14 research outputs found

    Evaluasi Analisis Efektifitas Copy Naskah dengan Menggunakan Analytic Hierarchical Process

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    Progress in the field of business needs the support of the promotion, promotion measures can be done in various ways, one of which is measured in the areas of advertising, as outlined in a manuscript copy. There are a number of methods to evaluate the manuscript copy of which Direct Rating Method (DRM), EPIC Model and Customer Response Index (CRI). For an evaluation copy of the script there is a measurement method of comparison can be done with the Analytic Hierarchical Process (AHP). AHP is a method that is widely used in decision making and scientific part of the decision support system, known as Dicission Support System (DSS). In the discussion of this paper is intended to evaluate the effectiveness of each level, from the three models are used as a measure to assess the effectiveness of course seen the manuscript copy of each of the variables used. AHP didigunakan as advanced testing seen from some of the other variables if the data, formulation, design output, and transfer knowledge. At the end of the method will be seen each grade level of importance of each variable AHP. It describes the advantages in terms of where each model is used, so that the decision in the form of a score variable AHP can provide valuable information for anyone who will take measurements of the effectiveness of the manuscript copy. Acquisition synthesis analysis results obtained based on the priority level of 0.507 the top priority is DRM, second and third priorities respectively 0.327 and 0.166 for the EPIC models for CRI, this is becoming a final decision by the AHP process

    Simple and practical optimization approach based to solve a truck load and delivery problem at long haul distances with heterogenous products

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    This paper proposes an optimization based approach for solving the logistic processes of deliveries scheduling and product accommodation during loading with a heterogeneous fleet of vehicles. The approach focuses on the case of products with “low density values” and high heterogeneous volume and weight, and with traveling large distances to different zones, in which transportation costs constitute a important proportion of total logistic costs. The proposed approach consists of a two-phase strategy: The first uses a “Cutting Stock Problem” formulation to define utilization areas inside trucks assigned to each product family. This task is achieved by minimizing the long-haul transportation costs as a function of the vehicle size, considering a set of predefined solutions for feasible and efficient loading obtained as a result of the accumulated experience. The second phase consists of Bin Packing Problem version with a known number of bins, which were previously determined in the first phase of the approach. In this phase, different orders from a set of customers are assigned to each truck by obeying the predefined utilization areas per product category obtained in the first phase while minimizing the number of visits of each truck. The results show that the model addresses the analyzed problem in an efficient manner, which is reflected in reasonable resolution times and costs from a practical implementation perspective. Additionally, it is observed that long-haul delivery costs and vehicle utilization tend to improve with the increase of the utilized number of patterns even when the execution time is incremented.MaestríaMagister en Ingeniería Civi


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    Progress in the field of business needs the support of the promotion, promotion measures can be done in  various  ways,  one  of  which  is  measured  in  the  areas  of  advertising,  as  outlined  in  a  manuscript copy. There are a number of methods to evaluate the manuscript copy of which Direct Rating Method (DRM), EPIC Model and Customer Response Index (CRI). For an evaluation copy of the script there is a measurement method of comparison can be done with the Analytic Hierarchical Process (AHP). AHP  is  a  method  that  is  widely  used  in  decision  making  and  scientific  part  of  the  decision  support system,  known  as  Dicission  Support  System  (DSS).  In  the  discussion  of  this  paper  is  intended  to evaluate  the  effectiveness  of  each  level,  from  the  three  models  are  used  as  a  measure  to  assess  the effectiveness of course seen the manuscript copy of each of the variables used. AHP didigunakan as advanced  testing  seen  from  some  of  the  other  variables  if  the  data,  formulation,  design  output,  and transfer  knowledge.  At  the  end  of  the  method  will  be  seen  each  grade  level  of  importance  of  each variable AHP. It describes the advantages in terms of where each model is used, so that the decision in the  form  of  a  score  variable  AHP  can  provide  valuable  information  for  anyone  who  will  take measurements  of  the  effectiveness  of  the  manuscript  copy.  Acquisition  synthesis  analysis  results obtained  based  on  the  priority  level  of  0.507  the  top  priority  is  DRM,  second  and  third  priorities respectively  0.327  and  0.166  for  the  EPIC  models  for  CRI,  this  is  becoming  a  final  decision  by  the AHP process

    Container-handling operation optimization at Koja Container Terminal

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    Terminal expansion model for a container port for Johor port

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    At present, container terminal’s expansion models did not consider small changes in commercial viability with small changes in expansion size over time. This study intends to develop an alternative container terminal’s expansion model based on marginal approach. The treatment of each of these variables should be done separately for the increase in demand that may require one variable to be immediately expanded while other variables may have cope with and sustain the increase in demand. An algorithm’s expansion model is generated to calculate the expansion size, expansion time, interval of expansion and significant of expansion for each of the expansion variables, respectively. A case study was performed in Johor Port Berhad to validate the practicability and workability of the algorithm model. The initial result shows that the subsequent expansion for rubber tyred gantry crane starts in the year 2021. The expansion size of quay crane and rubber tyred gantry crane is one unit per time. The expansion size of prime mover is two units per time. The first expansion time for quay crane is in the year 2023, and the interval period is four to five years. The first expansion time for rubber tyred gantry crane is in the year 2021, and the interval period is one to two years. The first expansion time for prime mover is in the year 2025, and the interval period is one to two years. The reason for the one year allowance of the interval period is because the expansion size is based on the unit of infrastructure purchase and not based on 20-foot equivalent unit capacity. All the expansion stage is positive for the net present value. On the other hand, the algorithm model shows that the berth capacity requirement, container park area, container freight station and terminal other areas are sustainable over the planning time horizon and not based on expansion required. The research has successfully identified five key infrastructural components of the container terminal, and developed a generic mathematical model to calculate the marginal expansion required

    The development of an ems facility location model to minimize response time: a case study of Nakhon Ratchasima province

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    Tämä opinnäytetyö tutki Varsinais-Suomen sairaanhoitopiirin kenttäjohtoyksikön toimintaa. Vuonna 2011 voimaan astuneen, uuden terveydenhuoltolain myötä ensihoitopalvelu ja siihen liittyvän kenttäjohtoyksikön toiminta siirtyi sairaanhoito-piirien järjestämisvastuulle 1.1.2014 alkaen. Tämä muutos ajoittuu yhteiskunnallisesti haastavaan taloudelliseen tilanteeseen, jossa resurssien käyttöä joudutaan suunnittelemaan yhä tarkemmin. Taloudelliset ja toiminnalliset tehostamispaineet vaikuttavat myös ensihoitopalveluihin. Ensihoitopalveluiden hyvä operatiivinen johtaminen ja laadukas toiminta määrittävät ensihoitoprosessin onnistumista. Opinnäytetyössä selvitettiin kenttäjohtoyksikön toimintaa hälytystehtävillä ja pyrittiin arvioimaan ja kehittämään kenttäjohtoyksikön toimintaohjetta sekä käytännön työtä. Tutkimusongelmaa lähestyttiin ensihoitopalvelun johtamisen ja sen laa-dun kautta. Vähän tutkittua kenttäjohtoyksikön toimintaa tarkastelemalla voidaan tarjota näkökulmia toimintatapojen ohjaamiseen ja tehostamiseen. Tutkimus toteutettiin puolistrukturoituna kyselytutkimuksena, jonka runko laadit-tiin kirjallisuuskatsauksen ja alan käytännön suositusten perusteella. Kyselyssä selvitettiin ensihoitohenkilöstön mielipiteitä kenttäjohtoyksikön tarpeellisuudesta ja hyödyistä eri ensihoitotehtävillä. Tutkimusaineisto hälytystehtävistä kerättiin syys - joulukuussa 2013, ja siihen osallistui Varsinais-Suomen alueen 15 ensihoidon palveluntuottajaa, mukaan lukien FinnHEMS20- lääkäriyksikkö ja kenttäjohtoyksikkö. Tutkimuksen perusteella Varsinais-Suomen ensihoitojärjestelmä on laadullisesti hyvin suunniteltu ja toteutettu. Tilannejohtaminen nousi merkittävimmäksi kenttä-johtoyksikön tuomaksi hyödyksi kiireellisissä tehtävissä. Myös kenttäjohtoyksikön tietotaito sekä lisäkädet hoitotyöhön koettiin hyödyllisiksi. Kehitettävää nähtiin kenttäjohtoyksikön liian matalassa kynnyksessä liittyä tehtäville. Ensihoitopalvelujen järjestämisessä on Suomessa alueellisia eroja. Laadullisesti yhtenäisen ja kustannustehokkaan ensihoitojärjestelmän toteuttaminen koko valta-kunnan alueella vaatii erityisesti kokemusten ja tietojen vaihtoa. Tämä opinnäyte-työ pyrkii osaltaan jakamaan tätä tietoa, edesauttamaan ensihoitoprosessien koko-naisvaltaista onnistumista ja alalla työskentelevien osaamisen kehittämistä.The aim of this final project was to assess the function of the emergency care field supervisor unit in the Hospital District of Southwest Finland. According to the new health care law, organizing the emergency services is the responsibility of the hospital districts, instead of municipalities. This change occurs in challenging eco-nomic times, when accurate resource allocation is increasingly important. The pressure to enhance the economic and operational performance is current also in the emergency services. Good operational management and quality of work de-fines the success of the whole emergency care process. In this final project the actions of the emergency care field supervisor unit were viewed in emergency situations and the aim was to evaluate and develop the work practices of this unit. The research questions focused on the leadership and the quality of emergency care. The emergency care field unit has seldom been studied and the aim of this study was to provide perspective to the development and im-provement of the operation of this unit. The research was carried out as a half-structured questionnaire, which was com-posed based on relevant literature and best practices in the field. The question-naire aimed to find out the opinions of the emergency service personnel on the ne-cessity and usefulness of the field supervisor unit. The data was collected be-tween September and December 2013. Fifteen emergency service providers from Southwest Finland participated, including the helicopter and supervisor unit. Based on this research, the emergency services are well organized in Southwest Finland. Situational leadership was named as the single most important benefit of the supervisor unit. Also, the know-how and additional pair of helping hands was mentioned to be of great importance. There was room for improvement in the unit’s tendency to join uncritical tasks and in the risk assessments of the Emer-gency Response Centre

    Communication technologies and data processing for safety

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    Emergency workers comprise large professional groups like volunteer fire-fighters, police officers, emergency medical staff and so on. Their professions have to deal frequently with a considerable number of a combination of health and safety risk factors, which are often unavoidable. For example, workplace scenes demanding the intervention of emergency workers may be located in remote, difficult to access areas (mountains, sea, caves), and sometimes in extremely difficult weather conditions. Moreover, emergency workers must arrive very rapidly at the disaster scene at any time of the day or night, and there is always the possibility of car crashes or other transportation accidents on the journey to the disaster scene or to hospitals. Others examples are the industrial workplaces, which are inherently places with a high concentration of heavy machinery, fast handling equipments, high heat and pressure pipes, polluted and explosive areas where people work in a relatively small area. Therefore, in an environment where situational awareness and tactical decision making are critical elements to a successful operation, it is really important to have available efficient instruments to ensure the safety for all operators that work in the field. Despite the fact that a lot sophisticated solutions have been used for increasing request due to the growing need of safety concerns by the operators, the mission-critical environments are still considered high-risk environments with serious work safety related issues and higher accident rates than in other workplaces. This study focuses on the safety precautions in outdoor and indoor environments, safety communication and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and proposes solutions to ensure secure and reliable communications between forces deployed in the field and their dispatch center, which is often of decisive importance for the work of the emergency services, analyzing two different important case studies. Moreover, we have designed a control system intended as a platform for real-time information capable of monitoring, by means of camera and sensor data harvesting about people and vehicles movements. It provides automatic and semi-automatic risk prevention measures thanks to the work in progress on designing and implementing a first working prototype of sensor network based on RFID BAN. These capabilities are the topic of a larger research project that aims to find the optimal solution in terms of feasibility and practical implementation. To conclude our study, we have developed a indoor navigation system for mobile devices. The application is able to follow the user and it indicates the shortest path to achieve a specific destination. It uses only smartphone motion sensor and not requires the use of extra equipment. Moreover, thanks to an algorithm widely explained afterwards and the use of the gyroscope sensor rather than the compass, the mobile application ensure a very good orientation. The thesis is organized as following: - In the first chapter, to design a radio communication system both for health emergency services and Civil Protection services, different Professional Mobile Radio (PMR) standards was analized. PMR, also known as land mobile radio (LMR) in North America, are field radio communications systems which use portable, mobile, base station, and dispatch console radios. It has referred to a suite of radio mobile network tecnologies deployed for missioncritical users, which need high affordable communication system. In the specific, PMR networks provide radio services for closed user group, group call and push-to-talk, and call set-up times which are generally short compared with cellular system. In addition, they provide communications in extreme situations that might cause failures in other communications network, like 2G or 3G. As a result of the analysis of the main digital PMR standards (TETRA and DMR) used in European countries, we decided to use the DMR standard to design the radio network for 118 service in Sardinia and for Civil Protection service. DMR has been identified as the best solution, which grants cost saving, high coverage, spectral efficiency and simplicity in network configuration and it is well suitable in wide area with a low/medium density of traffic. - The second and third chapter of the thesis are focused on improvement of the safety of operators in a maritime cargo terminal. Hence, a new infrastructure of a maritime cargo terminal has been defined, using a control system for monitoring workplace safety. By combining, in the control system, the inputs from a Body Area Network (BAN) integrated in the safety equipment and from CCTV cameras, a human supervisor is able to achieve an accurate overview of the entire situation in terms of work safety and act accordingly when needed. In addition, we focused even on the design and implementation of a working prototype of an RFID-based BAN sensor network for actively monitoring and preventing workplace safety risks in the same industrial area. This first conceptual and technological analysis, together with the test implementation, is the forerunner of a complex monitoring system in development to be implemented both for the specific case and for any industrial environment. - The last chapter aims to describe an indoor navigation system developed for smartphone android. Specifically, it has been demonstrated how the use of a gyroscope sensor can brings more benefits respect to a compass sensor to get the best detected position. Nowadays, modern mobile devices, such as smartphones and PDAs in general, come to the market already equipped with sensors able to track them as they move, both in outdoor and indoor environment. The sensing technologies embedded in such devices make it ideal for a wide range of location-based services, such as navigation applications. An Inertial Navigation System (INS) uses motion and rotation sensors in order to determine the position, orientation, and velocity of a moving object/user without the need of external infrastructures. This is essential in an indoor environment where common localization systems, such as Global Positioning System (GPS), fail due to severe attenuation or obscuration of the satellite's signal. In inertial navigation systems, localization/ orientation estimation is source-independent. The user's position is calculated in relation to a known starting position using a dead reckoning algorithm and the orientation is usually provided by a digital compass embedded in the smartphone. A digital compass sensor provides the orientation of the device relative to the magnetic north of the earth. However, when it is used in indoor environments, like any magnetic device, it is affected by significant error caused by nearby ferrous materials, as well as local electromagnetic fields. Such errors seriously affect the performance and the accuracy of the system, thus the need to investigate any alternative orientation technique. In the specific, we have developed an early prototype of a pedestrian navigation system for indoor environments based on dead reckoning, 2D barcodes and data from accelerometers and magnetometers. All the sensing and computing technologies of our solution are available in common smartphones. The prototype has been further improved by a new algorithm described afterwards and now it is able to estimate the correct current position of the user, track him inside the building and provide the best path to achieve a specific destination

    Communication technologies and data processing for safety

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    Emergency workers comprise large professional groups like volunteer fire-fighters, police officers, emergency medical staff and so on. Their professions have to deal frequently with a considerable number of a combination of health and safety risk factors, which are often unavoidable. For example, workplace scenes demanding the intervention of emergency workers may be located in remote, difficult to access areas (mountains, sea, caves), and sometimes in extremely difficult weather conditions. Moreover, emergency workers must arrive very rapidly at the disaster scene at any time of the day or night, and there is always the possibility of car crashes or other transportation accidents on the journey to the disaster scene or to hospitals. Others examples are the industrial workplaces, which are inherently places with a high concentration of heavy machinery, fast handling equipments, high heat and pressure pipes, polluted and explosive areas where people work in a relatively small area. Therefore, in an environment where situational awareness and tactical decision making are critical elements to a successful operation, it is really important to have available efficient instruments to ensure the safety for all operators that work in the field. Despite the fact that a lot sophisticated solutions have been used for increasing request due to the growing need of safety concerns by the operators, the mission-critical environments are still considered high-risk environments with serious work safety related issues and higher accident rates than in other workplaces. This study focuses on the safety precautions in outdoor and indoor environments, safety communication and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and proposes solutions to ensure secure and reliable communications between forces deployed in the field and their dispatch center, which is often of decisive importance for the work of the emergency services, analyzing two different important case studies. Moreover, we have designed a control system intended as a platform for real-time information capable of monitoring, by means of camera and sensor data harvesting about people and vehicles movements. It provides automatic and semi-automatic risk prevention measures thanks to the work in progress on designing and implementing a first working prototype of sensor network based on RFID BAN. These capabilities are the topic of a larger research project that aims to find the optimal solution in terms of feasibility and practical implementation. To conclude our study, we have developed a indoor navigation system for mobile devices. The application is able to follow the user and it indicates the shortest path to achieve a specific destination. It uses only smartphone motion sensor and not requires the use of extra equipment. Moreover, thanks to an algorithm widely explained afterwards and the use of the gyroscope sensor rather than the compass, the mobile application ensure a very good orientation. The thesis is organized as following: - In the first chapter, to design a radio communication system both for health emergency services and Civil Protection services, different Professional Mobile Radio (PMR) standards was analized. PMR, also known as land mobile radio (LMR) in North America, are field radio communications systems which use portable, mobile, base station, and dispatch console radios. It has referred to a suite of radio mobile network tecnologies deployed for missioncritical users, which need high affordable communication system. In the specific, PMR networks provide radio services for closed user group, group call and push-to-talk, and call set-up times which are generally short compared with cellular system. In addition, they provide communications in extreme situations that might cause failures in other communications network, like 2G or 3G. As a result of the analysis of the main digital PMR standards (TETRA and DMR) used in European countries, we decided to use the DMR standard to design the radio network for 118 service in Sardinia and for Civil Protection service. DMR has been identified as the best solution, which grants cost saving, high coverage, spectral efficiency and simplicity in network configuration and it is well suitable in wide area with a low/medium density of traffic. - The second and third chapter of the thesis are focused on improvement of the safety of operators in a maritime cargo terminal. Hence, a new infrastructure of a maritime cargo terminal has been defined, using a control system for monitoring workplace safety. By combining, in the control system, the inputs from a Body Area Network (BAN) integrated in the safety equipment and from CCTV cameras, a human supervisor is able to achieve an accurate overview of the entire situation in terms of work safety and act accordingly when needed. In addition, we focused even on the design and implementation of a working prototype of an RFID-based BAN sensor network for actively monitoring and preventing workplace safety risks in the same industrial area. This first conceptual and technological analysis, together with the test implementation, is the forerunner of a complex monitoring system in development to be implemented both for the specific case and for any industrial environment. - The last chapter aims to describe an indoor navigation system developed for smartphone android. Specifically, it has been demonstrated how the use of a gyroscope sensor can brings more benefits respect to a compass sensor to get the best detected position. Nowadays, modern mobile devices, such as smartphones and PDAs in general, come to the market already equipped with sensors able to track them as they move, both in outdoor and indoor environment. The sensing technologies embedded in such devices make it ideal for a wide range of location-based services, such as navigation applications. An Inertial Navigation System (INS) uses motion and rotation sensors in order to determine the position, orientation, and velocity of a moving object/user without the need of external infrastructures. This is essential in an indoor environment where common localization systems, such as Global Positioning System (GPS), fail due to severe attenuation or obscuration of the satellite's signal. In inertial navigation systems, localization/ orientation estimation is source-independent. The user's position is calculated in relation to a known starting position using a dead reckoning algorithm and the orientation is usually provided by a digital compass embedded in the smartphone. A digital compass sensor provides the orientation of the device relative to the magnetic north of the earth. However, when it is used in indoor environments, like any magnetic device, it is affected by significant error caused by nearby ferrous materials, as well as local electromagnetic fields. Such errors seriously affect the performance and the accuracy of the system, thus the need to investigate any alternative orientation technique. In the specific, we have developed an early prototype of a pedestrian navigation system for indoor environments based on dead reckoning, 2D barcodes and data from accelerometers and magnetometers. All the sensing and computing technologies of our solution are available in common smartphones. The prototype has been further improved by a new algorithm described afterwards and now it is able to estimate the correct current position of the user, track him inside the building and provide the best path to achieve a specific destination