7 research outputs found


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    Integrated information systems continuously develop into a strategic instrument for higher education institutions. In contrast to private companies, specific characteristics of higher education institutions in regards to their organizational structure as well as their management and operations require a tailored project management approach. There is need for thorough research and practical recommendations for implementation of integrated information systems in higher education institutions. This paper provides a systematic meta-analysis and a state of the art overview of critical success factors for selection and implementation of integrated information systems based on the characteristic of the higher education sector. A qualitative content analysis is applied to receive a comprehensive list of critical success factors for higher education institutions. The mostly named critical success factors are stakeholder participation, business process reengineering and communication which align well with the peculiarities of the higher education sector

    Campus Management Systems as Administrative Software Systems

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    Spitta T, Grechenig T, Brune H, Carolla M, Strobl S. Campus-Management Systeme als Administrative Systeme. Working Papers in Economics & Management. Vol 06-2014. Bielefeld: Bielefeld University, Department of Business Administration and Economics; 2014.Ein von der Politik ausgelöster Bruch in den deutsprachigen Ländern – der sog. Bologna Prozess – löste eine große Nachfrage nach neuen Informationssystemen aus, die die akademischen Prozesse Lehre und Forschung unterstützen konnten. Die Software ist in der notwendigen Qualität am Markt nicht verfügbar. Einige Systeme sind große Pilotprojekte in Universitäten, die die Rolle von Pionieren spielen. Weil die Universitäten – im Gegensatz zu Wirtschaftsunternehmen – wenig Erfahrung mit solchen Projekten und dem Systembetrieb haben, erscheint es hilfreich, die wesentlichen Eigenschaften organisatorischer Informationssysteme grundsätzlich zu betrachten. Nach Lehmanns Definition vor 35 Jahren über Embedded Software haben wir es mit sehr komplexen und großen Systemen zu tun, die in eine Organisation als Umwelt eingebettet sind. Die Komplexität dieser Systeme liegt in der Datenbasis, die von den Benutzern erzeugt und gepflegt wird. Wir diskutieren aus der Sicht dieser originären Daten, welche Funktionen zum Kern eines Campus- Management Systems (CaMS) gehören und welche nicht. Z. B. gehören E-Learning und Bibliothek nicht dazu, benötigen allerdings sichere und effiziente Schnittstellen. Weil CaMS groß und teuer sind, sollten sie evolutionär in die Organisation implementiert werden.Caused by a politically initiated break in German speaking European countries – the so-called Bologna Process – we observe a huge demand for new information systems supporting the academic processes of teaching and research. The software qualitatively demanded is not available on the market. Some systems are large projects of pilot-systems in pioneer universities. Because universities – in contrast to enterprises – have little experience in implementing and operating such systems, it seems to be worth while to examine the essentials of organizational information systems basically. After Lehman's definition of embedded systems 35 years ago, we look at very complex systems, embedded into large organizations. The complexity of such system's software stems from its database, created and maintained by the the organization's users. We argue, from our basic view at original data, which functions are part of the core of a campus management system (CaMS) and which are not. E. g. E-learning or library do not belong to this core, but need secure and efficient interfaces to it. Because CaMS are large and expensive they should be implemented into an organization evolutionary


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    Der folgende Beitrag befasst sich mit der Frage nach Erfolgsfaktoren bei der Umstellung von Informationssystemen im Zuge der Reformen an deutschen Hochschulen. Auf Grundlage der Ergebnisse von vier explorativen Fallstudien wird aufgezeigt, welche organisatorischen, personellen und technischen Faktoren für das Gelingen der Reformmaßnahmen verantwortlich sind. Am Beispiel der Einführung von Finanzbuchhaltungssystemen und Führungsinformationssystemen werden dabei sowohl operative als auch strategische Bereiche betrachtet. Einschätzungen der Interviewpartner unter Heranziehung organisationstheoretischer Konzepte legen dabei nahe, dass nicht die technologischen Möglichkeiten fehlen. Vielmehr sind die Einbettung der Technologie in die Organisation sowie die Anwendung der Technologie durch geschultes Personal entscheidend für die Funktionsfähigkeit von Informationssystemen an sich reformierenden Universitäten

    On the usage of theories in the field of Wirtschaftsinformatik : a quantitative literature analysis

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    The development of theories is a central goal of every scientific discipline. Hence, theory development is also of considerable importance to the field of Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI), which seeks to progress as a scientific discipline. WI is the discipline focussing on research and design of information systems conducted by the German-speaking community. WI has slightly different objectives, focusses on different methods and different desired results compared to the Anglo-American Information Systems (IS) research discipline. Although both disciplines deal with information systems as their main research object, Mertens et al. (2014) propose to consider both disciplines as halfsister disciplines (in German: Halbschwesterdisziplinen). Against the background of the growing importance of theory development in WI, a lot of WI research contributions use and reference existing theories and theoretical models for different purposes, e.g. to derive and test hypotheses or to justify design decisions in the context of information systems’ design and development. Often, these theories originate from related scientific disciplines like economics or psychology. However, as it is still not clear which theories are of particular importance to WI research, this report aims at presenting a detailed analysis of the current usage of theories in WI and addresses the following research questions: Which theories are used in WI research and where do they originate from? and How has the usage of theories developed over time? These questions were examined based on a systematic analysis of a broad amount of scientific literature. Thus, this report is supposed to make a contribution to the ongoing discussion on the theoretical foundations of WI. Our analysis shows that 1,160 WI articles from 2000 to 2011 do, in large part, reference the same theories as Anglo-American Information Systems (IS) research. These findings are discussed and implications are highlighted

    Auswahl, Wirtschaftlichkeit und Erfolg von Informationssystemen

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    Wirtschaftlichkeits- und Wertbeitragsanalysen fĂĽr Hochschul-IT und Lastbalancierung erneuerbarer Energien

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