25 research outputs found

    Exploring individual user differences in the 2D/3D interaction with medical image data

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    User-centered design is often performed without regard to individual user differences. In this paper, we report results of an empirical study aimed to evaluate whether computer experience and demographic user characteristics would have an effect on the way people interact with the visualized medical data in a 3D virtual environment using 2D and 3D input devices. We analyzed the interaction through performance data, questionnaires and observations. The results suggest that differences in gender, age and game experience have an effect on people’s behavior and task performance, as well as on subjective\ud user preferences

    A situated method for modelling and analysing the efficiency of cognitive activity during the radiology reporting workflow using eye-tracking

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    The success of modern medical imaging systems has created a data overload problem, where an ever-increasing number of examinations, generate more images per study, which all need to be evaluated by radiologists or other reporting practitioners. This operational bottleneck hasthe potentialto create fatigue and burnout due to the high mental workload that is required to keep up with the demand. The focus of this problem centres around the cognitive complexity of the radiology reporting workflow, and the associated workstation interactions involved in diagnostic report generation. There has been a significant body of work evaluating the behaviour of radiologists using controlled laboratory-based techniques, but these non-naturalistic studies fail to address the highly context dependant nature of the radiology reporting workflow. For example, the early eye-tracking work of Charmody et al; the psychometric studies by Krupinksi et al; and also the workstation interaction evaluations of Moise et al; whilst highly principled, can be all be questioned on the grounds of ecological validity and authenticity. This thesis asserts that the only way to truly understand and resolve the radiology data overload problem, is by developing a situated method for observing the reporting workflow that can evaluate the behaviours of the reporting clinicians in relation to their authentic reporting context. To this end, this study has set out to develop a new approach for observing and analysing the cognitive activities of the reporters relative to the demands of their genuine working environment, and supported through the application of a Critical Realist’s perspective to naturalistic workplace observations. This goal was achieved through the development of four key project deliverables: • An in-depth exploratory study of the radiology overload problem based on an extensive literature review and situated observations of authentic reporting workflows. • A descriptive hierarchical activity modelof the reporting workflow that can be understood by both clinicians, application designers and researchers. • A generalised methodology and research protocolfor conducting situated observations of the radiology reporting workflow, using an analysis based on the process tracing of sequencesof Object Related Actions, captured with eye-tracking and multimodal recordings. • A set of case studies demonstrating the applicability of the research protocol involving 5 Radiology Consultants, 2 Radiology Registrars and one Reporting Radiographer at a single NHS Hospital within the UK. The final workflow evaluation of the case studies demonstrated that activities such as error correction, and the collection of supporting radiological information from previous studies is complex, time consuming and cognitively demanding. These types of activities are characterised by long, low utility actions that correspond to what Kahneman refers to as “Thinking Slow”. Also, the participants appeared to be self-optimising their workflow via a sparse use of complex functionality and system tools. From these observations, the author recommends that any intervention that can reduce the number and the duration of the object related actions used to produce radiology reports, will reduce cognitive load, increase overall efficiency, and go some way to alleviate the data overload problem. 4 This study establishes a new set of situated techniques that are able to capture and quantify the complex dynamicactivities that make up the radiology reporting workflow. Itis hoped that the ability to distil usefuland impactful insightsfrom the user’s workstation behaviours can be used as the basis for further development in the area of workflow analysis and redesign, which will ultimately improve the working lives of Radiologists and other Reporting Clinicians. Lastly, the generic nature of these techniques make them amenable for use within any type of complex sociotechnical human factors study related to the cognitive efficiency of the user

    Advanced Applications of Cardiac Computed Tomography for the Difficult-to-Image Patient

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    Throughout the development of computed tomographic (CT) imaging the challenges of capturing the heart, with its perpetual, vigorous motion, and in particular the tiny detail within the coronary arteries, has driven technological progress. Today, CT is a widely used and rapidly growing modality for the investigation of coronary artery disease, as well as other cardiac pathology. However, limitations remain and particular patient groups present a significant challenge to the CT operator. This thesis adds new knowledge to the assessment of these difficult-to-image patients. It considers patients with artefact from coronary artery calcification or stents, examining the remarkable diagnostic performance of high definition scanning, as well as material subtraction techniques using dual energy CT, alongside ways in which current technology might be revisited and refined with the use of alternative image reconstruction methods. Patients with challenging heart rate or rhythm abnormalities are considered in three studies; how to achieve diagnostic image quality in atrial fibrillation, the safety of an aggressive approach to intravenous beta-blocker use prior to coronary imaging, and the development of patient information to address anxiety as a source of tachycardia and motion artefact. Finally, the novel application of a single source, dual energy CT scanner to additional cardiac information is considered, with studies of myocardial perfusion CT and delayed iodine enhancement imaging, to identify ways in which non-coronary imaging might be exploited to more thoroughly evaluate a patient’s coronary artery status. These findings are presented in the context of developing technology and together offer a range of potential options for operators of cardiac CT when faced with a difficult-to-image patient

    An investigation into 3D printing of osteological remains: the metrology and ethics of virtual anthropology

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    Three-dimensional (3D) printed human remains are being utilised in courtroom demonstrations of evidence within the UK criminal justice system. This presents a potential issue given that the use of 3D replicas has not yet been empirically tested or validated for use in crime reconstructions. Further, recent movements to critically evaluate the ethics surrounding the presentation of human remains have failed to address the use of 3D printed replica bones. As such, this research addresses the knowledge gap surrounding the accuracy of 3D printed replicas of skeletal elements and investigates how the public feels about the use of 3D printed replicas. Three experimental studies focussed on metrology and identified 3D printed replicas to be accurate to within ± 2.0 mm using computed tomography (CT) scanning, and to within ± 0.2 mm or to 0-5% difference using micro-CT. The potential loss of micromorphological details was also examined and identified that quality control steps were key in identifying and mitigating loss of detail. A fourth experimental study collected data on the opinion of the public of the use of 3D printed human remains in courtroom demonstrations. Respondents were broadly positive and considered that prints can be produced ethically by maintaining the dignity and respect of the decedent. A framework that helps to assess ethical practices was developed as well as an adaptable pathway that can assist with assessing the quality and accuracy of 3D prints. The findings from this research contribute to an empirical evidence base that can underpin future 3D printed crime reconstructions and provides guidance for creating accurate 3D prints that can inform future practice and research endeavours


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    Evaluating Different Radiology Workstation Interaction Techniques with Radiologists and Laypersons

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    This paper presents a new methodology for evaluating radiology workstation interaction features, using lay subjects to perform a radiology look-alike task with artificial stimuli. We validated this methodology by evaluating two different workstation interaction techniques with two groups of subjects: laypersons and radiologists, using a set of artificial targets to simulate the reading of a diagnostic examination. Overall, the results from the two groups of subjects performing the same tasks were very similar. Both groups showed significantly faster response times using a new interaction technique, and the mouse clicks for both groups were very similar, showing that all the subjects mastered the style of interaction in a similar way. The errors made by both groups were comparable. These results show that it is possible to test new workstation interaction features using look-alike radiological tasks and inexperienced laypersons, and that the results do transfer to radiologists performing the same tasks

    Describing the use of social media as a point-of-care tool in facility-based emergency care in Africa

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    Background Despite privacy and legal concerns, social media is used to provide real-time clinical support to emergency care providers. It can be particularly beneficial for those in Africa, who might lack adequate training or access to information. This PhD aimed to describe the use of social media as a point-of-care telemedicine tool in facility-based emergency care in Africa, to further inform its use. Methods A scoping review was conducted to map available literature on use, benefits, and risks associated with social media as a point-of-care platform. A mixed methods approach was then taken using a cross-sectional survey and semi-structured interviews to obtain a comprehensive description of use of social media as a point-of-care tool in facility-based emergency care in Africa. Results The scoping review identified 13 publications describing use of social media as a point-of-care tool in emergency medical settings. No studies were located in low-income countries. All studies evaluated WhatsApp use for real-time consultations, and those that assessed reliability found it to be highly reliable for consultations. A total of 70 emergency care providers in African facilities responded to the survey; nearly all worked in low- or lower-middle-income countries. Responses showed that clinicians use social media multiple times each day, primarily to share and receive advice. The majority felt social media positively impacts patient and provider experiences and improves speed and safety. Finally, eight African emergency care providers were interviewed to gain an in-depth understanding of how social media use impacts emergency care. All participants noted routine use for a range of professional purposes, including consultations, administrative tasks, and education. Concerns were mentioned by all participants, including legality, privacy, and lack of employer regulations. Conclusions This dissertation provides insight into social media use of African emergency care physicians, showing that social media use in this group is ubiquitous. Most clinicians use social media multiple times each day for a range of point-of-care purposes, and many feel social media is positively impacting both the patient and provider experiences. Post-doctoral work will focus on developing a framework to guide use of social media in facility-based emergency care in the African setting