29 research outputs found

    Effects of website quality dimensions on repurchase intention in airline industry

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    International Conference on Tourism Dynamics and Trends (2. : 2017 : Seville, Spain)This study aimed to investigate the effects of website quality dimensions (efficiency, system quality, service quality and privacy) on repurchase intention. Survey technique was used to collect data among 134 participants. The results offered that service quality, system quality and efficiency significantly affect repurchase intention of online airline customers.No sponso

    PENGARUH HOTEL WEBSITE QUALITY TERHADAP KEPUASAN PENGGUNA WEBSITE DI CROWNE PLAZA BANDUNG : Survey terhadap tamu individu yang menginap dan melakukan pemesanan kamar melalui website Hotel Crowne Plaza Bandung

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    Kunci utama perusahaan untuk mempertahankan bisnis dalam era persaingan saat ini adalah kepuasan dan kepuasan menjadi hal penting untuk kesuksesan bisnis jangka panjang. Crowne Plaza Bandung saat ini sedang dihadapkan pada permasalahan kepuasan pengguna website yang berdampak pada menurunnya minat tamu untuk melakukan pemesanan kamar melalui website Crowne Plaza Bandung.Tujuan dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana pengaruh dari website quality terhadap kepuasan pengguna website di Crowne Plaza Bandung.Variabel bebas (X) dalam penelitian ini adalah hotel website usability, hotel website functionality dan hotel website security and privacyserta yang menjadi variable terikat (Y) adalah Kepuasan pengguna website. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif. Jenis penelitian yang dilakukan adalah deskriptif dan verifikatif dengan menggunakan metode explanatory survey. Data primer diperoleh melalui penyebaran kuesioner terhadap sejumlah tamu. Kuesioner di distribusikan kepada 115 tamu yang menginap dan melakukan pemesanan kamar melalui website Crowne Plaza Bandung. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah teknikanalisisregresi berganda dengan menggunakan bantuan program IBM SPSS for Windows 23.0. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa secara bersama-sama variabel website quality memberi pengaruh signifikan pada kepuasan pengguna website di Crowne Plaza Bandung. Customer satisfaction is the key driver for any organisation to sustain in current competitive eraand satisfaction must be important for long-term business success. The purpose of this study to determine how the influence of website quality on website user satisfaction at Crowne Plaza Bandung.The independent variable (X) in this study is hotel website usability, hotel website functionality and hotel website security and privacy. Meanwhile the dependent variable (Y) is website user satisfaction.The number respondent are 115 guests who has stayed and make room bookings through the Crowne Plaza Bandung website. The questionnaire was distributed to 115 guests who stayed and make room bookings through the Crowne Plaza Bandung website. The data analysis technique used is multiple regression analysis technique. The result showed that website quality has an influence toward website user satisfacation at Crowne Plaza Bandung

    Veterinarians’ Perceptions of Online Services

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    The purpose of the study is to evaluate the perceived usefulness of online materials from a veterinarian’s perspective. The authors used an online questionnaire that was posted on the homepage of a Veterinarian News site. Questions were based on previous publications and added contemporary services such as remote pet monitoring by means of wearable electronic devices. According to our study, the perceived usefulness of online services can be condensed into four major dimensions: 1) Authoritative Knowledge & Updates; 2) Practical Online Content delivered by webportals; 3) Remote Monitoring/Tracking of pets; 4) Health Coaching. The findings have implications for the cooperation between suppliers and veterinarians. One size does not fit all. Veterinarians want to use digital media for receiving competent personalized advice in order to sell it on to their customers. Suppliers will have to provide unbiased advice to compete for veterinarian’s heart share instead of simple market share

    The Multi-Channel E-Service Quality for Thai Electronic Tourism

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    This research identifies the multi-channel electronic service quality of Thai e-tourism including various online channels such as websites, social networks, smartphones, and Internet of Things, and their impact on cognitive image. The analysis of the factors of electronic tourism based on the survey from Thai and foreign tourists, the service quality of multichannel E-tourism consists of 8 factors: tangibility, responsiveness, reliability, trust, accessibility, ease of use, real time IoT, and security. The results of the study showed that the tourists considered the service quality via the Internet of Things technology important because of immediate responsiveness through devices and applications which can create cognitive and affective image

    The effects of online commentary on users\u27 information processing in the context of online discussion forums

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    The airline industry employs advanced e-commerce technologies to retain frequent customers and attract new passengers, but it is likely that not all airlines have clear knowledge about how many gaps should be filled between the status quo and an ideal website. This study proposes an integrated model for evaluating airlines’ websites in terms of the perspectives of “marketing mix 4Ps” and “website quality”. In order to verify the practicality and usefulness of this model, an empirical study of the Taiwanese airline industry is offered to illustrate the application of the proposed model. The model first applies the DEMATEL method to cope with the interdependencies between criteria. It then converts the criteria’s cause and effect relations into a visual structural map where the ANP method can help compute the weight of criteria. Finally, it uses the modified VIKOR method to rank e-commerce websites of the five Taiwanese airlines. Overall, the results show that the Taiwanese airlines still have a great deal of room to improve their websites. This proposed model not only provides helpful information for airlines to understand their websites’ quality level, but also contributes to industrial applications in terms of providing some worthwhile recommendations for building an ideal website

    Understanding and Assessing the Extent of Enjoyment of Web Experiences

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the nature of enjoyment as experienced by users of the web and to provide an instrument for the measurement of this construct. A review of literature across disciplines indicated that enjoyment was characterised by: (i) engagement in an activity; (ii) a resultant positive affect (e.g., pleasure, happiness, contentment, satisfaction); and (iii) the fulfillment of some need or desire. An instrument was developed using Churchill’s method and validated. Constructs and measurement scales developed in this study have practical value for predicting and explaining the enjoyment experiences of web users

    Sustainable Leadership: Creating Foundations for Lasting Change

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    The change in the United States population and the pace of Internet technology-perhaps more dramatic than most universities may have forecasted-translates into more diverse prospective students with changing needs and interests in university education (Wilson & Meyer, 2009). Immigration and U.S. population growth patterns have converged into a new prospective student profile (Banks, 2008), such that between now and the year 2050, one in three U.S. residents will be Hispanic (U.S. Census, 2009). Similarly, African Americans and Black immigrants will increase to 15% of the U.S. population, and the Asian population will grow from 5.1% to 9.2%. People of two or more cultures will more than triple between now and the year 2050, and minority children will constitute 62% of U.S. children, up from 44% today. The new challenge of recruiting new techno-savvy diverse prospective students is impacting many dimensions of higher education, particularly the historic euro-centric focus (Eckel & King, 2009)

    Determinants of consumer adoption of online air ticketing in Ghana

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    The study investigated the factors that attract consumers to adopt online air ticketing within the Ghanaian context. The study followed the positivist paradigm approach hence, quantitative method-ology was adopted. The total population for the study covered passengers of Africa World airline, Antrak air, Fly 540 and Starbow airline. The target population for this study consisted of all the cus-tomers in these institutions that have in one way or the other purchased or booked their flight ticket on the website. Stratified random sampling was used in the first stage to ensure that all subgroups were fairly represented. The study employed purposive sampling and afterwards the study used the Krejcie and Morgan sampling table to determine the sample size for the 250 population size. Based on the table, the sample size for the study employed was 152. Since the study was guided on the principles of quantitative methodology, this study used questionnaires on a 5 point Likert scale for the study. The study distributed 152 questionnaires to passengers of the selected airline companies within the Kumasi metropolis in the Ashanti region. From the questionnaires distributed, a total of 89 completed questionnaires were returned to the researchers. Of these, 79 were usable for analysis, giving an effective response rate of 55.6%. Data was subsequently analysed using descriptive statis-tics such as mean and standard deviation. Inferential statistics included Pearson correlation, multiple regression (enter method) were used for the relationship analysis. Findings from the study showed that the variables that had the significant impact on respondents’ decision to adopt online air ticketing were; trust, attitude, perceived risk and internet knowledge. The study recommended that the managers of these airlines companies should work on their reputation in order to position them-selves as trustworthy airlines companies since consumer’s decision to use their online platforms to purchase their ticket was informed by how the consumer perceived the entities offering to be dependable and secured