450 research outputs found

    Missing and spurious interactions and the reconstruction of complex networks

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    Network analysis is currently used in a myriad of contexts: from identifying potential drug targets to predicting the spread of epidemics and designing vaccination strategies, and from finding friends to uncovering criminal activity. Despite the promise of the network approach, the reliability of network data is a source of great concern in all fields where complex networks are studied. Here, we present a general mathematical and computational framework to deal with the problem of data reliability in complex networks. In particular, we are able to reliably identify both missing and spurious interactions in noisy network observations. Remarkably, our approach also enables us to obtain, from those noisy observations, network reconstructions that yield estimates of the true network properties that are more accurate than those provided by the observations themselves. Our approach has the potential to guide experiments, to better characterize network data sets, and to drive new discoveries

    Making the most of high-throughput protein-interaction data

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    Better methods of statistical analysis could make large-scale protein-interaction data more useful

    Coverage and error models of protein-protein interaction data by directed graph analysis

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    Directed graph and multinomial error models were used to assess and characterize the error statistics in all published large-scale datasets for Saccharomyces cerevisia

    Precision and recall estimates for two-hybrid screens

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    Motivation: Yeast two-hybrid screens are an important method to map pairwise protein interactions. This method can generate spurious interactions (false discoveries), and true interactions can be missed (false negatives). Previously, we reported a capture–recapture estimator for bait-specific precision and recall. Here, we present an improved method that better accounts for heterogeneity in bait-specific error rates

    Analysis of High-Throughput Data - Protein-Protein Interactions, Protein Complexes and RNA Half-life

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    The development of high-throughput techniques has lead to a paradigm change in biology from the small-scale analysis of individual genes and proteins to a genome-scale analysis of biological systems. Proteins and genes can now be studied in their interaction with each other and the cooperation within multi-subunit protein complexes can be investigated. Moreover, time-dependent dynamics and regulation of these processes and associations can now be explored by monitoring mRNA changes and turnover. The in-depth analysis of these large and complex data sets would not be possible without sophisticated algorithms for integrating different data sources, identifying interesting patterns in the data and addressing the high variability and error rates in biological measurements. In this thesis, we developed such methods for the investigation of protein interactions and complexes and the corresponding regulatory processes. In the first part, we analyze networks of physical protein-protein interactions measured in large-scale experiments. We show that the topology of the complete interactomes can be confidently extrapolated despite high numbers of missing and wrong interactions from only partial measurements of interaction networks. Furthermore, we find that the structure and stability of protein interaction networks is not only influenced by the degree distribution of the network but also considerably by the suppression or propagation of interactions between highly connected proteins. As analysis of network topology is generally focused on large eukaryotic networks, we developed new methods to analyze smaller networks of intraviral and virus-host interactions. By comparing interactomes of related herpesviral species, we could detect a conserved core of protein interactions and could address the low coverage of the yeast two-hybrid system. In addition, common strategies in the interaction of the viruses with the host cell were identified. New affinity purification methods now make it possible to directly study associations of proteins in complexes. Due to experimental errors the individual protein complexes have to be predicted with computational methods from these purification results. As previously published methods relied more or less heavily on existing knowledge on complexes, we developed an unsupervised prediction algorithm which is independent from such additional data. Using this approach, high-quality protein complexes can be identified from the raw purification data alone for any species purification experiments are performed. To identify the direct, physical interactions within these predicted complexes and their subcomponent structure, we describe a new approach to extract the highest scoring subnetwork connecting the complex and interactions not explained by alternative paths of indirect interactions. In this way, important interactions within the complexes can be identified and their substructure can be resolved in a straightforward way. To explore the regulation of proteins and complexes, we analyzed microarray measurements of mRNA abundance, de novo transcription and decay. Based on the relationship between newly transcribed, pre-existing and total RNA, transcript half-life can be estimated for individual genes using a new microarray normalization method and a quality control can be applied. We show that precise measurements of RNA half-life can be obtained from de novo transcription which are of superior accuracy to previously published results from RNA decay. Using such precise measurements, we studied RNA half-lives in human B-cells and mouse fibroblasts to identify conserved patterns governing RNA turnover. Our results show that transcript half-lives are strongly conserved and specifically correlated to gene function. Although transcript half-life is highly similar in protein complexes and \mbox{families}, individual proteins may deviate significantly from the remaining complex subunits or family members to efficiently support the regulation of protein complexes or to create non-redundant roles of functionally similar proteins. These results illustrate several of the many ways in which high-throughput measurements lead to a better understanding of biological systems. By studying large-scale measure\-ments in this thesis, the structure of protein interaction networks and protein complexes could be better characterized, important interactions and conserved strategies for herpes\-viral infection could be identified and interesting insights could be gained into the regulation of important biological processes and protein complexes. This was made possible by the development of novel algorithms and analysis approaches which will also be valuable for further research on these topics

    Statistical analysis and modelling of proteomic and genetic network data illuminate hidden roles of proteins and their connections

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    While many stable protein complexes are known, the dynamic interactome is still underexplored. Experimental techniques such as single-tag affinity purification, aim to close the gap and identify transient interactions, but need better filtering tools to discriminate between true interactors and noise. This thesis develops and contrasts two complementary approaches to the analysis of protein-protein interaction (PPI) networks derived from noisy experiments. The majority of data used for the analysis come from in vitro experiments aggregated from known databases (IntAct, BioGRID, BioPlex), but is also complemented by experiments done by our collaborators from the Ueffing group in the Institute of Ophthalmic Research, Tübingen University (Germany). Chapter 3 presents the statistical approach to the data analysis. It focuses on the case of a single dataset with target and control data in order to determine the significant interactions for the target. The procedure follows an expected trajectory of preprocessing, quality control, statistical testing, correction and discussion of results. The approach is tailored to the specific dataset, experiment design and related assumptions. This is specifically relevant for the missing value imputation where multiple approaches are discussed and a new method, building upon a previous method, is proposed and validated. Chapter 4 presents a different approach for the filtering of experimental results for PPIs. It is a statistic, WeSA (weighted socio-affinity), which improves upon previous methods of scoring PPIs from affinity proteomics data. It uses network analysis techniques to analyse the full PPI network without the need for controls. WeSA is tested on protein-protein networks of varying accuracy, including the curated IntAct dataset, the unfiltered records in BioGRID, and the large BioPlex dataset. The model is also tested against the previous same-goal method. While the function itself proves superior, another major advantage is that it can efficiently combine and compare observations across studies and can therefore be used to aggregate and clean results from incoming experiments in the context of all already available data. In the final part, uses of WeSA beyond wild-type PPI networks are analysed. The framework is proposed as a novel way to effectively compare mechanistic differences between variants of the same protein (e.g. mutant vs wild type). I also explore the use of WeSA to study other biological and non-biological networks such as genome-wide association studies (GWAS) and gene-phenotype associations, with encouraging results. In conclusion, this work presents and compares a variety of mathematical, statistical and computational approaches adapted, combined and/or developed specifically for the task of obtaining a better overview of protein-protein interaction networks. The novel methods performance is validated and, specifically, WeSA, is extensively tested and analysed, including beyond the field of PPI networks

    Characterization of protein interactions by mass spectrometry and bioinformatics

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