49 research outputs found

    Parallel Repetition From Fortification

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    The Parallel Repetition Theorem upper-bounds the value of a repeated (tensored) two prover game in terms of the value of the base game and the number of repetitions. In this work we give a simple transformation on games – “fortification” – and show that for fortified games, the value of the repeated game decreases perfectly exponentially with the number of repetitions, up to an arbitrarily small additive error. Our proof is combinatorial and short. As corollaries, we obtain: (1) Starting from a PCP Theorem with soundness error bounded away from 1, we get a PCP with arbitrarily small constant soundness error. In particular, starting with the combinatorial PCP of Dinur, we get a combinatorial PCP with low error. The latter can be used for hardness of approximation as in the work of Hastad. (2) Starting from the work of the author and Raz, we get a projection PCP theorem with the smallest soundness error known today. The theorem yields nearly a quadratic improvement in the size compared to previous work. We then discuss the problem of derandomizing parallel repetition, and the limitations of the fortification idea in this setting. We point out a connection between the problem of derandomizing parallel repetition and the problem of composition. This connection could shed light on the so-called Projection Games Conjecture, which asks for projection PCP with minimal error.National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Grant 1218547

    Individual Simulations

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    We develop an individual simulation technique that explicitly makes use of particular properties/structures of a given adversary\u27s functionality. Using this simulation technique, we obtain the following results. 1. We construct the first protocols that \emph{break previous black-box barriers} of [Xiao, TCC\u2711 and Alwen et al., Crypto\u2705] under the standard hardness of factoring, both of which are polynomial time simulatable against all a-priori bounded polynomial size distinguishers: -- Two-round selective opening secure commitment scheme. -- Three-round concurrent zero knowledge and concurrent witness hiding argument for NP in the bare public-key model. 2. We present a simpler two-round weak zero knowledge and witness hiding argument for NP in the plain model under the sub-exponential hardness of factoring. Our technique also yields a significantly simpler proof that existing distinguisher-dependent simulatable zero knowledge protocols are also polynomial time simulatable against all distinguishers of a-priori bounded polynomial size. The core conceptual idea underlying our individual simulation technique is an observation of the existence of nearly optimal extractors for all hard distributions: For any NP-instance(s) sampling algorithm, there exists a polynomial-size witness extractor (depending on the sampler\u27s functionality) that almost outperforms any circuit of a-priori bounded polynomial size in terms of the success probability

    Multi-Prover and parallel repetition in non-classical interactive games

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    Depuis l’introduction de la mĂ©canique quantique, plusieurs mystĂšres de la nature ont trouvĂ© leurs explications. De plus en plus, les concepts de la mĂ©canique quantique se sont entremĂȘlĂ©s avec d’autres de la thĂ©orie de la complexitĂ© du calcul. De nouvelles idĂ©es et solutions ont Ă©tĂ© dĂ©couvertes et Ă©laborĂ©es dans le but de rĂ©soudre ces problĂšmes informatiques. En particulier, la mĂ©canique quantique a secouĂ© plusieurs preuves de sĂ©curitĂ© de protocoles classiques. Dans ce mÂŽemoire, nous faisons un Ă©talage de rĂ©sultats rĂ©cents de l’implication de la mĂ©canique quantique sur la complexitĂ© du calcul, et cela plus prĂ©cisĂ©ment dans le cas de classes avec interaction. Nous prĂ©sentons ces travaux de recherches avec la nomenclature des jeux Ă  information imparfaite avec coopĂ©ration. Nous exposons les diffĂ©rences entre les thĂ©ories classiques, quantiques et non-signalantes et les dĂ©montrons par l’exemple du jeu Ă  cycle impair. Nous centralisons notre attention autour de deux grands thĂšmes : l’effet sur un jeu de l’ajout de joueurs et de la rĂ©pĂ©tition parallĂšle. Nous observons que l’effet de ces modifications a des consĂ©quences trĂšs diffĂ©rentes en fonction de la thĂ©orie physique considĂ©rĂ©e.Since the introduction of quantum mechanics, many mysteries of nature have found explanations. Many quantum-mechanical concepts have merged with the field of computational complexity theory. New ideas and solutions have been put forward to solve computational problems. In particular, quantum mechanics has struck down many security proofs of classical protocols. In this thesis, we survey recent results regarding the implication of quantum mechanics to computational complexity and more precisely to classes with interaction. We present the work done in the framework of cooperative games with imperfect information. We give some differences between classical, quantum and no-signaling theories and apply them to the specific example of Odd Cycle Games. We center our attention on two different themes: the effect on a game of adding more players and of parallel repetition. We observe that depending of the physical theory considered, the consequences of these changes is very different

    A Tight Parallel Repetition Theorem for Partially Simulatable Interactive Arguments via Smooth KL-Divergence

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    Hardness amplification is a central problem in the study of interactive protocols. While natural parallel repetition transformation is known to reduce the soundness error of some special cases of interactive arguments: three-message protocols (Bellare, Impagliazzo, and Naor [FOCS \u2797]) and public-coin protocols (Hastad, Pass, Wikstrom, and Pietrzak [TCC \u2710], Chung and Lu [TCC \u2710] and Chung and Pass [TCC \u2715]), it fails to do so in the general case (the above Bellare et al.; also Pietrzak and Wikstrom [TCC \u2707]). The only known round-preserving approach that applies to all interactive arguments is Haitner\u27s random-terminating transformation [SICOMP \u2713], who showed that the parallel repetition of the transformed protocol reduces the soundness error at a weak exponential rate: if the original mm-round protocol has soundness error 1−Δ1-\varepsilon, then the nn-parallel repetition of its random-terminating variant has soundness error (1−Δ)Δn/m4(1-\varepsilon)^{\varepsilon n / m^4} (omitting constant factors). Hastad et al. have generalized this result to partially simulatable interactive arguments, showing that the nn-fold repetition of an mm-round ÎŽ\delta-simulatable argument of soundness error 1−Δ1-\varepsilon has soundness error (1−Δ)ΔΎ2n/m2(1-\varepsilon)^{\varepsilon \delta^2 n / m^2}. When applied to random-terminating arguments, the Hastad et al. bound matches that of Haitner. In this work we prove that parallel repetition of random-terminating arguments reduces the soundness error at a much stronger exponential rate: the soundness error of the nn parallel repetition is (1−Δ)n/m(1-\varepsilon)^{n / m}, only an mm factor from the optimal rate of (1−Δ)n(1-\varepsilon)^n achievable in public-coin and three-message arguments. The result generalizes to ÎŽ\delta-simulatable arguments, for which we prove a bound of (1−Δ)ÎŽn/m(1-\varepsilon)^{\delta n / m}. This is achieved by presenting a tight bound on a relaxed variant of the KL-divergence between the distribution induced by our reduction and its ideal variant, a result whose scope extends beyond parallel repetition proofs. We prove the tightness of the above bound for random-terminating arguments, by presenting a matching protocol

    Knowledge Encryption and Its Applications to Simulatable Protocols With Low Round-Complexity

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    We introduce a new notion of public key encryption, knowledge encryption, for which its ciphertexts can be reduced to the public-key, i.e., any algorithm that can break the ciphertext indistinguishability can be used to extract the (partial) secret key. We show that knowledge encryption can be built solely on any two-round oblivious transfer with game-based security, which are known based on various standard (polynomial-hardness) assumptions, such as the DDH, the Quadratic(NthN^{th}) Residuosity or the LWE assumption. We use knowledge encryption to construct the first three-round (weakly) simulatable oblivious transfer. This protocol satisfies (fully) simulatable security for the receiver, and weakly simulatable security ((T,Ï”)(T, \epsilon)-simulatability) for the sender in the following sense: for any polynomial TT and any inverse polynomial Ï”\epsilon, there exists an efficient simulator such that the distinguishing gap of any distinguisher of size less than TT is at most Ï”\epsilon. Equipped with these tools, we construct a variety of fundamental cryptographic protocols with low round-complexity, assuming only the existence of two-round oblivious transfer with game-based security. These protocols include three-round delayed-input weak zero knowledge argument, three-round weakly secure two-party computation, three-round concurrent weak zero knowledge in the BPK model, and a two-round commitment with weak security under selective opening attack. These results improve upon the assumptions required by the previous constructions. Furthermore, all our protocols enjoy the above (T,Ï”)(T, \epsilon)-simulatability (stronger than the distinguisher-dependent simulatability), and are quasi-polynomial time simulatable under the same (polynomial hardness) assumption

    Fast IDentity Online with Anonymous Credentials (FIDO-AC)

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    Web authentication is a critical component of today's Internet and the digital world we interact with. The FIDO2 protocol enables users to leverage common devices to easily authenticate to online services in both mobile and desktop environments following the passwordless authentication approach based on cryptography and biometric verification. However, there is little to no connection between the authentication process and users' attributes. More specifically, the FIDO protocol does not specify methods that could be used to combine trusted attributes with the FIDO authentication process generically and allows users to disclose them to the relying party arbitrarily. In essence, applications requiring attributes verification (e.g. age or expiry date of a driver's license, etc.) still rely on ad-hoc approaches, not satisfying the data minimization principle and not allowing the user to vet the disclosed data. A primary recent example is the data breach on Singtel Optus, one of the major telecommunications providers in Australia, where very personal and sensitive data (e.g. passport numbers) were leaked. This paper introduces FIDO-AC, a novel framework that combines the FIDO2 authentication process with the user's digital and non-shareable identity. We show how to instantiate this framework using off-the-shelf FIDO tokens and any electronic identity document, e.g., the ICAO biometric passport (ePassport). We demonstrate the practicality of our approach by evaluating a prototype implementation of the FIDO-AC system.Comment: to be published in the 32nd USENIX Security Symposium(USENIX 2023

    Extended Nonlocal Games

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    The notions of entanglement and nonlocality are among the most striking ingredients found in quantum information theory. One tool to better understand these notions is the model of nonlocal games; a mathematical framework that abstractly models a physical system. The simplest instance of a nonlocal game involves two players, Alice and Bob, who are not allowed to communicate with each other once the game has started and who play cooperatively against an adversary referred to as the referee. The focus of this thesis is a class of games called extended nonlocal games, of which nonlocal games are a subset. In an extended nonlocal game, the players initially share a tripartite state with the referee. In such games, the winning conditions for Alice and Bob may depend on outcomes of measurements made by the referee, on its part of the shared quantum state, in addition to Alice and Bob's answers to the questions sent by the referee. We build up the framework for extended nonlocal games and study their properties and how they relate to nonlocal games.Comment: PhD thesis, Univ Waterloo, 2017. 151 pages, 11 figure