21,159 research outputs found

    Link-time smart card code hardening

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    This paper presents a feasibility study to protect smart card software against fault-injection attacks by means of link-time code rewriting. This approach avoids the drawbacks of source code hardening, avoids the need for manual assembly writing, and is applicable in conjunction with closed third-party compilers. We implemented a range of cookbook code hardening recipes in a prototype link-time rewriter and evaluate their coverage and associated overhead to conclude that this approach is promising. We demonstrate that the overhead of using an automated link-time approach is not significantly higher than what can be obtained with compile-time hardening or with manual hardening of compiler-generated assembly code

    Dynamic Binary Translation for Embedded Systems with Scratchpad Memory

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    Embedded software development has recently changed with advances in computing. Rather than fully co-designing software and hardware to perform a relatively simple task, nowadays embedded and mobile devices are designed as a platform where multiple applications can be run, new applications can be added, and existing applications can be updated. In this scenario, traditional constraints in embedded systems design (i.e., performance, memory and energy consumption and real-time guarantees) are more difficult to address. New concerns (e.g., security) have become important and increase software complexity as well. In general-purpose systems, Dynamic Binary Translation (DBT) has been used to address these issues with services such as Just-In-Time (JIT) compilation, dynamic optimization, virtualization, power management and code security. In embedded systems, however, DBT is not usually employed due to performance, memory and power overhead. This dissertation presents StrataX, a low-overhead DBT framework for embedded systems. StrataX addresses the challenges faced by DBT in embedded systems using novel techniques. To reduce DBT overhead, StrataX loads code from NAND-Flash storage and translates it into a Scratchpad Memory (SPM), a software-managed on-chip SRAM with limited capacity. SPM has similar access latency as a hardware cache, but consumes less power and chip area. StrataX manages SPM as a software instruction cache, and employs victim compression and pinning to reduce retranslation cost and capture frequently executed code in the SPM. To prevent performance loss due to excessive code expansion, StrataX minimizes the amount of code inserted by DBT to maintain control of program execution. When a hardware instruction cache is available, StrataX dynamically partitions translated code among the SPM and main memory. With these techniques, StrataX has low performance overhead relative to native execution for MiBench programs. Further, it simplifies embedded software and hardware design by operating transparently to applications without any special hardware support. StrataX achieves sufficiently low overhead to make it feasible to use DBT in embedded systems to address important design goals and requirements

    Exploring Causes of Performance Overhead During Dynamic Binary Translation

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    Dynamic Binary Translators (DBT) have applications ranging from program portability, instrumentation, optimizations, and improving software security. To achieve these goals and maintain control over the application's execution, DBTs translate and run the original source/guest programs in a sand-boxed environment. DBT systems apply several optimization techniques like code caching, trace creation, etc. to reduce the translation overhead and enhance program performance at run-time. However, even with these optimizations, DBTs typically impose a significant performance overhead, especially for short-running applications. This performance penalty has restricted the more wide-spread adoption of DBT technology, in spite of its obvious need. The goal of this work is to determine the different factors that contribute to the performance penalty imposed by dynamic binary translators. In this thesis, we describe the experiments that we designed to achieve our goal and report our results and observations. We use a popular and sophisticated DBT, DynamoRio, for our test platform, and employ the industry-standard SPEC CPU2006 benchmarks to capture run-time statistics. Our experiments find that DynamoRio executes a large number of additional instructions when compared to the native application execution. We further measure that this increase in the number of executed instructions is caused by the DBT frequently exiting the code cache to perform various management tasks at run-time, including code translation, indirect branch resolution and trace formation. We also find that the performance loss experienced by the DBT is directly proportional to the number of code cache exits. We will discuss the details on the experiments, results, observations, and analysis in this work

    Transparent dynamic instrumentation

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    Process virtualization provides a virtual execution environment within which an unmodified application can be monitored and controlled while it executes. The provided layer of control can be used for purposes ranging from sandboxing to compatibility to profiling. The additional operations required for this layer are performed clandestinely alongside regular program execution. Software dynamic instrumentation is one method for implementing process virtualization which dynamically instruments an application such that the application's code and the inserted code are interleaved together. DynamoRIO is a process virtualization system implemented using software code cache techniques that allows users to build customized dynamic instrumentation tools. There are many challenges to building such a runtime system. One major obstacle is transparency. In order to support executing arbitrary applications, DynamoRIO must be fully transparent so that an application cannot distinguish between running inside the virtual environment and native execution. In addition, any desired extra operations for a particular tool must avoid interfering with the behavior of the application. Transparency has historically been provided on an ad-hoc basis, as a reaction to observed problems in target applications. This paper identifies a necessary set of transparency requirements for running mainstream Windows and Linux applications. We discuss possible solutions to each transparency issue, evaluate tradeoffs between different choices, and identify cases where maintaining transparency is not practically solvable. We believe this will provide a guideline for better design and implementation of transparent dynamic instrumentation, as well as other similar process virtualization systems using software code caches

    Zipr: A High-Impact, Robust, Open-source, Multi-platform, Static Binary Rewriter

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    Zipr is a tool for static binary rewriting, first published in 2016. Zipr was engineered to support arbitrary program modification with an emphasis on low overhead, robustness, and flexibility to perform security enhancements and instrumentation. Originally targeted to Linux x86-32 binaries, Zipr now supports 32- and 64-bit binaries for X86, ARM, and MIPS architectures, as well as preliminary support for Windows programs. These features have helped Zipr make a dramatic impact on research. It was first used in the DARPA Cyber Grand Challenge to take second place overall, with the best security score of any participant, Zipr has now been used in a variety of research areas by both the original authors as well as third parties. Zipr has also led to publications in artificial diversity, program instrumentation, program repair, fuzzing, autonomous vehicle security, research computing security, as well as directly contributing to two student dissertations. The open-source repository has accepted accepted patches from several external authors, demonstrating the impact of Zipr beyond the original authors.Comment: 5 page

    Time Protection: the Missing OS Abstraction

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    Timing channels enable data leakage that threatens the security of computer systems, from cloud platforms to smartphones and browsers executing untrusted third-party code. Preventing unauthorised information flow is a core duty of the operating system, however, present OSes are unable to prevent timing channels. We argue that OSes must provide time protection in addition to the established memory protection. We examine the requirements of time protection, present a design and its implementation in the seL4 microkernel, and evaluate its efficacy as well as performance overhead on Arm and x86 processors
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