4 research outputs found

    Sistem penilaian tempat wisata di Kabupaten Kediri berbasis web menggunakan Blockchain Ethereum

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    ABSTRAK: Sistem penilaian tempat wisata di Kabupaten Kediri berbasis web menggunakan Blockchain Ethereum Pariwisata merupakan salah satu sektor unggulan di Kabupaten Kediri. Destinasi wisatanya tidak hanya didatangi wisatawan local tetapi bahkan sampai mancanegara. Sehingga perlu adanya evaluasi dan penilaian terhadap masing-masing destinasi wisata agar dapat dilakukan pengembangan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui bagaimana implementasi blockchain ethereum pada website sistem penilaian. Penilaian yang dilakukan menggunakan kriteria dari 6As Tourism Destination Framework. Penerapan dari sistem penilaian tersebut akan berupa website dengan penyimpanan datanya menggunakan blockchain ethereum sebagai penyimpanan data terdesentralisasi. Dengan menggunakan blockchain ethereum, wisatawan akan mudah dalam melakukan penilaian serta data transaksi penilaian juga akan lebih aman. Pengujian dilakukan dengan menguji transaction hash dan fungsional website menggunakan metode black box testing. Hasil dari pengujian yaitu data transaksi penilaian dapat tersimpan pada jaringan blockchain ethereum dan dapat ditampilkan pada website sistem penilaian. Hasil dari pengujian fungsional website menunjukkan kesesuaian antara input yang dilakukan dan output yang dihasilkan. ABSTRACT: Tourism is one of the leading sectors in Kediri Regency. Its tourist destinations are not only visited by local tourists but even foreign tourists. So it is necessary to evaluate and assess each tourist destination so that development can be carried out. The purpose of this research is to find out how the ethereum blockchain is implemented on the rating system website. The assessment was carried out using the criteria of the 6As Tourism Destination Framework. The implementation of the scoring system will be in the form of a website with data storage using the ethereum blockchain as a decentralized data storage. By using the Ethereum blockchain, it will be easy for tourists to make assessments and the assessment transaction data will also be safer. Testing is carried out by testing the transaction hash and website functionality using the black box testing method. The results of the test are that the valuation transaction data can be stored on the ethereum blockchain network and can be displayed on the appraisal system website. The results of website functional testing show compatibility between the inputs performed and the outputs produced. مستخلص البحث: السياحة هي واحدة من القطاعات الرائدة في ريجنسي كيديري. لا تتم زيارة وجهاتها السياحية فقط من قبل السياح المحليين ولكن حتى السياح الأجانب. لذلك من الضروري تقييم وتقدير كل وجهة سياحية حتى يمكن تنفيذ التطوير. الغرض من هذا البحث كشين الإهو معرفة كيفية تنفيذ بلويثيريوم على موقع نظام التصنيف. تم إجراء التقييم باستخدام معايير إطار الوجهة السياحية6As. سيكون تنفيذ نظام التسجيل في شكل موقع ويب به تخزين بيانات باستخدامblockchain ethereumكتخزين بيانات كزي. باستخداملامرblockchain ethereum، سيكون من السهل على السياحإجراء تقييمات وستكون بيانات معاملات التقييم أيضًا أكثر أمانًا. يتم إجراء الاختبار عن طريق اختبار وظيفة تجزئة المعاملات والموقع الإلك تًوني باستخدام طريقة اختبار كشين الإيثيرالصندوق الأسود. نتائج الاختبار هي أنه يمكن تخزين بيانات معاملات التقييم على شبكة بلويوم ويمكن عرضها على موقع نظام التقييم. تظهر نتائج الاختبار الوظيفي للموقع التوافق بين المدخلات التي تم إجراؤها والمخرجات المنتجة

    Application of distributed ledger technology in distribution networks

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    In the transition to a society with net-zero carbon emissions, high penetration of distributed renewable power generation and large-scale electrification of transportation and heat are driving the conventional distribution network operators (DNOs) to evolve into distribution system operators (DSOs) that manage distribution networks in a more active and flexible way. As a radical decentralized data management technology, distributed ledger technology (DLT) has the potential to support a trustworthy digital infrastructure facilitating the DNO–DSO transition. Based on a comprehensive review of worldwide research and practice, as well as the engagement of relevant industrial experts, the application of DLT in distribution networks is identified and analyzed in this article. The DLT features and DSO needs are first summarized, and the mapping relationship between them is identified. Detailed DSO functions are identified and classified into five categories (i.e.“, planning”, “operation”, “market”, “asset”, and “connection”) with the potential of applying DLT to various DSO functions assessed. Finally, the development of seven key DSO functions with high DLT potential is analyzed and discussed from the technical, legal, and social perspectives, including peer-to-peer energy trading, flexibility market facilitation, electric vehicle charging, network pricing, distributed generation register, data access, and investment planning

    Blockchain and internet of things for electrical energy decentralization: A review and system architecture

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    Decentralization in electrical power grids has gained increasing importance, especially in the last two decades, since transmission system operators (TSO), distribution system operators (DSO) and consumers are more aware of energy efficiency and energy sustainability issues. Therefore, globally, due to the introduction of energy production technologies near the consumers, in residential and industrial sectors, new scenarios of decentralized energy production (DEP) are emerging. To guarantee an adequate power management in the electrical power grids, incorporating producers, consumers, and producers-consumers, commonly designated as prosumers together, it is important to adopt intelligent systems and platforms that allow the provision of information on energy consumption and production in real time, as well as for obtaining the price for the sale and purchase of energy. In this research the literature is analysed to identify the appropriate solutions to implement a decentralized electrical power grid based on sensors, blockchain and smart contracts, evaluating the current state of the art and pilot projects already in place. A conceptual model for a power grid model is presented, with renewable energy production, combining Internet of Things (IoT), blockchain and smart contracts.A descentralização nas redes elétricas ganhou importância crescente, especialmente nas últimas duas décadas, uma vez que os operadores da rede de transporte (ORT), operadores da rede de distribuição (ORD) e consumidores estão mais conscientes das questões de eficiência energética e sustentabilidade energética. Globalmente, devido à introdução de tecnologias de produção de energia junto dos consumidores, nos setores residencial e industrial, estão a surgir novos cenários de produção de energia descentralizada. Para garantir uma adequada gestão de energia nas redes elétricas, integrando produtores, consumidores e produtores-consumidores, vulgarmente designados por prosumers, é importante adotar sistemas e plataformas inteligentes que permitam fornecer informações sobre consumo e produção de energia em tempo real, bem como para obter o preço de compra e venda de energia. Nesta pesquisa, a literatura é analisada para identificar as soluções adequadas para implementar uma rede elétrica descentralizada baseada em sensores, blockchain e contratos inteligentes, avaliando o estado da arte atual e projetos piloto já em curso. É apresentado um modelo conceptual para um modelo de rede elétrica, com produção de energia renovável, combinando Internet das Coisas (IoT), blockchain e contratos inteligentes

    Game-theoretic approaches for smart prosumer communities

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    Global warming is endangering the Earth’s ecosystem. It is imperative for humanity to limit greenhouse gas emissions in order to combat rising global average temperatures. Demand-side management (DSM) schemes have widely been analysed in the context of the future smart grid. Often they are based on game-theoretic approaches to schedule the electricity consumption of its participants such that it results in small peak-to-average ratios (PAR) of the aggregated load. In order to guarantee high comfort levels for the consumer, we investigate DSM schemes on the basis of individually owned energy storage systems. The scheduling of these batteries is incentivised by a specific pricing function offered to the users. Within this thesis we cover various aspects for these type of management schemes. Firstly, we design a simple game-theoretic scheduling mechanism and analyse how the battery model, more specifically the round-trip efficiency, affects the outcome. From the simulations we find the importance of highly efficient energy storage systems for the engagement of participants. Secondly, the simple scheduling mechanism is replaced with a more advanced dynamic game, that models fine-grained control over the battery. For this novel game, we derive an analytical solution for the best response of a user, considerably speeding up the solution algorithm for the game. Furthermore, a comparison between the two games also shows the improvements in reducing the PAR of the aggregated load. Based on the augmented game, we investigate the resilience of the equilibrium solution with respect to inevitable real-world forecasting errors. One of the main findings of this thesis is reflected in the results showing the robustness of the schedules for a large number of simulated scenarios and even in the worst-case. Thirdly, we explicitly deal with the finite horizon effect that occurs due to the fixed time frame of the game mechanism. This eventually leads to a DSM system which results in a mean PAR of the aggregated load close to the optimum. Further studies show that these outcomes can be achieved due to the interaction of the households. Individual scheduling of batteries reduces the potential reduction of PAR and is especially detrimental for the robustness against forecasting errors. Fourthly, the developed model is analysed with respect to cyber-physical attacks. We develop a novel type of data-injection attack on the forecasted data and show their impact. After suggesting suitable monitoring strategies to the utility company, a game-theoretic model is employed to understand their decision making process. Finally, we investigate which battery size is optimal for such a DSM scheme. The respective experiments give insight into the different factors that determine the sizing of the battery. From the results we can infer that certain types of users only require a small scale battery system to achieve considerable gains. Overall, this thesis provides an in-depth analysis of a demand-side management scheme that can be employed by prosumers all around the world in the nearest future. Furthermore, the experiments give insights to utility companies to focus on community approaches and how they can mitigate potential cyber attacks