2 research outputs found

    Estimation of Land Surface Temperature in an Agricultural Region of Bangladesh from Landsat 8: Intercomparison of Four Algorithms

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    The presence of two thermal bands in Landsat 8 brings the opportunity to use either one or both of these bands to retrieve Land Surface Temperature (LST). In order to compare the performances of existing algorithms, we used four methods to retrieve LST from Landsat 8 and made an intercomparison among them. Apart from the direct use of the Radiative Transfer Equation (RTE), Single-Channel Algorithm and two Split-Window Algorithms were used taking an agricultural region in Bangladesh as the study area. The LSTs retrieved in the four methods were validated in two ways: first, an indirect validation against reference LST, which was obtained in the Atmospheric and Topographic CORection (ATCOR) software module; second, cross-validation with Terra MODerate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) daily LSTs that were obtained from the Application for Extracting and Exploring Analysis Ready Samples (A ρ ρ EEARS) online tool. Due to the absence of LST-monitoring radiosounding instruments surrounding the study area, in situ LSTs were not available; hence, validation of satellite retrieved LSTs against in situ LSTs was not performed. The atmospheric parameters necessary for the RTE-based method, as well as for other methods, were calculated from the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) database using an online atmospheric correction calculator with MODerate resolution atmospheric TRANsmission (MODTRAN) codes. Root-mean-squared-error (RMSE) against reference LST, as well as mean bias error against both reference and MODIS daily LSTs, was used to interpret the relative accuracy of LST results. All four methods were found to result in acceptable LST products, leaving atmospheric water vapor content (w) as the important determinant for the precision result. Considering a set of several Landsat 8 images of different dates, Jiménez-Muñoz et al.’s (2014) Split-Window algorithm was found to result in the lowest mean RMSE of 1.19 ° C . Du et al.’s (2015) Split-Window algorithm resulted in mean RMSE of 1.50 ° C . The RTE-based direct method and the Single-Channel algorithm provided the mean RMSE of 2.47 ° C and 4.11 ° C , respectively. For Du et al.’s algorithm, the w range of 0.0 to 6.3 g cm−2 was considered, whereas for the other three methods, w values as retrieved from the NCEP database were considered for corresponding images. Land surface emissivity was retrieved through the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI)-threshold method. This intercomparison study provides an LST retrieval methodology for Landsat 8 that involves four algorithms. It proves that (i) better LST results can be obtained using both thermal bands of Landsat 8; (ii) the NCEP database can be used to determine atmospheric parameters using the online calculator; (iii) MODIS daily LSTs from A ρ ρ EEARS can be used efficiently in cross-validation and intercomparison of Landsat 8 LST algorithms; and (iv) when in situ LST data are not available, the ATCOR-derived LSTs can be used for indirect verification and intercomparison of Landsat 8 LST algorithms

    Correção atmosférica de imagens termais utilizando perfis verticais de alta resolução simulados por um modelo de mesoescala

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    A estimativa da temperatura da superfície terrestre ( LST ) por sensoriamento remoto no infravermelho termal (TIR) é dependente d a realização de uma correção atmosférica apropriada que , em geral, necessita de perfis atmosféricos como dados de entrada. Dados globais de reanálise são uma alternativa prática para a obtenção desses perfis, mas podem apresentar limitações. Nesse contexto, o presente estudo teve como objetivo analisar a utilização do modelo numérico Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) para gerar perfis verticais de alta resolução , refinando dados de reanálise , visando a correção atmosférica no TIR para o cálculo de valores de LST. Para tal, foram realizadas simulações com o modelo WRF com dados de reanálise do NCEP Climate Forecast System Version 2 (CFSv2) como condições iniciais e utilizando duas grades aninhadas com resoluções horizontais de 12 km (G12) e 3 km (G03). Para estimar a LST, foram empregados: o método da inversão direta da Equação de Transferência Radiativa (RTE) , o modelo MODTRAN e valores de radiância da banda 10 do Landsat 8 TIRS. A pesquisa avaliou o desempenho do modelo através dos perfis verticais, dos parâmetros atmosféricos de correção (transmitância atmosférica e radiâncias upwelling e downwelling ) e dos valores de LST, utilizando como referência dados de radiossondagens in situ , no sul do Brasil . Adicionalmente, foi executada uma análise de sensibilidade a dois esquemas de parametrização de camada limite planetária . Os resultados indicam que o modelo WRF simula de maneira satisfatória os perfis atmosféricos que, por consequência, geram parâmetros de correção e LST com baixos erros. Contudo, não existe melhora significativa nas métricas estatísticas entre os perfis extraídos diretamente da reanálise CFSv2 e os simulados pelo WRF . Em alguns casos, a utilização de um perfil de grade mais refinada resultou, até mesmo, em maiores erros. Os valores gerais de RMSE para a LST foram: 0,55 K ( CFSv2), 0,79 K ( WRF G12 ) e 0,82 K ( WRF G03 ). A escolha do esquema de camada limite mostrou - se caso - dependente. Conclui - se que não há necessidade especial de refinar a resolução dos perfis de reanálise visando estimativa de LST, por meio do método da RTE .The Land Surface Temperature (LST) retrieval from thermal infrared (TIR) remote sensing depends on performing an appropriate atmospheric correction. In general, this approach requires atmospheric profiles as input data. Global reanalysis data are a practical alternative to obtain these profiles, but they may have limitations. In this con text, this study aimed to assess the use of the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) numerical model to generate high - resolution vertical profiles, downscaling reanalysis data , to be applied in TIR atmospheric correction for LST retrieval . WRF simulations were carried out using NCEP Climate Forecast System Version 2 (CFSv2) reanalysis as initial conditions and two nested grids with horizontal resolutions of 12 km (G12) and 3 km (G03) . To retrieve the LST, we used: the Radiative Transfer Equation (RTE) based method , the MODTRAN model, and radiance values from Landsat 8 TIRS10 band . Th is research evaluated the model performance through vertical profiles, atmospheric correction parameters (atmospheric transmittance and upwelling and downwelling radiances) , and LST values, using in situ radiosonde data ( in Southern Brazil ) as reference. Moreover, a sensitivity analysis to two planetary boundary layer parameterization schemes was performed . The results indicate that the WRF model satisfactor il y simulates the atmospheric profiles that, consequently, generate correction param eters and LST with low errors. However, there is no significant improvement in statistical metrics between profiles extracted directly from the CFSv2 reanalysis and those simulated by WRF . In some cases, the use of a finer grid profile resulted even in larger errors. The LST overall RMSE values were: 0.55 K (CFSv2), 0.79 K (WRF G12) , and 0.82 K (WRF G03) . The boundary layer scheme choice proved to be case - dependent. We concluded that there is no special need to increase the resolution of reanalysis profiles in order to retrieve LST using the RTE - based method