2 research outputs found

    Evaluating machine-independent metrics for state-space exploration

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    Many recent advancements in testing concurrent programs have surfaced as novel optimization and heuristic techniques in tools that explore the state spaces of tests for such programs. To empirically evaluate these techniques, researchers apply them on subject programs, capture a set of metrics, and compare these metrics to provide some measure of the techniques??? effectiveness. From a user???s perspective, the metric that best measures effectiveness is the amount of real time to find a bug (if one exists), but using real time for comparison can produce misleading results because it is necessarily dependent on the configuration of the machine used (i.e., hardware, OS, etc.). The metrics used in evaluations in the literature often vary widely and are either machine-independent (e.g., number of states, transitions, paths) or machine-dependent (e.g., real time, memory), and are captured using a variety of machine configurations ranging from a single machine to a cluster of machines. Depending upon the machine configuration(s) and metric(s) selected for a particular evaluation, the results may suggest different conclusions, and the experiments may be difficult to repeat. As a result, it can be difficult to perform meaningful comparisons for state-space exploration tools and the techniques they employ. This thesis provides a study of the usefulness of different metrics and machine configurations for two different state-space exploration frameworks for Java, JPF (stateful) and ReEx (stateless), by revisiting and extending a previous study (Parallel Randomized State-Space Search) and evaluating the correlation of several machine-independent metrics with real time. We have conducted a set of experiments across both previously used and new subject programs in order to evaluate the degree to which several machine-independent metrics correlate with real time both on a single machine and on a high-performance cluster of machines. We provide new evidence for selecting metrics in future evaluations of state-space exploration techniques by showing that several machine-independent metrics for state-space exploration are a good substitute for real time, and that reporting real time results even from clusters of machines can provide useful information

    Testing, runtime verification, and analysis of concurrent programs

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    With the development of multi-core processors, concurrent programs are becoming more and more popular. Among several models, the multithreaded shared-memory model is the predominant programming paradigm for developing concurrent programs. However, because of non-deterministic scheduling, multithreaded code is hard to develop and test. Concurrency bugs, such as data races, atomicity violations, and deadlocks, are hard to detect and fix in multithreaded programs. To test and verify multithreaded programs, two sets of techniques are needed. The first one is to enforce thread schedules and runtime properties efficiently. Being able to enforce desired thread schedules and runtime properties would greatly help developers to develop reliable multithreaded code. The second one is to explore the state space of multithreaded programs efficiently. Systematic state-space exploration could guarantee correctness for mul- tithreaded code, however, it is usually time consuming and thus infeasible in most cases. This dissertation presents several techniques to address challenges arising in testing and runtime verification of multithreaded programs. The first two techniques are the IMUnit framework for enforcing testing schedules and the EnforceMOP system for enforcing runtime properties for multithreaded programs. An experimental evaluation shows that our techniques can enforce thread schedules and runtime properties effectively and efficiently, and have their own advantages over existing techniques. The other techniques are the RV-Causal framework and the CAPP technique in the ReEx framework for efficient state-space exploration of multithreaded code. RV-Causal employs the idea of the maximal causal model for state-space exploration in a novel way to reduce the exploration cost, without losing the ability to detect certain types of concurrency bugs. The results show that RV-Causal outperforms existing techniques by finding concurrency bugs and exploring the entire state space much more efficiently