenarios and uncertainties inherent in such situations need to be better incorporated in planning egress locations to enhance safety in buildings. This work focuses on strategically locating egress points within public buildings, acknowledging their pivotal role in facilitating secure evacuations. Optimising egress points improves evacuation efficiency and minimises associated risks, significantly improving evacuation. This research introduces an innovative approach that integrates optimisation models, addresses decision-making complexities, explores practical applications, and considers potential attack scenarios. The study explores evacuation dynamics across diverse scenarios, elevating preparedness, and safety protocols to protect public assets and lives. Developing mixedinteger programming models establishes a foundation for optimising egress locations. MCDM is then employed, leveraging the F-AHP to address uncertainties in egress selection. Practicality is realised through integrating Revit and AnyLogic software, facilitating assessment through BIM and ABM. A stochastic BP model is formulated, addressing both Defender and Attacker perspectives for enhanced egress strategies. This model strategically allocates resources to fortify egresses, ensuring occupant safety during evacuations. Contributions further optimisation approaches, fortification strategies, and progressive enhancements in evacuation planning. These collectively address key challenges and gaps in existing literature, enhancing evacuation efficiency and public safety during emergencies. The research bridges gaps in existing approaches, providing a framework for future investigations into optimising evacuation strategies, enhanced disaster preparation, and further advancements in the field