6 research outputs found

    Estimation of component contributions to total terrestrial water storage change in the Yangtze River basin

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    Terrestrial water storage (TWS) is a key variable in global and regional hydrological cycles. In this study, the TWS changes in the Yangtze River Basin (YRB) were derived using the Lagrange multiplier method (LMM) from Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) data. To assess TWS changes from LMM, different GRACE solutions, different hydrological models, and in situ data were used for validation. Results show that TWS changes from LMM in YRB has the best performance with the correlation coefficients of 0.80 and root mean square error of 1.48 cm in comparison with in situ data. The trend of TWS changes over the YRB increased by 10.39 ± 1.27 Gt yr-1 during the 2003−2015 period. Moreover, TWS change is disintegrated into the individual contributions of hydrological components (i.e., glaciers, surface water, soil moisture, and groundwater) from satellite data, hydrologic models, and in situ data. The estimated changes in individual TWS components in the YRB show that (1) the contribution of glaciers, surface water, soil moisture, and groundwater to total TWS changes is 15%, 12%, 25% and 48%, respectively; (2) Geladandong glacier melt from CryoSat-2/ICESat data has a critical effect on TWS changes with a correlation coefficients of −0.51; (3) the Three Gorges Reservoir Impoundment has a minimal effect on surface water changes (mainly lake water storage), but it has a substantial effect on groundwater storage (GWS), (4) the Poyang and Doting Lake water storage changes are mainly caused by climate change, (5) soil moisture storage change is mainly influenced by surface water, (6) human-induced GWS changes accounted for approximately half of the total GWS. The results of this study can provide valuable information for decision-making in water resources management

    Evaluation of runoff estimation from GRACE coupled with different meteorological gridded products over the Upper Blue Nile Basin

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    Study Region: The Upper Blue Nile (UBN) basin, Ethiopia. Study Focus: In efforts to accurately close the water balance equation for the UBN basin using remote sensing products, river runoff is calculated as a residual from the water balance equation by incorporating Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) terrestrial water storage (TWS) and remote sensing products for precipitation (P) and evapotranspiration (ET). The calculated river runoff is then compared to the gauge records located at the basin's outlet. The best performing combination among the various combinations is chosen by aggregating rankings attributed to both error and linear fit metrics. The errors associated with each satellite product were assessed by forcing the In-Situ runoff to estimate the P, ET, and TWS. This methodology helps in addressing the uncertainty linked with each hydrological component. New Hydrological Insights for the Region: The best P, ET, and TWS combination performance products to estimate runoff are SM2RAIN-CCI, GLEAM, and GRACE Spherical Harmonic products, respectively. The statistical results for the six metrics are R2 = 0.7, slope = 1.6, y-intercept = - 0.5 cm, RMSE = 3 cm, MAE = 2.8 cm, and PBIAS = 36%. The uncertainty from each hydrological component was quantified and showed that improving the accuracy of P and ET estimation is a crucial step to successfully close the water balance

    Improved Monitoring of the Changjiang River Plume in the East China Sea During the Monsoon Season Using Satellite Borne L-Band Radiometers

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    Measurement of sea surface salinity (SSS) from Satellite borne L-band (1.4 GHz, 21cm) radiometers (NASA Aquarius/SAC-D and ESA SMOS) in the East China Sea (ECS) is challenging due to the uncertainty of SSS caused by land thermal emissions in the antenna side lobes and because of strong radio frequency interference (RFI) due to illegally emitted man-made sources. RFI contamination in the ECS has gradually decreased because of the on-going international efforts to eliminate broadcasts in the protected L-band radio-astronomy frequency band. The present dissertation focuses on carefully eliminating the remaining RFI contamination in retrieved SSS, and masking out regions close to the coast that are likely contaminated by thermal emissions from the land. Afterward, observation of SSS during the summer monsoon season in the ECS was conducted to demonstrate low salinity (\u3c 28 psu) Changjiang Diluted Water (CDW) which is a mixture of Changjiang River (CR) plume mixing and the ambient ocean water causing ecosystem disruptions as far east as the Korean peninsula. In this study, during southeasterly wind, CDW was observed to be horizontally advected east-northeastward due to Ekman flow. In addition, monthly averaged Aquarius SSS presented one-month lagged robust relationship with freshwater flux. Despite limits on temporal information of SMOS, the detachment of CDW from its formation region and northeastward advection was successfully observed after the arrival of the tropical storm Matmo in the mainland China

    Evaluation of runoff estimation from GRACE coupled with different meteorological gridded products over the Upper Blue Nile Basin

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    Study Region: The Upper Blue Nile (UBN) basin, Ethiopia. Study Focus: In efforts to accurately close the water balance equation for the UBN basin using remote sensing products, river runoff is calculated as a residual from the water balance equation by incorporating Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) terrestrial water storage (TWS) and remote sensing products for precipitation (P) and evapotranspiration (ET). The calculated river runoff is then compared to the gauge records located at the basin’s outlet. The best performing combination among the various combinations is chosen by aggregating rankings attributed to both error and linear fit metrics. The errors associated with each satellite product were assessed by forcing the In-Situ runoff to estimate the P, ET, and TWS. This methodology helps in addressing the uncertainty linked with each hydrological component. New Hydrological Insights for the Region: The best P, ET, and TWS combination performance products to estimate runoff are SM2RAIN-CCI, GLEAM, and GRACE Spherical Harmonic products, respectively. The statistical results for the six metrics are R2 = 0.7, slope = 1.6, y-intercept = - 0.5 cm, RMSE = 3 cm, MAE = 2.8 cm, and PBIAS = 36%. The uncertainty from each hydrological component was quantified and showed that improving the accuracy of P and ET estimation is a crucial step to successfully close the water balance

    Estimating Total Discharge in the Yangtze River Basin Using Satellite-Based Observations

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    Abstract: The measurement of total basin discharge along coastal regions is necessary for understanding the hydrological and oceanographic issues related to the water and energy cycles. However, only the observed streamflow (gauge-based observation) is used to estimate the total fluxes from the river basin to the ocean, neglecting the portion of discharge that infiltrates to underground and directly discharges into the ocean. Hence, the aim of this study is to assess the total discharge of the Yangtze River (Chang Jiang) basin. In this study, we explore the potential response of total discharge to changes in precipitation (from the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission—TRMM), evaporation (from four versions of the Global Land Data Assimilation—GLDAS, namely, CLM, Mosaic, Noah and VIC), and water-storage changes (from the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment—GRACE) by using the terrestrial water budget method. This method has been validated by comparison with the observed streamflow, and shows an agreement with a root mean square error (RMSE) of 14.30 mm/month for GRACE-based discharge and 20.98 mm/month for that derived from precipitation minus evaporation (P − E). This improvement of approximately 32 % indicates that monthly terrestrial water-storag