5 research outputs found

    Spatiotemporal oriented energies for spacetime stereo

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    This paper presents a novel approach to recovering tem-porally coherent estimates of 3D structure of a dynamic scene from a sequence of binocular stereo images. The approach is based on matching spatiotemporal orientation distributions between left and right temporal image streams, which encapsulates both local spatial and temporal struc-ture for disparity estimation. By capturing spatial and tem-poral structure in this unified fashion, both sources of in-formation combine to yield disparity estimates that are nat-urally temporal coherent, while helping to resolve matches that might be ambiguous when either source is considered alone. Further, by allowing subsets of the orientation mea-surements to support different disparity estimates, an ap-proach to recovering multilayer disparity from spacetime stereo is realized. The approach has been implemented with real-time performance on commodity GPUs. Empir-ical evaluation shows that the approach yields qualitatively and quantitatively superior disparity estimates in compari-son to various alternative approaches, including the ability to provide accurate multilayer estimates in the presence of (semi)transparent and specular surfaces. 1

    Projected texture stereo

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    Abstract — Passive stereo vision is widely used as a range sensing technology in robots, but suffers from dropouts: areas of low texture where stereo matching fails. By supplementing a stereo system with a strong texture projector, dropouts can be eliminated or reduced. This paper develops a practical stereo projector system, first by finding good patterns to project in the ideal case, then by analyzing the effects of system blur and phase noise on these patterns, and finally by designing a compact projector that is capable of good performance out to 3m in indoor scenes. The system has been implemented and has excellent depth precision and resolution, especially in the range out to 1.5m. I

    Linear Quasi-Parallax SfM for various classes of biological eyes

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    Estimating Disparity and Occlusions in Stereo Video Sequences

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    Estimating disparity and occlusions in stereo video sequences

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    We propose an algorithm for estimating disparity and occlusion in stereo video sequences. The algorithm defines a prior on sequences of disparity maps using a 3D Markov random field, and approximately computes the MAP estimate for the disparity sequence using loopy belief propagation. In contrast to previous work on temporal stereo, the algorithm (i) correctly models half-occlusions — scene points visible in one camera but not the other — and (ii) enforces the so-called “monotonicity constraint ” on the boundary of half-occluded regions. The algorithm is also able to exploit temporal coherence more appropriately than many previous approaches to temporal stereo, by employing additional states in the Markov random field. These additional states permit rudimentary motion estimation to be performed as part of the belief propagation, thus improving the quality of temporal inference. Parameters of the algorithm are learned from the ground truth disparities of a real stereo sequence. Qualitative results are shown on real sequences, including comparisons with competing approaches, and the performance of the algorithm is assessed quantitatively using the ground truth data. 1