7 research outputs found

    Integrating SQuARE data quality model with ISO 31000 risk management to measure and mitigate software bias

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    In the last decades the exponential growth of available information, together with the availability of systems able to learn the knowledge that is present in the data, has pushed towards the complete automation of many decision- making processes in public and private organizations. This circumstance is posing impelling ethical and legal issues since a large number of studies and journalistic investigations showed that software-based decisions, when based on historical data, perpetuate the same prejudices and bias existing in society, resulting in a systematic and inescapable negative impact for individuals from minorities and disadvantaged groups. The problem is so relevant that the terms data bias and algorithm ethics have become familiar not only to researchers, but also to industry leaders and policy makers. In this context, we believe that the ISO SQuaRE standard, if appropriately integrated with risk management concepts and procedures from ISO 31000, can play an important role in democratizing the innovation of software-generated decisions, by making the development of this type of software systems more socially sustainable and in line with the shared values of our societies. More in details, we identified two additional measure for a quality characteristic already present in the standard (completeness) and another that extends it (balance) with the aim of highlighting information gaps or presence of bias in the training data. Those measures serve as risk level indicators to be checked with common fairness measures that indicate the level of polarization of the software classifications/predictions. The adoption of additional features with respect to the standard broadens its scope of application, while maintaining consistency and conformity. The proposed methodology aims to find correlations between quality deficiencies and algorithm decisions, thus allowing to verify and mitigate their impact

    Imbalanced data as risk factor of discriminating automated decisions: a measurement-based approach

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    Over the last two decades, the number of organizations -both in the public and private sector- which have automated decisional processes has grown notably. The phenomenon has been enabled by the availability of massive amounts of personal data and the development of software systems that use those data to optimize decisions with respect to certain optimization goals. Today, software systems are involved in a wide realm of decisions that are relevant for the lives of people and the exercise of their rights and freedoms. Illustrative examples are systems that score individuals for their possibility to pay back a debt, recommenders of the best candidates for a job or a house rent advertisement, or tools for automatic moderation of online debates. While advantages for using algorithmic decision making concern mainly scalability and economic affordability, on the other hand, several critical aspects have emerged, including systematic adverse impact for individuals belonging to minorities and disadvantaged groups. In this context, the terms data and algorithm bias have become familiar to researchers, industry leaders and policy makers, and much ink has been spelled on the concept of algorithm fairness, in order to produce more equitable results and to avoid discrimination. Our approach is different from the main corpus of research on algorithm fairness because we shift the focus from the outcomes of automated decision making systems to its inputs and processes. Instead, we lay the foundations of a risk assessment approach based on a measurable characteristic of input data, i.e. imbalance, which can lead to discriminating automated decisions. We then relate the imbalance to existing standards and risk assessment procedures. We believe that the proposed approach can be useful to a variety of stakeholders, e.g. producers and adopters of automated decision making software, policy makers, certification or audit authorities. This would allow for the assessment of the risk level of discriminations when using imbalanced data in decision making software. This assessment should prompt all the involved stakeholders to take appropriate actions to prevent adverse effects. Such discriminations, in fact, pose a significant obstacle to human rights and freedoms, as our societies increasingly rely on automated decision making. This work is intended to help mitigate this problem, and to contribute to the development of software systems that are socially sustainable and are in line with the shared values of our democratic societies

    Garbage In, Garbage Out? Do Machine Learning Application Papers in Social Computing Report Where Human-Labeled Training Data Comes From?

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    Many machine learning projects for new application areas involve teams of humans who label data for a particular purpose, from hiring crowdworkers to the paper's authors labeling the data themselves. Such a task is quite similar to (or a form of) structured content analysis, which is a longstanding methodology in the social sciences and humanities, with many established best practices. In this paper, we investigate to what extent a sample of machine learning application papers in social computing --- specifically papers from ArXiv and traditional publications performing an ML classification task on Twitter data --- give specific details about whether such best practices were followed. Our team conducted multiple rounds of structured content analysis of each paper, making determinations such as: Does the paper report who the labelers were, what their qualifications were, whether they independently labeled the same items, whether inter-rater reliability metrics were disclosed, what level of training and/or instructions were given to labelers, whether compensation for crowdworkers is disclosed, and if the training data is publicly available. We find a wide divergence in whether such practices were followed and documented. Much of machine learning research and education focuses on what is done once a "gold standard" of training data is available, but we discuss issues around the equally-important aspect of whether such data is reliable in the first place.Comment: 18 pages, includes appendi

    Ethical and Socially-Aware Data Labels

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    Many software systems today make use of large amount of personal data to make recommendations or decisions that affect our daily lives. These software systems generally operate without guarantees of non-discriminatory practices, as instead often required to human decision-makers, and therefore are attracting increasing scrutiny. Our research is focused on the specific problem of biased software-based decisions caused from biased input data. In this regard, we propose a data labeling framework based on the identification of measurable data characteristics that could lead to downstream discriminating effects. We test the proposed framework on a real dataset, which allowed us to detect risks of discrimination for the case of population groups

    Ethical and Socially-Aware Data Labels

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    Many software systems today make use of large amount of personal data to make recommendations or decisions that affect our daily lives. These software systems generally operate without guarantees of non-discriminatory practices, as instead often required to human decision-makers, and therefore are attracting increasing scrutiny. Our research is focused on the specific problem of biased software-based decisions caused from biased input data. In this regard, we propose a data labeling framework based on the identification of measurable data characteristics that could lead to downstream discriminating effects. We test the proposed framework on a real dataset, which allowed us to detect risks of discrimination for the case of population groups