224,181 research outputs found

    Estimation in the group action channel

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    We analyze the problem of estimating a signal from multiple measurements on a \mbox{group action channel} that linearly transforms a signal by a random group action followed by a fixed projection and additive Gaussian noise. This channel is motivated by applications such as multi-reference alignment and cryo-electron microscopy. We focus on the large noise regime prevalent in these applications. We give a lower bound on the mean square error (MSE) of any asymptotically unbiased estimator of the signal's orbit in terms of the signal's moment tensors, which implies that the MSE is bounded away from 0 when N/σ2dN/\sigma^{2d} is bounded from above, where NN is the number of observations, σ\sigma is the noise standard deviation, and dd is the so-called \mbox{moment order cutoff}. In contrast, the maximum likelihood estimator is shown to be consistent if N/σ2dN /\sigma^{2d} diverges.Comment: 5 pages, conferenc

    A generalization of Schur-Weyl duality with applications in quantum estimation

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    Schur-Weyl duality is a powerful tool in representation theory which has many applications to quantum information theory. We provide a generalization of this duality and demonstrate some of its applications. In particular, we use it to develop a general framework for the study of a family of quantum estimation problems wherein one is given n copies of an unknown quantum state according to some prior and the goal is to estimate certain parameters of the given state. In particular, we are interested to know whether collective measurements are useful and if so to find an upper bound on the amount of entanglement which is required to achieve the optimal estimation. In the case of pure states, we show that commutativity of the set of observables that define the estimation problem implies the sufficiency of unentangled measurements.Comment: The published version, Typos corrected, 40 pages, 2 figure

    Confusability graphs for symmetric sets of quantum states

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    For a set of quantum states generated by the action of a group, we consider the graph obtained by considering two group elements adjacent whenever the corresponding states are non-orthogonal. We analyze the structure of the connected components of the graph and show two applications to the optimal estimation of an unknown group action and to the search for decoherence free subspaces of quantum channels with symmetry.Comment: 7 pages, no figures, contribution to the Proceedings of the XXIX International Colloquium on Group-Theoretical Methods in Physics, August 22-26, Chern Institute of Mathematics, Tianjin, Chin

    Modeled channel distributions explain extracellular recordings from cultured neurons sealed to microelectrodes

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    Amplitudes and shapes of extracellular recordings from single neurons cultured on a substrate embedded microelectrode depend not only on the volume conducting properties of the neuron-electrode interface, but might also depend on the distribution of voltage-sensitive channels over the neuronal membrane. In this paper, finite-element modeling is used to quantify the effect of these channel distributions on the neuron-electrode contact. Slight accumulation or depletion of voltage-sensitive channels in the sealing membrane of the neuron results in various shapes and amplitudes of simulated extracellular recordings. However, estimation of channel-specific accumulation factors from extracellular recordings can be obstructed by co-occuring ion currents and defect sealing. Experimental data from cultured neuron-electrode interfaces suggest depletion of sodium channels and accumulation of potassium channels

    Process reconstruction from incomplete and/or inconsistent data

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    We analyze how an action of a qubit channel (map) can be estimated from the measured data that are incomplete or even inconsistent. That is, we consider situations when measurement statistics is insufficient to determine consistent probability distributions. As a consequence either the estimation (reconstruction) of the channel completely fails or it results in an unphysical channel (i.e., the corresponding map is not completely positive). We present a regularization procedure that allows us to derive physically reasonable estimates (approximations) of quantum channels. We illustrate our procedure on specific examples and we show that the procedure can be also used for a derivation of optimal approximations of operations that are forbidden by the laws of quantum mechanics (e.g., the universal NOT gate).Comment: 9pages, 5 figure

    Deep Reinforcement Learning for Real-Time Optimization in NB-IoT Networks

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    NarrowBand-Internet of Things (NB-IoT) is an emerging cellular-based technology that offers a range of flexible configurations for massive IoT radio access from groups of devices with heterogeneous requirements. A configuration specifies the amount of radio resource allocated to each group of devices for random access and for data transmission. Assuming no knowledge of the traffic statistics, there exists an important challenge in "how to determine the configuration that maximizes the long-term average number of served IoT devices at each Transmission Time Interval (TTI) in an online fashion". Given the complexity of searching for optimal configuration, we first develop real-time configuration selection based on the tabular Q-learning (tabular-Q), the Linear Approximation based Q-learning (LA-Q), and the Deep Neural Network based Q-learning (DQN) in the single-parameter single-group scenario. Our results show that the proposed reinforcement learning based approaches considerably outperform the conventional heuristic approaches based on load estimation (LE-URC) in terms of the number of served IoT devices. This result also indicates that LA-Q and DQN can be good alternatives for tabular-Q to achieve almost the same performance with much less training time. We further advance LA-Q and DQN via Actions Aggregation (AA-LA-Q and AA-DQN) and via Cooperative Multi-Agent learning (CMA-DQN) for the multi-parameter multi-group scenario, thereby solve the problem that Q-learning agents do not converge in high-dimensional configurations. In this scenario, the superiority of the proposed Q-learning approaches over the conventional LE-URC approach significantly improves with the increase of configuration dimensions, and the CMA-DQN approach outperforms the other approaches in both throughput and training efficiency

    Selective and Efficient Quantum Process Tomography

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    In this paper we describe in detail and generalize a method for quantum process tomography that was presented in [A. Bendersky, F. Pastawski, J. P. Paz, Physical Review Letters 100, 190403 (2008)]. The method enables the efficient estimation of any element of the χ\chi--matrix of a quantum process. Such elements are estimated as averages over experimental outcomes with a precision that is fixed by the number of repetitions of the experiment. Resources required to implement it scale polynomically with the number of qubits of the system. The estimation of all diagonal elements of the χ\chi--matrix can be efficiently done without any ancillary qubits. In turn, the estimation of all the off-diagonal elements requires an extra clean qubit. The key ideas of the method, that is based on efficient estimation by random sampling over a set of states forming a 2--design, are described in detail. Efficient methods for preparing and detecting such states are explicitly shown.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure