6 research outputs found

    Fault-Tolerant Distributed Services in Message-Passing Systems

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    Distributed systems ranging from small local area networks to large wide area networks like the Internet composed of static and/or mobile users have become increasingly popular. A desirable property for any distributed service is fault-tolerance, which means the service remains uninterrupted even if some components in the network fail. This dissertation considers weak distributed models to find either algorithms to solve certain problems or impossibility proofs to show that a problem is unsolvable. These are the main contributions of this dissertation: • Failure detectors are used as a service to solve consensus (agreement among nodes) which is otherwise impossible in failure-prone asynchronous systems. We find an algorithm for crash-failure detection that uses bounded size messages in an arbitrary, partitionable network composed of badly- behaved channels that can lose and reorder messages. • Registers are a fundamental building block for shared memory emulations on top of message passing systems. The problem has been extensively studied in static systems. However, register emulation in dynamic systems with faulty nodes is still quite hard and there are impossibility proofs that point out scenarios where change in the system composition due to nodes entering and leaving (also called churn) makes the problem unsolvable. We propose the first emulation of a crash-fault tolerant register in a system with continuous churn where consensus is unsolvable, the size of the system can grow without bound and at most a constant fraction of the number of nodes in the system can fail by crashing. We prove a lower bound that states that fault-tolerance for dynamic systems with churn is inherently lower than in static systems. • We then extend the results in the crash-fault tolerant case to a dynamic system with continuous churn and nodes that can be Byzantine faulty. It is the first emulation of an atomic register in a system that can withstand nodes continually entering and leaving, imposes no upper bound on the system size and can tolerate Byzantine nodes. However, the number of Byzantine faulty nodes that can be tolerated is upper bounded by a constant number. Although the algorithm requires that there be a constant known upper bound on the number of Byzantine nodes, this restriction is unavoidable, as we show that it is impossible to emulate an atomic register if the system size and maximum number of servers that can be Byzantine in the system is unknown

    Fault-Tolerant Distributed Services in Message-Passing Systems

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    Distributed systems ranging from small local area networks to large wide area networks like the Internet composed of static and/or mobile users have become increasingly popular. A desirable property for any distributed service is fault-tolerance, which means the service remains uninterrupted even if some components in the network fail. This dissertation considers weak distributed models to find either algorithms to solve certain problems or impossibility proofs to show that a problem is unsolvable. These are the main contributions of this dissertation: • Failure detectors are used as a service to solve consensus (agreement among nodes) which is otherwise impossible in failure-prone asynchronous systems. We find an algorithm for crash-failure detection that uses bounded size messages in an arbitrary, partitionable network composed of badly- behaved channels that can lose and reorder messages. • Registers are a fundamental building block for shared memory emulations on top of message passing systems. The problem has been extensively studied in static systems. However, register emulation in dynamic systems with faulty nodes is still quite hard and there are impossibility proofs that point out scenarios where change in the system composition due to nodes entering and leaving (also called churn) makes the problem unsolvable. We propose the first emulation of a crash-fault tolerant register in a system with continuous churn where consensus is unsolvable, the size of the system can grow without bound and at most a constant fraction of the number of nodes in the system can fail by crashing. We prove a lower bound that states that fault-tolerance for dynamic systems with churn is inherently lower than in static systems. • We then extend the results in the crash-fault tolerant case to a dynamic system with continuous churn and nodes that can be Byzantine faulty. It is the first emulation of an atomic register in a system that can withstand nodes continually entering and leaving, imposes no upper bound on the system size and can tolerate Byzantine nodes. However, the number of Byzantine faulty nodes that can be tolerated is upper bounded by a constant number. Although the algorithm requires that there be a constant known upper bound on the number of Byzantine nodes, this restriction is unavoidable, as we show that it is impossible to emulate an atomic register if the system size and maximum number of servers that can be Byzantine in the system is unknown

    Round-Based Consensus Algorithms, Predicate Implementations and Quantitative Analysis

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    Fault-tolerant computing is the art and science of building computer systems that continue to operate normally in the presence of faults. The fault tolerance field covers a wide spectrum of research area ranging from computer hardware to computer software. A common approach to obtain a fault-tolerant system is using software replication. However, maintaining the state of the replicas consistent is not an easy task, even though the understanding of the problems related to replication has significantly evolved over the past thirty years. Consensus is a fundamental building block to provide consistency in any fault-tolerant distributed system. A large number of algorithms have been proposed to solve the consensus problem in different systems. The efficiency of several consensus algorithms has been studied theoretically and practically. A common metric to evaluate the performance of consensus algorithms is the number of communication steps or the number of rounds (in round-based algorithms) for deciding. A large amount of improvements to consensus algorithms have been proposed to reduce this number under different assumptions, e.g., nice runs. However, the efficiency expressed in terms of number of rounds does not predict the time it takes to decide (including the time needed by the system to stabilize or not). Following this idea, the thesis investigates the round model abstraction to represent consensus algorithms, with benign and Byzantine faults, in a concise and modular way. The goal of the thesis is first to decouple the consensus algorithm from irrelevant details of implementations, such as synchronization, then study different possible implementations for a given consensus algorithm, and finally propose a more general analytical analysis for different consensus algorithms. The first part of the thesis considers the round-based consensus algorithms with benign faults. In this context, the round model allowed us to separate the consensus algorithms from the round implementation, to propose different round implementations, to improve existing round implementations by making them swift, and to provide quantitative analysis of different algorithms. The second part of the thesis considers the round-based consensus algorithms with Byzantine faults. In this context, there is a gap between theoretical consensus algorithms and practical Byzantine fault-tolerant protocols. The round model allowed us to fill the gap by better understanding existing protocols, and enabled us to express existing protocols in a simple and modular way, to obtain simplified proofs, to discover new protocols such as decentralized (non leader-based) algorithms, and finally to perform precise timing analysis to compare different algorithms. The last part of the thesis shows, as an example, how a round-based consensus algorithm that tolerates benign faults can be extended to wireless mobile ad hoc networks using an adequate communication layer. We have validated our implementation by running simulations in single hop and multi-hop wireless networks

    Evaluating Byzantine Quorum Systems

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