13,649 research outputs found

    Equivalent partial differential equations of a lattice Boltzmann scheme

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    AbstractWe show that when we formulate the lattice Boltzmann equation with a small-time step Δt and an associated space scale Δx, a Taylor expansion joined with the so-called equivalent equation methodology leads to establishing macroscopic fluid equations as a formal limit. We recover the Euler equations of gas dynamics at the first order and the compressible Navier–Stokes equations at the second order

    General fourth order Chapman-Enskog expansion of lattice Boltzmann schemes

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    In order to derive the equivalent partial differential equations of a lattice Boltzmann scheme,the Chapman Enskog expansion is very popular in the lattive Boltzmann community. A maindrawback of this approach is the fact that multiscale expansions are used without any clearmathematical signification of the various variables and operators. Independently of thisframework, the Taylor expansion method allows to obtain formally the equivalent partialdifferential equations. In this contribution, we prove that both approaches give identicalresults with acoustic scaling for a very general family of lattice Boltzmann schemes and upto fourth order accuracy. Examples with a single scalar conservation illustrate our purpose

    Quartic Parameters for Acoustic Applications of Lattice Boltzmann Scheme

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    Using the Taylor expansion method, we show that it is possible to improve the lattice Boltzmann method for acoustic applications. We derive a formal expansion of the eigenvalues of the discrete approximation and fit the parameters of the scheme to enforce fourth order accuracy. The corresponding discrete equations are solved with the help of symbolic manipulation. The solutions are explicited in the case of D3Q27 lattice Boltzmann scheme. Various numerical tests support the coherence of this approach.Comment: 23 page

    Lattice Boltzmann schemes with relative velocities

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    In this contribution, a new class of lattice Boltzmann schemes is introduced and studied. These schemes are presented in a framework that generalizes the multiple relaxation times method of d'Humi\`eres. They extend also the Geier's cascaded method. The relaxation phase takes place in a moving frame involving a set of moments depending on a given relative velocity field. We establish with the Taylor expansion method that the equivalent partial differential equations are identical to the ones obtained with the multiple relaxation times method up to the second order accuracy. The method is then performed to derive the equivalent equations up to third order accuracy

    Moving charged particles in lattice Boltzmann-based electrokinetics

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    The motion of ionic solutes and charged particles under the influence of an electric field and the ensuing hydrodynamic flow of the underlying solvent is ubiquitous in aqueous colloidal suspensions. The physics of such systems is described by a coupled set of differential equations, along with boundary conditions, collectively referred to as the electrokinetic equations. Capuani et al. [J. Chem. Phys. 121, 973 (2004)] introduced a lattice-based method for solving this system of equations, which builds upon the lattice Boltzmann algorithm for the simulation of hydrodynamic flow and exploits computational locality. However, thus far, a description of how to incorporate moving boundary conditions into the Capuani scheme has been lacking. Moving boundary conditions are needed to simulate multiple arbitrarily-moving colloids. In this paper, we detail how to introduce such a particle coupling scheme, based on an analogue to the moving boundary method for the pure LB solver. The key ingredients in our method are mass and charge conservation for the solute species and a partial-volume smoothing of the solute fluxes to minimize discretization artifacts. We demonstrate our algorithm's effectiveness by simulating the electrophoresis of charged spheres in an external field; for a single sphere we compare to the equivalent electro-osmotic (co-moving) problem. Our method's efficiency and ease of implementation should prove beneficial to future simulations of the dynamics in a wide range of complex nanoscopic and colloidal systems that was previously inaccessible to lattice-based continuum algorithms

    Curious convergence properties of lattice Boltzmann schemes for diffusion with acoustic scaling

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    We consider the D1Q3 lattice Boltzmann scheme with an acoustic scale for the simulation of diffusive processes. When the mesh is refined while holding the diffusivity constant, we first obtain asymptotic convergence. When the mesh size tends to zero, however, this convergence breaks down in a curious fashion, and we observe qualitative discrepancies from analytical solutions of the heat equation. In this work, a new asymptotic analysis is derived to explain this phenomenon using the Taylor expansion method, and a partial differential equation of acoustic type is obtained in the asymptotic limit. We show that the error between the D1Q3 numerical solution and a finite-difference approximation of this acoustic-type partial differential equation tends to zero in the asymptotic limit. In addition, a wave vector analysis of this asymptotic regime demonstrates that the dispersion equation has nontrivial complex eigenvalues, a sign of underlying propagation phenomena, and a portent of the unusual convergence properties mentioned above
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