4 research outputs found


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    Nowdays, in an era that is all digital and can do all things without having to interact direcly, it makes many people neglect that they are social beings and will need each other and will forget that in increasingly widespread with the fading of that understanding. Individualism not only attack public worker but also infects social volunteers. So that in this study aims to determine the role of an Islamic philanthropic institution (Lembaga Manajemen Infaq Malang) in growing empathy for volunteers, especially to vulnerable groups (orphans). This study uses a qualitative approach using interview, documentation, and observation data collection techniques. The result showed that the Islamic philanthropic institute (Lembaga Manajemen Infaq Malang) played a role in fostering empathy for volunteers by conceptualizing various social activities involving several volunteers from various backgrounds. In previous studies many have discussed this, but have not seen it from the point of view of Islam and matching social theories with Islamic theories. The findings in this study will look at phenomena that occur from a social and Islamic perspective. So the result will be able to complement previous research

    Empatia em agentes artificiais : proposta de um novo instrumento de avaliação

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    Tese de Mestrado, Ciência Cognitiva, 2021, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de CiênciasEste trabalho visa contribuir para as discussões sobre o desenvolvimento de agentes artificiais empáticos, especialmente no que se refere à sua avaliação. Ainda não há instrumentos validados para medir a empatia em agentes artificiais e a maioria dos estudos nessa área utilizam medidas criadas ou adaptadas para cada pesquisa específica. Medidas validadas são essenciais para gerar dados confiáveis sobre aquilo que se pretende medir. O objetivo principal deste estudo é propor um instrumento de avaliação válido que possa vir a ser aplicado tanto em agentes artificiais quanto em seres humanos. O instrumento proposto avalia a empatia percebida por uma terceira pessoa, após observação da interação, e foi construído em Português, tendo sido baseado no instrumento de Davis, no instrumento de Toronto e em medidas não validadas aplicadas em estudos sobre agentes artificiais empáticos. A coleta de dados e a aplicação do instrumento foram realizadas pela internet, por meio da plataforma Qualtrics. As interações foram apresentadas em quatro vídeos legendados, 3 em que agentes artificiais (o chatbot Wysa, o personagem virtual Autotutor, e um robô do tipo NAO) interagem com seres humanos e 1 em que dois seres humanos interagem entre si. Os participantes foram convidados para participarem voluntariamente da pesquisa, via e-mail e redes sociais. O chatbot Wysa foi avaliado por 95 pessoas, o Autotutor por 96, o robô NAO por 100, e o ser humano por 99. Todos os participantes declararam ter 18 anos ou mais e serem fluentes na língua portuguesa, sendo 132 brasileiros, 50 portugueses e um argentino. Dentre os participantes, 103 declararam-se do sexo feminino e 73, do sexo masculino. A versão final do instrumento possui oito itens, que refletem componentes cognitivos, afetivos e comportamentais da empatia, e que se aproximam da definição de empatia proposta por Hoffman (1985). A análise fatorial apontou um fator único e os coeficientes do alfa de Cronbach situaram-se sempre acima de 0,8, indicando que o instrumento se mostrou válido e confiável. Com exceção do Autotutor, todos os agentes, incluindo o ser humano, foram bem avaliados como empáticos.This research aims to contribute to the discussions on the development of empathetic artificial agents, especially regarding their evaluation. To date, there are no validated instruments to measure empathy in artificial agents and most studies in this area use measures created or adapted for each specific case. Validated measures are essential to generate reliable data on what it’s intended to measure. The main goal of this study is to propose a valid assessment instrument that can be applied to both artificial agents and human beings. The proposed instrument assesses the empathy perceived by a third person, after observing the interaction, and was built in Portuguese, having been based on the Interpersonal Reactivity Index from Davis, the Toronto Empathy Questionnaire and on non-validated measures applied in studies on empathic artificial agents. The instrument was applied through the Qualtrics platform, and all the data was collected via internet. The interactions were presented in four subtitled videos, 3 in which artificial agents (the chatbot Wysa, the virtual character Autotutor and a NAO robot) interact with human beings and 1 in which two human beings interact with each other. Participants were invited to participate voluntarily in the research, via email and social networks. The Wysa chatbot was evaluated by 95 people, the Autotutor by 96, the NAO robot by 100, and the human being by 99. All participants declared to be 18 years old or more and to be fluent in the Portuguese language, being 132 Brazilians, 50 Portuguese and one Argentine. Among the participants, 103 declared themselves to be female and 73, male. The final version of the instrument has eight items, which reflect cognitive, affective and behavioural components of empathy, and are consonant with the definition of empathy proposed by Hoffman (1985). The factor analysis pointed to a single factor and Cronbach's alpha coefficients were all above 0.8, indicating that the instrument proved to be valid and reliable. Except for the Autotutor, all agents, including the human being, were well evaluated as empathetic