28,225 research outputs found

    Co-creativity and perceptions of computational agents in co-creativity

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    How are computers typically perceived in co-creativity scenarios? And how does this affect how we evaluate computational creativity research systems that use cocreativity? Recent research within computational creativity considers how to attribute creativity to computational agents within co-creative scenarios. Human evaluation forms a key part of such attribution or evaluation of creative contribution. The use of human opinion to evaluate computational creativity, however, runs the risk of being distorted by conscious or subconscious bias. The case study in this paper shows people are significantly less confident at evaluating the creativity of a whole co-creative system involving computational and human participants, compared to the (already tricky) task of evaluating individual creative agents in isolation. To progress co-creativity research, we should combine the use of co-creative computational models with the findings of computational creativity evaluation research into what contributes to software creativity

    Co-creativity and perceptions of computational agents in co-creativity

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    How are computers typically perceived in co-creativity scenarios? And how does this affect how we evaluate computational creativity research systems that use cocreativity? Recent research within computational creativity considers how to attribute creativity to computational agents within co-creative scenarios. Human evaluation forms a key part of such attribution or evaluation of creative contribution. The use of human opinion to evaluate computational creativity, however, runs the risk of being distorted by conscious or subconscious bias. The case study in this paper shows people are significantly less confident at evaluating the creativity of a whole co-creative system involving computational and human participants, compared to the (already tricky) task of evaluating individual creative agents in isolation. To progress co-creativity research, we should combine the use of co-creative computational models with the findings of computational creativity evaluation research into what contributes to software creativity

    Ih­mi­sen ja tie­to­ko­neen vÀ­li­nen yh­teis­luo­vuus : runoja kirjoittavien yh­teis­luo­vien jÀr­jes­tel­mien suun­nit­te­lu ja ar­vioin­ti sekÀ yh­teis­luo­van pro­ses­sin mal­lin­ta­mi­nen

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    Human-computer co-creativity examines creative collaboration between humans and artificially intelligent computational agents. Human-computer co-creativity researchers assume that instead of using computational systems to merely automate creative tasks, computational creativity methods can be leveraged to design computational collaborators capable of sharing creative responsibility with a human collaborator. This has potential for extending both human and computational creative capability. This thesis focuses on the case of one human and one computational collaborator. More specifically this thesis studies how children collaborate with a computational collaborator called the Poetry Machine in the linguistically creative task of writing poems. This thesis investigates three topics related to human-computer co-creativity: The design of human-computer co-creative systems, their evaluation and the modelling of human-computer co-creative processes. These topics are approached from two perspectives: an interaction design perspective and a computational creativity perspective. The interaction design perspective provides practical methods for the design and evaluation of interactive systems as well as methodological frameworks for analysing design practices in the field. The computational creativity perspective then again provides a theoretical view to the evaluation and modelling of human-computer co-creativity. The thesis itself consists of five papers. This thesis starts with an analysis of the interaction design process for computational collaborators. The design process is examined through a review of case studies, and a thorough description of the design process of the Poetry Machine system described in Paper I. The review shows that several researchers in the field have assumed a user-centered design approach, but some good design practices, including the reporting of design decisions, iterative design and early testing with users are not yet fulfilled according to the best standards. After illustrating the general design process, this thesis examines different approaches to the evaluation of human-computer co-creativity. Two case studies are conducted to evaluate the usability of and user experiences with the Poetry Machine system. The first evaluations are described in Paper II. They produced useful feedback for developing the system further. The second evaluation, described in Papers III and IV, investigates specific metrics for evaluating the co-creative writing experience in more detail. To promote the accumulation of design knowledge, special care is taken to report practical issues related to evaluating co-creative systems. These include, for example, issues related to formulating suitable evaluation tasks. Finally the thesis considers modelling human-computer co-creativity. Paper V approaches modelling from a computationally creative perspective, by extending the creativity-as-a-search paradigm into co-creative systems. The new model highlights specific issues for interaction designers to be aware of when designing new computational collaborators.Ihmisen ja tietokoneen vĂ€linen yhteisluovuus on tutkimusala, joka kĂ€sittelee ihmisten ja tekoĂ€lyagenttien vĂ€listĂ€ luovaa yhteistyötĂ€. TekoĂ€lyagenttien perustana toimivat uudet laskennallisen luovuuden metodit. Ne mahdollistavat pelkĂ€n luovien tehtĂ€vien automatisoinnin sijaan tasapainoisemman vastuunjaon ja vuorovaikutuksen ihmisen ja tekoĂ€lyagentin vĂ€lillĂ€. TĂ€mĂ€ tarjoaa sekĂ€ ihmisille ettĂ€ laskennallisille agenteille uusia luovia mahdollisuuksia. VĂ€itöskirja keskittyy erityisesti yhden ihmisen ja laskennallisesti luovan agentin yhteistyöhön. VĂ€itöskirja koostuu viidestĂ€ erillisestĂ€ julkaisusta, ja siihen kuuluvissa tapaustutkimuksissa havainnoidaan lasten ja laskennalliseen kielelliseen luovuuteen perustuvan Runokone–nimisen laskennallisesti luovan agentin yhteistyötĂ€. VĂ€itöskirjassa kĂ€sitellÀÀn ihmisen ja tietokoneen vĂ€lisen yhteisluovuuden kolmea teemaa: yhteisluovien jĂ€rjestelmien suunnittelua, niiden arviointia ja ihmisen ja tietokoneen vĂ€lisen yhteisluovan prosessin mallinnusta. Teemojen tutkimiseen kĂ€ytetÀÀn vuorovaikutussuunnittelun ja laskennallisen luovuuden menetelmiĂ€. Vuorovaikutussuunnittelu tarjoaa kĂ€ytĂ€nnönlĂ€heisiĂ€ menetelmiĂ€ jĂ€rjestelmien suunnitteluun ja arviointiin sekĂ€ erilaisia teoreettisia nĂ€kökulmia alalla vallitsevien suunnittelukĂ€ytĂ€ntöjen tarkasteluun. Laskennallisen luovuuden tutkimus puolestaan tarjoaa teoreettisen nĂ€kökulman yhteisluovien jĂ€rjestelmien arviointiin ja yhteisluovuuden mallinnukseen. EnsimmĂ€istĂ€ teemaa, yhteisluovien jĂ€rjestelmien suunnittelua, kĂ€sitellÀÀn vĂ€itöskirjan julkaisussa I. Julkaisussa kuvataan yhteisluovien jĂ€rjestelmien yleistĂ€ vuorovaikutussuunnitteluprosessia tapaustutkimuskatsauksen kautta, ja tarkastellaan Runokoneen suunnitteluprosessia. Tutkimuskatsaus osoittaa alan tutkijoiden usein valitsevan tutkimuksensa lĂ€htökohdaksi kĂ€yttĂ€jĂ€keskeisen suunnittelun. He kuitenkin noudattavat parhaita vuorovaikutussuunnittelun kĂ€ytĂ€ntöjĂ€ vain löyhĂ€sti. Tiedeyhteisön sisĂ€llĂ€ tulisikin siksi parantaa erityisesti suunnittelupÀÀtösten dokumentointia, iteratiivista suunnittelua ja varhaista kĂ€yttĂ€jĂ€testausta. Toista teemaa, ihmisen ja koneen vĂ€lisen yhteisluovuuden arviointia, tarkastellaan vĂ€itöksessĂ€ kahden tapaustutkimuksen kautta. NiistĂ€ ensimmĂ€isessĂ€ keskitytÀÀn Runokoneen kĂ€ytettĂ€vyyden arviointiin ja toisessa Runokoneen kĂ€yttĂ€jien kokemusten arviointiin. KĂ€ytettĂ€vyyden arviointia on kuvattu tarkemmin julkaisussa II. Arviointi tuotti hyödyllistĂ€ palautetta jĂ€rjestelmĂ€n jatkokehitystĂ€ varten. Julkaisuissa III ja IV tarkastellaan mittareita, joiden avulla voidaan arvioida tarkemmin kĂ€yttĂ€jien kĂ€yttĂ€jĂ€kokemuksia erilaisissa yhteisluovan kirjoittamisen prosesseissa. Vuorovaikutussuunnittelun tutkimuksen ja kĂ€ytĂ€nnön suunnittelutyön tukemiseksi julkaisuissa paneudutaan erityisesti yhteisluovien jĂ€rjestelmien arvioinnin kĂ€ytĂ€nnön ongelmiin. NĂ€ihin kuuluu esimerkiksi sopivien arviointitehtĂ€vien muodostaminen. Lopuksi vĂ€itöskirjassa kĂ€sitellÀÀn ihmisen ja koneen vĂ€lisen yhteisluovuuden mallinnusta. Julkaisussa V tarkastellaan mallinnusta laskennallisen luovuuden nĂ€kökulmasta laajentamalla luovan haun paradigmaa yhteisluoviin jĂ€rjestelmiin. Luovan haun paradigma kuvaa luomisprosessia sekĂ€ esteettisesti miellyttĂ€vien ettĂ€ luovaan kohdealaan sopivien artefaktien etsintĂ€nĂ€ hakuavaruudessa. Kuvatussa laajennuksessa painottuvat vuorovaikutussuunnittelun kannalta oleelliset ristiriitatilanteet, joiden ratkaisutavat vaikuttavat laskennallisesti luovien yhteistyökumppaneiden ominaisuuksiin

    Four PPPPerspectives on Computational Creativity

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    From what perspective should creativity of a system be considered? Are we interested in the creativity of the system’s out- put? The creativity of the system itself? Or of its creative processes? Creativity as measured by internal features or by external feedback? Traditionally within computational creativity the focus had been on the creativity of the system’s Products or of its Processes, though this focus has widened recently regarding the role of the audience or the field surrounding the creative system. In the wider creativity research community a broader take is prevalent: the creative Person is considered as well as the environment or Press within which the creative entity operates in. Here we have the Four Ps of creativity: Person, Product, Process and Press. This paper presents the Four Ps, explaining each of the Four Ps in the context of creativity research and how it relates to computational creativity. To illustrate how useful the Four Ps can be in taking a fuller perspective on creativity, the concepts of novelty and value explored from each of the Four P perspectives, uncovering aspects that may otherwise be overlooked. This paper argues that the broader view of creativity afforded by the Four Ps is vital in guiding us towards more encompassing and comprehensive computational investigations of creativity

    A Standardised Procedure for Evaluating Creative Systems: Computational Creativity Evaluation Based on What it is to be Creative

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    Computational creativity is a flourishing research area, with a variety of creative systems being produced and developed. Creativity evaluation has not kept pace with system development with an evident lack of systematic evaluation of the creativity of these systems in the literature. This is partially due to difficulties in defining what it means for a computer to be creative; indeed, there is no consensus on this for human creativity, let alone its computational equivalent. This paper proposes a Standardised Procedure for Evaluating Creative Systems (SPECS). SPECS is a three-step process: stating what it means for a particular computational system to be creative, deriving and performing tests based on these statements. To assist this process, the paper offers a collection of key components of creativity, identified empirically from discussions of human and computational creativity. Using this approach, the SPECS methodology is demonstrated through a comparative case study evaluating computational creativity systems that improvise music
