3 research outputs found

    A Review Article on Software Effort Estimation in Agile Methodology

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    Currently, Agile software development method has been commonly used in software development projects, and the success rate is higher than waterfall projects. The effort estimation in Agile is still a challenge because most existing means are developed based on the conventional method. Therefore, this study aimed to ascertain the software effort estimation method that is applied in Agile, the implementation approach, and the attributes that affect effort estimation. The results showed the top three estimation that is applied in Agile, are machine learning (37%), Expert Judgement (26%), and Algorithmic (21%). The implementation of all machine learning methods used a hybrid approach, which is a combination of machine learning and expert judgement, or a mix of two or more machine learning. Meanwhile, the implementation of effort estimation through a hybrid approach was only used in 47% of relevant articles. In addition, effort estimation in Agile involved twenty-four attributes, where Complexity, Experience, Size, and Time are the most commonly used and implemented

    A review article on software effort estimation in agile methodology

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    Currently, Agile software development method has been commonly used in software development projects, and the success rate is higher than waterfall projects. The effort estimation in Agile is still a challenge because most existing means are developed based on the conventional method. Therefore, this study aimed to ascertain the software effort estimation method that is applied in Agile, the implementation approach, and the attributes that affect effort estimation. The results showed the top three estimation that is applied in Agile, are machine learning (37%), Expert Judgement (26%), and Algorithmic (21%). The implementation of all machine learning methods used a hybrid approach, which is a combination of machine learning and expert judgement, or a mix of two or more machine learning. Meanwhile, the implementation of effort estimation through a hybrid approach was only used in 47% of relevant articles. In addition, effort estimation in Agile involved twenty-four attributes, where Complexity, Experience, Size, and Time are the most commonly used and implemented

    Marco de trabajo para la gesti贸n de proyectos de software utilizando SCRUMen un ministerio p煤blico de Lima, 2021

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    La presente investigaci贸n se encuentra dentro de la l铆nea de sistemas de informaci贸n y comunicaciones, la tesis tiene como objetivo general aplicar el marco de trabajo Scrum en la gesti贸n de proyectos de software de la oficina de desarrollo tecnol贸gico de un ministerio. La investigaci贸n tiene enfoque cualitativo, de tipo de investigaci贸n aplicada y se utiliz贸 el dise帽o de investigaci贸n acci贸n. Las t茅cnicas utilizadas fueron la entrevista semi estructurada, la observaci贸n a la unidad de estudio y el an谩lisis documental. Se concluy贸 que s铆 se aplicar谩 el marco de trabajo Scrum en la gesti贸n de proyectos de software de un ministerio, identificando aquellos proyectos en donde se tenga bien definidos los requerimientos, adem谩s los miembros del equipo deben estar asignados solamente a dicho proyecto hasta su finalizaci贸n ya que se necesita de toda su disponibilidad, tambi茅n se debe definir los documentos y herramientas que se usar谩n con la finalidad de adecuarlos a las necesidades del negocio, asignar los roles de acuerdo a las habilidades de cada miembro del equipo y la realizaci贸n constante de reuniones entre el equipo y el usuario final, todo durante las fases del proyecto apoy谩ndose de las herramientas de gesti贸n y planificaci贸n de los proyectos de software de salud