7 research outputs found

    Practical cybersecurity ethics: mapping CyBOK to ethical concerns

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    Research into the ethics of cybersecurity is an established and growing topic of investigation, however the translation of this research into practice is lacking: there exists a small number of professional codes of ethics or codes of practice in cybersecurity, e.g. the ISSA or the UK Cyber Security Council’s code of ethics, however these are very broad and do not offer much insight into the ethical dilemmas that can be faced while performing specific cybersecurity activities. In order to address this gap, we leverage ongoing work on the Cyber Security Body of Knowledge (CyBOK) to help elicit and document the responsibilities and ethics of the profession. Based on a review of the existing literature on the ethics of cybersecurity, we use CyBOK to frame the exploration of ethical challenges in the cybersecurity profession through a series of 15 interviews with cybersecurity experts. Our approach is qualitative and exploratory, aiming to answer the research question “What ethical challenges, insights, and solutions arise in different areas of cybersecurity?”. Our findings indicate that there are broad ethical challenges across the whole of cybersecurity, but also that different areas of cybersecurity can face specific ethical considerations for which more detailed guidance can help professionals in those areas. In particular, our findings indicate that security decision-making is expected of all security professionals, but that this requires them to balance a complex mix of different technical, objective and subjective points of view, and that resolving conflicts raises challenging ethical dilemmas. We highlight our participants’ concerns about the growing use of AI technology in cybersecurity, and discuss the implications of applying AI to decision-making. We conclude that more work is needed to explore, map, and integrate ethical considerations into cybersecurity practice; the urgent need to conduct further research into the ethics of cybersecurity AI; and highlight the importance of this work for individuals and professional bodies who seek to develop and mature the cybersecurity profession in a responsible manner

    The global vulnerability discovery and disclosure system: a thematic system dynamics approach

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    Vulnerabilities within software are the fundamental issue that provide both the means, and opportunity for malicious threat actors to compromise critical IT systems (Younis et al., 2016). Consequentially, the reduction of vulnerabilities within software should be of paramount importance, however, it is argued that software development practitioners have historically failed in reducing the risks associated with software vulnerabilities. This failure is illustrated in, and by the growth of software vulnerabilities over the past 20 years. This increase which is both unprecedented and unwelcome has led to an acknowledgement that novel and radical approaches to both understand the vulnerability discovery and disclosure system (VDDS) and to mitigate the risks associate with software vulnerability centred risk is needed (Bradbury, 2015; Marconato et al., 2012). The findings from this research show that whilst technological mitigations are vital, the social and economic features of the VDDS are of critical importance. For example, hitherto unknown systemic themes identified by this research are of key and include; Perception of Punishment; Vendor Interactions; Disclosure Stance; Ethical Considerations; Economic factors for Discovery and Disclosure and Emergence of New Vulnerability Markets. Each theme uniquely impacts the system, and ultimately the scale of vulnerability based risks. Within the research each theme within the VDDS is represented by several key variables which interact and shape the system. Specifically: Vender Sentiment; Vulnerability Removal Rate; Time to fix; Market Share; Participants within VDDS, Full and Coordinated Disclosure Ratio and Participant Activity. Each variable is quantified and explored, defining both the parameter space and progression over time. These variables are utilised within a system dynamic model to simulate differing policy strategies and assess the impact of these policies upon the VDDS. Three simulated vulnerability disclosure futures are hypothesised and are presented, characterised as depletion, steady and exponential with each scenario dependent upon the parameter space within the key variables

    Un lenguaje para especificar pruebas de seguridad de caja negra automatizadas para sistemas Web

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    RESUMEN: El correcto funcionamiento de las plataformas de cómputo que soportan tareas industriales esenciales y actividades estratégicas de gobierno, dependen de la calidad y de la estandarización del proceso de prueba utilizado por los analistas de seguridad. Este proyecto propone una solución al problema de lograr estandarizar el proceso de pruebas de seguridad sobre un TOE (“objetivo de evaluación” o sistema sobre el cual se está realizando la prueba). La solución propuesta está orientada a la realización de pruebas en sistemas Web por ser una necesidad común en la industria y se considera únicamente la técnica de pruebas de caja negra, porque este tipo de escenario es con frecuencia el único disponible cuando el analista de seguridad no tiene acceso al código fuente de la aplicación. Nuestro enfoque está dirigido a soportar un diseño de pruebas basadas en modelos; es decir, el analista de seguridad define el modelo de la prueba y un framework ejecuta una transformación desde el modelo para obtener un conjunto de comandos ejecutables para controlar escaneadores de vulnerabilidades que interactuarán con el TOE para encontrar sus fallos de seguridad. De esta manera, la prueba se hace reutilizable y se obtienen resultados menos dependientes de aspectos subjetivos relacionados a la persona que ejecuta la prueba. En la actualidad es difícil mejorar sistemáticamente un proceso de pruebas de seguridad porque cada analista incide en gran medida en los resultados obtenidos. En cambio, cuando se tiene un proceso más estándar, cada nueva técnica incluida en la herramienta podrá incrementar la calidad de cualquier prueba realizada posteriormente, independientemente del usuario de la herramienta. Como resultado del proyecto, realizamos un análisis comparativo de los trabajos anteriores que abordan técnicas de “pruebas basadas en modelos” que han sido aplicadas en el contexto de la seguridad. Además, desarrollamos un prototipo que soporta múltiples analizadores de vulnerabilidades Web y sugerimos algunas ideas que podrían mejorar su nivel de adopción en la industria. La principal contribución teórica es la definición de un lenguaje visual y textual para modelar pruebas de seguridad. La especificación precisa usando un metamodelo y una gramática permite que los modelos expresados en este lenguaje puedan ser transformados a instrucciones específicas de ejecución para analizadores de vulnerabilidades

    Online Social Deception and Its Countermeasures for Trustworthy Cyberspace: A Survey

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    We are living in an era when online communication over social network services (SNSs) have become an indispensable part of people's everyday lives. As a consequence, online social deception (OSD) in SNSs has emerged as a serious threat in cyberspace, particularly for users vulnerable to such cyberattacks. Cyber attackers have exploited the sophisticated features of SNSs to carry out harmful OSD activities, such as financial fraud, privacy threat, or sexual/labor exploitation. Therefore, it is critical to understand OSD and develop effective countermeasures against OSD for building a trustworthy SNSs. In this paper, we conducted an extensive survey, covering (i) the multidisciplinary concepts of social deception; (ii) types of OSD attacks and their unique characteristics compared to other social network attacks and cybercrimes; (iii) comprehensive defense mechanisms embracing prevention, detection, and response (or mitigation) against OSD attacks along with their pros and cons; (iv) datasets/metrics used for validation and verification; and (v) legal and ethical concerns related to OSD research. Based on this survey, we provide insights into the effectiveness of countermeasures and the lessons from existing literature. We conclude this survey paper with an in-depth discussions on the limitations of the state-of-the-art and recommend future research directions in this area.Comment: 35 pages, 8 figures, submitted to ACM Computing Survey