517,677 research outputs found

    Estimation of distribution algorithms for the multi-mode resource constrained project scheduling problem.

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    Multi-Mode Resource Constrained Project Problem (MRCPSP) is a multi-component problem which combines two interacting sub-problems; activity scheduling and mode assignment. Multi-component problems have been of research interest to the evolutionary computation community as they are more complex to solve. Estimation of Distribution Algorithms (EDAs) generate solutions by sampling a probabilistic model that captures key features of good solutions. Often they can significantly improve search efficiency and solution quality. Previous research has shown that the mode assignment sub-problem can be more effectively solved with an EDA. Also, a competitive Random Key based EDA (RK-EDA) for permutation problems has recently been proposed. In this paper, activity and mode solutions are respectively generated using the RK-EDA and an integer based EDA. This approach is competitive with leading approaches of solving the MRCPSP

    Multimodal estimation of distribution algorithms

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    Taking the advantage of estimation of distribution algorithms (EDAs) in preserving high diversity, this paper proposes a multimodal EDA. Integrated with clustering strategies for crowding and speciation, two versions of this algorithm are developed, which operate at the niche level. Then these two algorithms are equipped with three distinctive techniques: 1) a dynamic cluster sizing strategy; 2) an alternative utilization of Gaussian and Cauchy distributions to generate offspring; and 3) an adaptive local search. The dynamic cluster sizing affords a potential balance between exploration and exploitation and reduces the sensitivity to the cluster size in the niching methods. Taking advantages of Gaussian and Cauchy distributions, we generate the offspring at the niche level through alternatively using these two distributions. Such utilization can also potentially offer a balance between exploration and exploitation. Further, solution accuracy is enhanced through a new local search scheme probabilistically conducted around seeds of niches with probabilities determined self-adaptively according to fitness values of these seeds. Extensive experiments conducted on 20 benchmark multimodal problems confirm that both algorithms can achieve competitive performance compared with several state-of-the-art multimodal algorithms, which is supported by nonparametric tests. Especially, the proposed algorithms are very promising for complex problems with many local optima

    Bayesian Inference in Estimation of Distribution Algorithms

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    Metaheuristics such as Estimation of Distribution Algorithms and the Cross-Entropy method use probabilistic modelling and inference to generate candidate solutions in optimization problems. The model fitting task in this class of algorithms has largely been carried out to date based on maximum likelihood. An alternative approach that is prevalent in statistics and machine learning is to use Bayesian inference. In this paper, we provide a framework for the application of Bayesian inference techniques in probabilistic model-based optimization. Based on this framework, a simple continuous Bayesian Estimation of Distribution Algorithm is described. We evaluate and compare this algorithm experimentally with its maximum likelihood equivalent, UMDAG c

    Sub-structural Niching in Estimation of Distribution Algorithms

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    We propose a sub-structural niching method that fully exploits the problem decomposition capability of linkage-learning methods such as the estimation of distribution algorithms and concentrate on maintaining diversity at the sub-structural level. The proposed method consists of three key components: (1) Problem decomposition and sub-structure identification, (2) sub-structure fitness estimation, and (3) sub-structural niche preservation. The sub-structural niching method is compared to restricted tournament selection (RTS)--a niching method used in hierarchical Bayesian optimization algorithm--with special emphasis on sustained preservation of multiple global solutions of a class of boundedly-difficult, additively-separable multimodal problems. The results show that sub-structural niching successfully maintains multiple global optima over large number of generations and does so with significantly less population than RTS. Additionally, the market share of each of the niche is much closer to the expected level in sub-structural niching when compared to RTS

    Bivariate estimation of distribution algorithms for protein structure prediction.

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    A real-valued bivariate ‘Estimation of Distribution Algorithm’ specific for the ab initio and full-atom Protein Structure Prediction problem is proposed. It is known that this is a multidimensional and multimodal problem. In order to deal with the multimodality and the correlation of dihedral angles φ and ψ, we developed approaches based on Kernel Density Estimation and Finite Gaussian Mixtures. Simulation results have shown that both techniques are promising when applied to that problem