2 research outputs found

    Estimating relative attractiveness of locations using data envelopment analysis

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    Competitive facility location problems involve identifying the best location of a facility that can capture maximum market share in the presence of competition. One of the most popular models for competitive facility location, namely the Huff model, considers only two factors for deciding a good location. This model is not considered very realistic and efforts have been made to improve the model by including additional factors. In this paper, an extension of the Huff model to consider multiple factors using data envelopment analysis (DEA) is proposed. Since DEA computes the weights (measuring the influence) of factors implicitly using linear programming, there is no need for externally specifying their values. The proposed model is applied for estimating the market share of selected tourist destinations in the Sultanate of Oman. The results of the proposed model agree with the findings of a tourism survey conducted in the country

    Essays on efficiency and international tourism

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    RESUMEN: Esta tesis doctoral consta de tres ensayos sobre la economía del turismo. En el primer y tercer ensayo se realiza un análisis de eficiencia turística de las regiones españolas y de los factores que pueden estar determinando su evolución. En el segundo ensayo se hace una profunda revisión bibliográfica sobre la literatura que analiza la eficiencia turística a nivel mundial. El período de análisis abarca desde la última mitad del siglo XX (entre 1978 en el caso del estudio de la bibliografía turística, año en el que Charnes, Cooper y Rhodes introducen el Análisis Envolvente de Datos) hasta el periodo más reciente de nuestra economía (2018 en el tercer ensayo). En los dos ensayos que analizan la eficiencia turística en España el periodo comprende desde inicios del siglo XXI (2008 en el caso de la eficiencia de los destinos turísticos españoles) hasta los datos más actuales disponibles en este momento.ABSTRACT: This doctoral thesis consists of three essays on the economics of tourism. In the first and third essay an analysis of tourist efficiency of the Spanish regions and of the factors that may be determining their evolution is carried out. In the second essay, an in-depth bibliographical review is done on the literature that analyzes tourism efficiency worldwide. The analysis period covers from the last half of the twentieth century (between 1978 in the case of the study of the tourist bibliography, year in which Charnes, Cooper and Rhodes introduce the Data Envelope Analysis) until the most recent period of our economy ( 2018 in the third essay). In the two essays that analyze tourism efficiency in Spain, the period ranges from the beginning of the 21st century (2008 in the case of the efficiency of Spanish tourist destinations) to the most current data available at this time