8,581 research outputs found

    Designing Power-Efficient Modulation Formats for Noncoherent Optical Systems

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    We optimize modulation formats for the additive white Gaussian noise channel with a nonnegative input constraint, also known as the intensity-modulated direct detection channel, with and without confining them to a lattice structure. Our optimization criteria are the average electrical and optical power. The nonnegativity input signal constraint is translated into a conical constraint in signal space, and modulation formats are designed by sphere packing inside this cone. Some remarkably dense packings are found, which yield more power-efficient modulation formats than previously known. For example, at a spectral efficiency of 1 bit/s/Hz, the obtained modulation format offers a 0.86 dB average electrical power gain and 0.43 dB average optical power gain over the previously best known modulation formats to achieve a symbol error rate of 10^-6. This modulation turns out to have a lattice-based structure. At a spectral efficiency of 3/2 bits/s/Hz and to achieve a symbol error rate of 10^-6, the modulation format obtained for optimizing the average electrical power offers a 0.58 dB average electrical power gain over the best lattice-based modulation and 2.55 dB gain over the best previously known format. However, the modulation format optimized for average optical power offers a 0.46 dB average optical power gain over the best lattice-based modulation and 1.35 dB gain over the best previously known format.Comment: Submitted to Globecom 201

    Interleaver design for trellis-coded differential 8-PSK modulation with non-coherent detection

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    The effect of finite interleaver size on bit error rate (BER) performance of coded 8-DPSK is determined by means of computer simulations. The losses evaluated in this way include the SNR degradation due to the timing and frequency errors of the symbol synchronizer and the automatic frequency control (AFC) of the receiver. BER measurements are presented using a conventional 2/3 rate convolutional 8-state trellis-code for typical Rayleigh and Rician fading channels. It is shown that for a Rician channel with a Rician parameter of 7 dB, a Doppler spread of 100 Hz and a data rate of 2400 bps, an interleaver with size 16 x 16 symbols performs nearly as well as a very large interleaver. It is also shown that for very fast Rayleigh channels, the BER-curves flatten out at large SNR

    Design and Performance Analysis of Non-Coherent Detection Systems with Massive Receiver Arrays

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    Harvesting the gain of a large number of antennas in a mmWave band has mainly been relying on the costly operation of channel state information (CSI) acquisition and cumbersome phase shifters. Recent works have started to investigate the possibility to use receivers based on energy detection (ED), where a single data stream is decoded based on the channel and noise energy. The asymptotic features of the massive receiver array lead to a system where the impact of the noise becomes predictable due to a noise hardening effect. This in effect extends the communication range compared to the receiver with a small number of antennas, as the latter is limited by the unpredictability of the additive noise. When the channel has a large number of spatial degrees of freedom, the system becomes robust to imperfect channel knowledge due to channel hardening. We propose two detection methods based on the instantaneous and average channel energy, respectively. Meanwhile, we design the detection thresholds based on the asymptotic properties of the received energy. Differently from existing works, we analyze the scaling law behavior of the symbol-error-rate (SER). When the instantaneous channel energy is known, the performance of ED approaches that of the coherent detection in high SNR scenarios. When the receiver relies on the average channel energy, our performance analysis is based on the exact SER, rather than an approximation. It is shown that the logarithm of SER decreases linearly as a function of the number of antennas. Additionally, a saturation appears at high SNR for PAM constellations of order larger than two, due to the uncertainty on the channel energy. Simulation results show that ED, with a much lower complexity, achieves promising performance both in Rayleigh fading channels and in sparse channels

    Trellis-coded MPSK modulation techniques for MSAT-X(sup)1

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    Various trellis-coded modulated phase shift keying (MPSK) modulation techniques for transmitting 4.8 kbps over a 5 kHz RF channel are considered. The tradeoffs between coherent versus differentially coherent types of demodulation, and interleaving are discussed as well as optimum trellis-codes designed for fading channels. Simulation results are presented

    Synchronization of OFDM at low SNR over an AWGN channel

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    This paper is based on Extended Symbol OFDM (ES-OFDM) where symbols are extended in time. This way ES-OFDM can operate at low SNR. Each doubling of the symbol length improves the SNR performance by 3 dB in case of a coherent receiver. One of the basic questions is how to synchronize to signals far below the noise floor. An algorithm is presented which is based on the transmission of pilot symbols. At the receiver, the received signal is cross correlated with the known pilot symbol and the maximum magnitude is determined. The position of the maximum value within the cross correlation function indicates the time difference between transmitter and receiver. The performance of the algorithm in case of an Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN) channel, is assessed based on a theoretical approximation of the probability of correct detection of the time difference. The theoretical approximation matches with simulation results and shows that synchronization can be achieved for low (negative) SNRs

    Doppler-corrected differential detection system

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    Doppler in a communication system operating with a multiple differential phase-shift-keyed format (MDPSK) creates an adverse phase shift in an incoming signal. An open loop frequency estimation is derived from a Doppler-contaminated incoming signal. Based upon the recognition that, whereas the change in phase of the received signal over a full symbol contains both the differentially encoded data and the Doppler induced phase shift, the same change in phase over half a symbol (within a given symbol interval) contains only the Doppler induced phase shift, and the Doppler effect can be estimated and removed from the incoming signal. Doppler correction occurs prior to the receiver's final output of decoded data. A multiphase system can operate with two samplings per symbol interval at no penalty in signal-to-noise ratio provided that an ideal low pass pre-detection filter is employed, and two samples, at 1/4 and 3/4 of the symbol interval T sub s, are taken and summed together prior to incoming signal data detection

    Downlink Steered Space-Time Spreading Assisted Generalised Multicarrier DS-CDMA Using Sphere-Packing-Aided Multilevel Coding

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    This paper presents a novel generalised Multi-Carrier Direct Sequence Code Division Multiple Access (MC DS-CDMA) system invoking smart antennas for improving the achievable performance in the downlink, as well as employing multi-dimensional Sphere Packing (SP) modulation for increasing the achievable diversity product. In this contribution, the MC DS-CDMA transmitter considered employs multiple Antenna Arrays (AA) and each of the AAs consists of several antenna elements. Furthermore, the proposed system employs both time- and frequency- (TF) domain spreading for extending the achievable capacity, when combined with a novel user-grouping technique for reducing the effects of Multiuser Interference (MUI). Moreover, in order to further enhance the system’s performance, we invoke a MultiLevel Coding (MLC) scheme, whose component codes are determined using the so-called equivalent capacity based constituent-code rate-calculation procedure invoking a 4-dimensional bit-to-SP-symbol mapping scheme. Our results demonstrate an approximately 3.8 dB Eb/N0 gain over an identical throughput scheme dispensing with SP modulation at a BER of 10?5