6,057 research outputs found

    Growth rate for the expected value of a generalized random Fibonacci sequence

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    A random Fibonacci sequence is defined by the relation g_n = | g_{n-1} +/- g_{n-2} |, where the +/- sign is chosen by tossing a balanced coin for each n. We generalize these sequences to the case when the coin is unbalanced (denoting by p the probability of a +), and the recurrence relation is of the form g_n = |\lambda g_{n-1} +/- g_{n-2} |. When \lambda >=2 and 0 < p <= 1, we prove that the expected value of g_n grows exponentially fast. When \lambda = \lambda_k = 2 cos(\pi/k) for some fixed integer k>2, we show that the expected value of g_n grows exponentially fast for p>(2-\lambda_k)/4 and give an algebraic expression for the growth rate. The involved methods extend (and correct) those introduced in a previous paper by the second author

    Finite-state Markov Chains obey Benford's Law

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    A sequence of real numbers (x_n) is Benford if the significands, i.e. the fraction parts in the floating-point representation of (x_n) are distributed logarithmically. Similarly, a discrete-time irreducible and aperiodic finite-state Markov chain with probability transition matrix P and limiting matrix P* is Benford if every component of both sequences of matrices (P^n - P*) and (P^{n+1}-P^n) is Benford or eventually zero. Using recent tools that established Benford behavior both for Newton's method and for finite-dimensional linear maps, via the classical theories of uniform distribution modulo 1 and Perron-Frobenius, this paper derives a simple sufficient condition (nonresonant) guaranteeing that P, or the Markov chain associated with it, is Benford. This result in turn is used to show that almost all Markov chains are Benford, in the sense that if the transition probabilities are chosen independently and continuously, then the resulting Markov chain is Benford with probability one. Concrete examples illustrate the various cases that arise, and the theory is complemented with several simulations and potential applications.Comment: 31 pages, no figure

    Near-optimal perfectly matched layers for indefinite Helmholtz problems

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    A new construction of an absorbing boundary condition for indefinite Helmholtz problems on unbounded domains is presented. This construction is based on a near-best uniform rational interpolant of the inverse square root function on the union of a negative and positive real interval, designed with the help of a classical result by Zolotarev. Using Krein's interpretation of a Stieltjes continued fraction, this interpolant can be converted into a three-term finite difference discretization of a perfectly matched layer (PML) which converges exponentially fast in the number of grid points. The convergence rate is asymptotically optimal for both propagative and evanescent wave modes. Several numerical experiments and illustrations are included.Comment: Accepted for publication in SIAM Review. To appear 201
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