23 research outputs found

    Investigating the Moderating Effect of Massively Multiplayer Online (MMO) Games on the Correlation Between Flow and Game Addiction: A Meta-Analysis

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    The flow theory of addiction suggests that the psychological flow state and addiction are positively correlated. However, based on 23 empirical studies involving 6,772 subjects, our meta-analysis shows that this relationship is significantly weakened in massively multiplayer online (MMO) games. Our results suggest that game genre, which is often overlooked in existing theories, warrants more attention in future research on game addiction. For game developers, our results suggest that it is particularly important for non-MMO games to provide a good match between game challenge and player skill level, which is essential to the flow experience. As MMO games have been reported to be more addictive than non-MMO games, future research should also investigate the unique characteristics of MMO games that cause addiction in this game genre

    Film, Dreams, and MMORPGs: Cultural Leakage and Digital Gaming Literacy in Inception

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    The confluence of art, technology, and texts is unavoidable and yet remains under-addressed in scholarship. Technological artifacts, while prevalent in digital gaming, are seldom examined in terms of their contribution to other artistic artifacts. Specifically, MMORPGs (massively multiplayer online role-playing games) as texts are rarely considered in terms of their relevance to digital and artistic literacy. Residing within are rich cultural discourses that address the entertainment of escapism and their affiliated connection to addiction, loss of identity, and violence resulting from prolonged immersion. Not surprisingly these tensions are reflected in other texts such as film. In the current examination, a rhetorical analysis uses a close reading of Inception to examine cultural leakages of digital gaming issues entering into and shaping film discourse. Implications and societal impact of issues such as dream worlds, fantasy attractions, and counter strategies are discussed both as recommendation and social commentary

    Creative Escapism and the Camino de Santiago

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    The phenomenon of escapism, extensively analyed in the key mechanism of escape into the world of illusion and imagination in numerous sociological and psychological studies, has not yet been researched from a theological perspective or described in the context of pilgrimage. Nevertheless, the existing studies encourage this type of reflection, indicating that escapism seems to be one of the ways to solve social problems by turning towards religiousness. This is the case for pilgrims on their journey to the tomb of St. James the Apostle in Santiago de Compostela. The studies of pilgrims reveal the escapist motivations behind the decision to go on a journey and the therapeutic effects of the pilgrimage. In this context, the pilgrims’ escapism is a creative process of transformation that creates something new


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    This quantitative study aims to analyze the interest in buying items and skins in the online game Mobile Legends in Indonesia, especially in East Java Province by looking at the psychological and social factors of game players. Player behavior is a psychological factor and social factors are social influence variables. The number of samples in this study was 310, the sampling method used purposive sampling. Respondents are active Mobile Legends game players who have participated in answering our research questionnaire. The data collection method uses online questionnaire distribution using Google Forms. Measurement of data using answers with a Likert scale of 1 to 10 with 1 point strongly disagree and 10 points strongly agree. Data were analyzed using the PLS-SEM method using Smart PLS 3.0 software. Player behavior includes achievement, challenge, escapism, and social interaction. Social influences consist of network externality and community involvement. The results of our research show that player behavior consists of achievement, challenge, escapism, and social influences such as network externality, and community involvement have a significant positive effect on Purchase Intentio

    When and how video games can be good: a review of the positive effects of video games on well-being

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    peer-reviewedVideo games are a source of entertainment for a wide population and have varied effects on well-being. The purpose of this article is to comprehensively examine game-play research to identify the factors that contribute to these disparate well-being outcomes and to highlight the potential positive effects. On the basis of existing literature, we argue that the effects of gaming on well-being are moderated by other variables, such as motivations for gaming and video-game characteristics. Specifically, the inclusion of social activity can benefit prosocial behaviors and affect the relationship between violent video games and aggression that some studies have demonstrated. Moreover, the research on the relationship between violent video games and aggression depends greatly on individual and sociocontextual variables outside of game play. The inclusion of physical activity in games can provide an improvement in physical health with high levels of enjoyment, potentially increasing adherence rates. Overall, following our review, we determined that the effects of gaming on well-being are moderated by and depend on the motivation for gaming, outside variables, the presence of violence, social interaction, and physical activity. Thus, we argue that there is potential for an 'optimal gaming profile' that can be used in the future for both academic- and industry-related research.peer-reviewe

    A digitális kultúra hatása az emberi viselkedésre a gamifikáció példáján keresztül = The impact of digital culture on human behiavor through the example of gamification

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    Kutatásom két legfontosabb megállapítása: 1. A technológia terjedés sebesség miatt egy olyan nemzedék jelenik meg, mely (digitális) kultúrájának kialakításakor nem támaszkodhat elei tudására és tapasztalatára – "magára hagyott nemzedék". 2. A játékszerű gondolkodás messze túlmutat a szórakozáson, társadalmi működési rendszer. Meglátásom szerint a gamifikációs mentális logikák működése (a digitális kultúra számos jellemzőjének összegeként is) meghatározza a digitális kultúrába belépő, de még inkább az ebben nevelkedő emberek viselkedését

    A longitudinal study of gambling motives, problem gambling and need frustration

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    Gambling motives are an important element in understanding the development of problem gambling, yet most of the recent studies investigating their role in problem gambling have been cross-sectional. This study analyzed the links between gambling motives and problem gambling using a longitudinal study design. The moderating effect of the frustration of basic psychological needs was also assessed. The study sample with 1,022 participants (48.43% female, Mage = 49.50 years) was surveyed at three timepoints (T1–T3) in 6-month intervals. The Problem Gambling Severity Index (PGSI) was used to measure problem gambling and need frustration was assessed with The Basic Psychological Need Satisfaction and Frustration Scale (BPNSFS). The data were analyzed using a multilevel mixed-effects regression model where PGSI was the outcome variable. Gambling motives and need frustration were the predictors while psychological distress (measured with the 5-Item Mental Health Inventory, MHI-5), offshore/onshore online gambling, and socio-demographic factors were used as control variables. All the motives predicted problem gambling individually over time. In contrast, motives to escape, to win money, and to compete along with need frustration predicted problem gambling over time in the full model. In addition, money motive and need frustration had an interaction effect so that higher need frustration combined with money motive predicted more severe gambling problems. The results of this study provide a valuable longitudinal perspective on gambling motives, frustration of basic psychological needs, and gambling problems which can be used to develop and improve treatment efforts and programs of problem gambling.publishedVersionPeer reviewe

    Do coping strategies moderate the relationship between escapism and negative gaming outcomes in World of Warcraft (MMORPG) players?

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    A link between escapist motivations for playing Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Games (MMORPGs) and negative outcomes associated with play has been previously established. However, not all escapists experience the same level of negative gaming outcomes, and the underlying mechanisms have yet to be explored. The purpose of this study was to determine if individual differences in engaged and disengaged coping styles could explain differences in outcomes. Cross-sectional survey data from adult players of World of Warcraft (WoW) were collected (N = 217), using measures of negative gaming outcomes, escapism, and individual coping style. Primary analysis revealed that disengaged coping strategies were positively correlated with both escapist motivations and negative outcomes, and the engaged coping strategies of Problem Solving and Social Support were negatively correlated with negative gaming outcomes. The main analyses revealed that the relationship between escapist motivations for play and negative gaming outcomes was moderated by problem-focused coping strategies. This study offers novel insight into video game research, demonstrating that individual coping styles play a role in moderating the relationship between gaming motivation and the negative outcomes associated with video gaming

    Running to get “lost”? Two types of escapism in recreational running and their relations to exercise dependence and subjective well-being

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    Escapism is a fundamental motivation in many forms of activity engagements. At its core, escapism is “a habitual diversion of the mind … as an escape from reality or routine”. Accordingly, escapism may entail many adaptive and maladaptive psychological antecedents, covariates, and outcomes. However, few studies have been conducted on escapism as a motivational mindset in running. Here, in a sample of recreational runners (N = 227), we applied a two-dimensional model of escapism, comprising self-expansion (adaptive escapism) and self-suppression (maladaptive escapism), and examined how they were related to exercise dependence and subjective well-being. First, confirmatory factor analyses showed that the escapism dimensions were highly diversifiable in the sample. Then, correlational analyses showed that self-expansion was positively correlated to subjective well-being, whereas self-suppression was negatively related to well-being. Self-suppression was more strongly related to exercise dependence compared to self-expansion. Finally, path analyses evidenced an explanatory role of self-expansion and self-suppression in the inverse relationship between exercise dependence and well-being. In conclusion, the present findings support escapism as a relevant framework for understanding the relationship between exercise dependence in running and subjective well-being

    The Intention of Escapism on Binge-Watching Among Penangites

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    In this advanced society, people are inseparable from technology. Smartphones, tablets, computers, TVS have all become necessities for modern people. The way we use media has recently changed dramatically. The purpose of this research is to study the intention of escapism on binge-watching among Penangites. Video on demand allows viewers to watch anytime and anywhere because of modern technology breakthroughs. More and more viewers are choosing to enjoy the video by subscribing to streaming services or online rather than on conventional broadcast networks. The rise of binge-watching is a result of technological advancement which has resulted in a shift away from routine programming and towards more flexible viewership. Despite the fact that there are severalresearchers who have performed in diverse contexts, only a few studies have focused on the intention of binge-watching among Malaysians, particularly Penangites. This conceptual study examines previous research and aims to study the intention of escapism binge-watching among Penangites. There were 200 respondents from Penang using the Raosoft sample size calculator and they were given online survey questionnaires as part of a quantitative research project. The acquired data were then examined in SPSS to determine the correlations (Pearson's coefficient) and reliability (Cronbach's Alpha). The result of the study indicates that most of the respondents show a positive view of the factor of escapism affecting their desire to binge-watch. It can be seen that the majority of the respondents agree that binge-watching may help them to escape from everyday life, seek relief from the unpleasant reality of everyday life, help them to temporarily get away from the grind, immerse themselves in the unreal world as well as give them more pleasure than other activities. Other than that, this research may help in showing that new advancements in media entertainment and the ensuing alterations in usage patterns bring opportunities as well as obstacles to media consumers. In addition, it may also help in future research to gain a deeper understanding of binge-watching as a novel form of media enjoyment as well as fresh perspectives on the intricate relationship between well-being and media use in general