24 research outputs found

    End-to-end Phoneme Sequence Recognition using Convolutional Neural Networks

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    Most phoneme recognition state-of-the-art systems rely on a classical neural network classifiers, fed with highly tuned features, such as MFCC or PLP features. Recent advances in ``deep learning'' approaches questioned such systems, but while some attempts were made with simpler features such as spectrograms, state-of-the-art systems still rely on MFCCs. This might be viewed as a kind of failure from deep learning approaches, which are often claimed to have the ability to train with raw signals, alleviating the need of hand-crafted features. In this paper, we investigate a convolutional neural network approach for raw speech signals. While convolutional architectures got tremendous success in computer vision or text processing, they seem to have been let down in the past recent years in the speech processing field. We show that it is possible to learn an end-to-end phoneme sequence classifier system directly from raw signal, with similar performance on the TIMIT and WSJ datasets than existing systems based on MFCC, questioning the need of complex hand-crafted features on large datasets.Comment: NIPS Deep Learning Workshop, 201

    Towards directly modeling raw speech signal for speaker verification using CNNs

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    Speaker verification systems traditionally extract and model cepstral features or filter bank energies from the speech signal. In this paper, inspired by the success of neural network-based approaches to model directly raw speech signal for applications such as speech recognition, emotion recognition and anti-spoofing, we propose a speaker verification approach where speaker discriminative information is directly learned from the speech signal by: (a) first training a CNN-based speaker identification system that takes as input raw speech signal and learns to classify on speakers (unknown to the speaker verification system); and then (b) building a speaker detector for each speaker in the speaker verification system by replacing the output layer of the speaker identification system by two outputs (genuine, impostor), and adapting the system in a discriminative manner with enrollment speech of the speaker and impostor speech data. Our investigations on the Voxforge database shows that this approach can yield systems competitive to state-of-the-art systems. An analysis of the filters in the first convolution layer shows that the filters give emphasis to information in low frequency regions (below 1000 Hz) and implicitly learn to model fundamental frequency information in the speech signal for speaker discrimination

    Analysis of CNN-based Speech Recognition System using Raw Speech as Input

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    Automatic speech recognition systems typically model the rela-tionship between the acoustic speech signal and the phones in two separate steps: feature extraction and classifier training. In our recent works, we have shown that, in the framework of con-volutional neural networks (CNN), the relationship between the raw speech signal and the phones can be directly modeled and ASR systems competitive to standard approach can be built. In this paper, we first analyze and show that, between the first two convolutional layers, the CNN learns (in parts) and models the phone-specific spectral envelope information of 2-4 ms speech. Given that we show that the CNN-based approach yields ASR trends similar to standard short-term spectral based ASR sys-tem under mismatched (noisy) conditions, with the CNN-based approach being more robust. Index Terms: automatic speech recognition, convolutional neural networks, raw signal, robust speech recognition

    Speech acoustic modeling from raw multichannel waveforms

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    Standard deep neural network-based acoustic models for automatic speech recognition (ASR) rely on hand-engineered input features, typically log-mel filterbank magnitudes. In this paper, we describe a convolutional neural network- deep neural network (CNN-DNN) acoustic model which takes raw multichannel waveforms as input, i.e. without any preceding feature extraction, and learns a similar feature representation through supervised training. By operating directly in the time domain, the network is able to take advantage of the signal’s fine time structure that is discarded when computing filterbank magnitude features. This structure is especially useful when analyzing multichannel inputs, where timing differences between input channels can be used to localize a signal in space. The first convolutional layer of the proposed model naturally learns a filterbank that is selective in both frequency and direction of arrival, i.e. a bank of bandpass beamformers with an auditory-like frequency scale. When trained on data corrupted with noise coming from different spatial locations, the network learns to filter them out by steering nulls in the directions corresponding to the noise sources. Experiments on a simulated multichannel dataset show that the proposed acoustic model outperforms a DNN that uses log-mel filterbank magnitude features under noisy and reverberant conditions. Index Terms — Automatic speech recognition, acoustic model-ing, convolutional neural networks, beamforming 1