4 research outputs found

    Evaluating an open learner model visualisation prototype tool with user experience metrics

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    Learning management systems (LMS) are widely used in many educational environments. Although usability is widely acknowledged as a desired quality attribute, it has not been deeply investigated in the context of LMS systems where it has to align with pedagogy. In this research we evaluate extensions to an LMS designed to support the implementation of constructive alignment for technical units using a Task-Oriented Portfolio approach. The LMS application was extended with a range of open learner model-based visualisations to help staff and students monitor progress towards achieving unit intended learning outcomes throughout unit delivery. This paper reports on a case study of a formative usability testing of the prototype tool by using User eXperience (UX) metrics. The results unveil the potential usability issues and ways to improve the design of the prototype tool to better cater the actual target user needs

    Elaboración de un marco de trabajo para cuantificar el nivel de usabilidad y experiencia de usuario de plataformas de soporte al proceso de aprendizaje

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    Debido a que la Usabilidad y Experiencia de Usuario (UX) han tomado relevancia en el software con el transcurrir de los años, han aparecido métodos de evaluación para medir estos factores, garantizando una buena satisfacción en los usuarios. Sin embargo, la mayoría de estos métodos de evaluación son generales (no se enfocan en un dominio en específico), costosas, subjetivas, y – especialmente – cualitativas. Con la finalidad de obtener resultados más objetivos, se opta por una evaluación cuantitativa. Este tipo de evaluación proporciona un valor numérico que representa el nivel de usabilidad del producto, generando un mejor análisis al momento de comparar productos de software del mismo tipo/dominio. Por otro lado, la tecnología ha permitido la aparición de herramientas para apoyar al proceso del aprendizaje (LMS) en los estudiantes. Por ello, se propone crear un marco de trabajo que permita evaluar cuantitativamente la usabilidad y UX en este tipo de herramientas. El marco consiste en un conjunto de ítems de verificación que evalúa las características que deben cumplir los LMS para lograr su objetivo. Para ello, se recurrió a la revisión de la literatura, entrevistas, cuestionarios, y juicio de expertos a profesionales del campo de HCI y educación. Asimismo, se recurrió a métodos estadísticos para la validación de los resultados. Finalmente, los resultados obtenidos de la propuesta – luego de su aplicación en una plataforma de aprendizaje – fueron prometedores, ya que se acercaron mucho a los valores obtenidos por cuestionarios como SUS y SUMI

    Interactive visualisation of electricity usage in smart environments

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    Saving electricity is a trending topic due to the electricity challenges that are being faced globally. Smart environments are environments that are equipped with physical objects, which include computers, sensors, actuators, smartphones, and wearable devices interconnected together through the Internet of Things. The Internet of Things provides a network to achieve communication, and computation abilities to provide individuals with smart services anytime, and anywhere. Rapid developments in information technology have increased the number of smart appliances being used, leading to increased electricity usage. Devices and appliances in Smart Environments continue to consume electricity even when not in use, because of the standby function. The problems arise as the electricity consumption of the standby function accumulates to large amounts. Effective communication through visualisation of the electricity consumption in a Smart Environment provides a viable solution to reducing the consumption of electricity. This research aimed to design and developed a visualisation system that successfully communicates electricity consumption to the user using a variety of visualisation techniques. The Design Science Research Methodology was used to address the research questions and was used to iteratively design and develop an energy usage visualisation system. The visualisation system was created for the Smart Lab at the Nelson Mandela University's Department of Computing Sciences. A usability study was conducted to assess the usability and efficacy of the system. The system was found to be usable and effective in communicating power usage to potential customers, since the participants were able to complete the tasks in a short amount of time. The positive results show that visualisation can aid in communicating electricity usage to customers, resulting in a possible reduction in electricity consumption and improved decision-making.Thesis (MSc) -- Faculty of Science, School of Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics and Statistics, 202

    Interactive visualisation of electricity usage in smart environments

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    Saving electricity is a trending topic due to the electricity challenges that are being faced globally. Smart environments are environments that are equipped with physical objects, which include computers, sensors, actuators, smartphones, and wearable devices interconnected together through the Internet of Things. The Internet of Things provides a network to achieve communication, and computation abilities to provide individuals with smart services anytime, and anywhere. Rapid developments in information technology have increased the number of smart appliances being used, leading to increased electricity usage. Devices and appliances in Smart Environments continue to consume electricity even when not in use, because of the standby function. The problems arise as the electricity consumption of the standby function accumulates to large amounts. Effective communication through visualisation of the electricity consumption in a Smart Environment provides a viable solution to reducing the consumption of electricity. This research aimed to design and developed a visualisation system that successfully communicates electricity consumption to the user using a variety of visualisation techniques. The Design Science Research Methodology was used to address the research questions and was used to iteratively design and develop an energy usage visualisation system. The visualisation system was created for the Smart Lab at the Nelson Mandela University's Department of Computing Sciences. A usability study was conducted to assess the usability and efficacy of the system. The system was found to be usable and effective in communicating power usage to potential customers, since the participants were able to complete the tasks in a short amount of time. The positive results show that visualisation can aid in communicating electricity usage to customers, resulting in a possible reduction in electricity consumption and improved decision-making.Thesis (MSc) -- Faculty of Science, School of Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics and Statistics, 202