32 research outputs found

    Standardized experimental estimation of the maximum unnoticeable environmental displacement during eye blinks for redirect walking in virtual reality

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    Redirect walking is a technique that aims to manipulate the walking trajectories in immersive virtual reality settings by inducing unnoticeable displacements of the virtual environment. Taking into advantage the change blindness phenomenon, visual occlusion during eye blinks has been recently proposed to perform those displacements. This study determined the maximum unnoticeable displacement that can be performed in practical scenario, which proved to be near 0.8° of occlusion and disocclusion in both horizontal and vertical axes

    Extending Augmented Sandboxes with Virtual Reality Interaction

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    Augmented sandboxes are often used as educative tools to create, explore and understand complex models. For the use case of a water cycle simulation, we extend the interaction space of augmented sandboxes into virtual reality to overcome limitations of current systems that include non-interactive 2D projections and shadow problems. We present our ongoing research and the prototypical setup of our VR sandbox consisting of a triple Kinect setup, depth sensing, VR, and hand tracking using Leap Motion. The setup shall help us to explore the space of haptic redirection. Further, we discuss our water cycle simulation use case and interaction scenarios that facilitate VR interaction and visualization

    A VRU-simulator for the evaluation of pedestrian- and cyclist-vehicle interaction – Design criteria and implementation

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    The closer investigation of road user interaction and individual behavior aspects of vulnerable road users requires human-in-the-loop simulator studies in order to achieve systematic results without bringing the test subjects in real danger. So far, there are only a limited number of pedestrian or bicycle simulators, so the main challenge is to define appropriate criteria for respective simulator environments and to build them accordingly. This paper explains an approach for this design process and describes the resulting simulators, recently brought into operation. First study results already give a hint about their effectiveness

    Sensitivity to Rate of Change in Gains Applied by Redirected Walking

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    Redirected walking allows for natural locomotion in virtual environments that are larger than a user’s physical environment. The mapping between real and virtual motion is modified by scaling some aspect of motion. As a user traverses the virtual environment these modifications (or gains) must be dynamically adjusted to prevent collision with physical obstacles. A significant body of work has established perceptual thresholds on rates of absolute gain, but the effect of changing gain is little understood. We present the results of a user study on the effects of rate of gain change. A psychophysical experiment was conducted with 21 participants. Each participant completed a series of two-alternative forced choice tasks in which they determined whether their virtual motion differed from their physical motion while experiencing one of three different methods of gain change: sudden gain change, slow gain change and constant gain. Gain thresholds were determined by 3 interleaved 2-up 1-down staircases, one per condition. Our results indicate that slow gain change is significantly harder to detect than sudden gain change

    NaviFields: relevance fields for adaptive VR navigation

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    Virtual Reality allow users to explore virtual environments naturally, by moving their head and body. However, the size of the environments they can explore is limited by real world constraints, such as the tracking technology or the physical space available. Existing techniques removing these limitations often break the metaphor of natural navigation in VR (e.g. steering techniques), involve control commands (e.g., teleporting) or hinder precise navigation (e.g., scaling user's displacements). This paper proposes NaviFields, which quantify the requirements for precise navigation of each point of the environment, allowing natural navigation within relevant areas, while scaling users' displacements when travelling across non-relevant spaces. This expands the size of the navigable space, retains the natural navigation metaphor and still allows for areas with precise control of the virtual head. We present a formal description of our NaviFields technique, which we compared against two alternative solutions (i.e., homogeneous scaling and natural navigation). Our results demonstrate our ability to cover larger spaces, introduce minimal disruption when travelling across bigger distances and improve very significantly the precise control of the viewpoint inside relevant areas

    Optimizing Natural Walking Usage in VR using Redirected Teleportation

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    Virtual Reality (VR) has come a long way since its inception and with the recent advancements in technology, high end VR headsets are now commercially available. Although these headsets offer full motion tracking capabilities, locomotion in VR is yet to be fully solved due to space constraints, potential VR sickness and problems with retaining immersion. Teleportation is the most popular locomotion technique in VR as it allows users to safely navigate beyond the confines of the available positional tracking space without inducing VR sickness. It has been argued that the use of teleportation doesn’t facilitate the use of natural walking input which is considered to have a higher presence because teleportation is faster, requires little physical effort and uses limited available tracking space. When a user walks to the edge of the tracking space, he/she must switch to teleportation. When navigating in the same direction, available walking space does not increase, which forces users to remain stationary and continue using teleportation. We present redirected teleportation, a novel locomotion method that increases tracking space usage and natural walking input by subtle reorientation and repositioning of the user. We first analyzed the positional tendencies of the users as they played popular games implementing teleportation and found the utilization of the tracking space to be limited. We then compared redirected teleportation with regular teleportation using a navigation task in three different environments. Analysis of our data show that although redirected walking takes more time, users used significantly fewer teleports and more natural walking input while using more of the available tracking space. The increase in time is largely due to users walking more, which takes more time than using teleportation. Our results provide evidence that redirected teleportation may be a viable approach to increase the usage of natural walking input while decreasing the dependency on teleportation