5 research outputs found

    Connectivity Influences on Nonlinear Dynamics in Weakly-Synchronized Networks: Insights from Rössler Systems, Electronic Chaotic Oscillators, Model and Biological Neurons

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    Natural and engineered networks, such as interconnected neurons, ecological and social networks, coupled oscillators, wireless terminals and power loads, are characterized by an appreciable heterogeneity in the local connectivity around each node. For instance, in both elementary structures such as stars and complex graphs having scale-free topology, a minority of elements are linked to the rest of the network disproportionately strongly. While the effect of the arrangement of structural connections on the emergent synchronization pattern has been studied extensively, considerably less is known about its influence on the temporal dynamics unfolding within each node. Here, we present a comprehensive investigation across diverse simulated and experimental systems, encompassing star and complex networks of Rössler systems, coupled hysteresis-based electronic oscillators, microcircuits of leaky integrate-and-fire model neurons, and finally recordings from in-vitro cultures of spontaneously-growing neuronal networks. We systematically consider a range of dynamical measures, including the correlation dimension, nonlinear prediction error, permutation entropy, and other information-theoretical indices. The empirical evidence gathered reveals that under situations of weak synchronization, wherein rather than a collective behavior one observes significantly differentiated dynamics, denser connectivity tends to locally promote the emergence of stronger signatures of nonlinear dynamics. In deterministic systems, transition to chaos and generation of higher-dimensional signals were observed; however, when the coupling is stronger, this relationship may be lost or even inverted. In systems with a strong stochastic component, the generation of more temporally-organized activity could be induced. These observations have many potential implications across diverse fields of basic and applied science, for example, in the design of distributed sensing systems based on wireless coupled oscillators, in network identification and control, as well as in the interpretation of neuroscientific and other dynamical data

    Dostępność transportowa i obciążenie sieci drogowej w Polsce w świetle zagrożeń powodziowych

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    Monografia zawiera wyniki badań poświęconych określeniu wrażliwości osobowego transportu drogowego w Polsce poprzez identyfikację charakteru i skali zmian dostępności transportowej oraz zmian obciążenia sieci osobowym ruchem drogowym w sytuacji powodzi (o różnych prawdopodobieństwach wystąpienia), prowadzonych w ramach projektu o numerze 2018/29/B/HS4/01020, który został sfinansowany przez Narodowe Centrum Nauki. W toku realizacji tak sformułowanego celu głównego opracowania podjęto się osiągnięcia grupy celów szczegółowych o charakterze poznawczym, metodycznym oraz aplikacyjnym. Badania prowadzono głównie na podstawie wtórnych danych dotyczących zasięgów obszarów zagrożonych powodzią w Polsce i ich zagospodarowania oraz sieci drogowej wraz z zagospodarowaniem jej sąsiedztwa. Publikacja może zainteresować badaczy zajmujących się geografią transportu lub – szerzej – geografią społeczno-ekonomiczną i gospodarką przestrzenną. Może być również pomocnym materiałem dla studentów kierunków, które w swoim programie odnoszą się do geografii transportu, dostępności transportowej czy mobilności przestrzennej. Treść pracy obejmuje zagadnienia, które mogą zostać wykorzystane przez specjalistów zajmujących się zarządzaniem kryzysowym czy też zarządzaniem infrastrukturą drogową w sytuacjach kryzysowych związanych z wystąpieniem powodzi

    Framing Global Mathematics

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    This open access book is about the shaping of international relations in mathematics over the last two hundred years. It focusses on institutions and organizations that were created to frame the international dimension of mathematical research. Today, striking evidence of globalized mathematics is provided by countless international meetings and the worldwide repository ArXiv. The text follows the sinuous path that was taken to reach this state, from the long nineteenth century, through the two wars, to the present day. International cooperation in mathematics was well established by 1900, centered in Europe. The first International Mathematical Union, IMU, founded in 1920 and disbanded in 1932, reflected above all the trauma of WW I. Since 1950 the current IMU has played an increasing role in defining mathematical excellence, as is shown both in the historical narrative and by analyzing data about the International Congresses of Mathematicians. For each of the three periods discussed, interactions are explored between world politics, the advancement of scientific infrastructures, and the inner evolution of mathematics. Readers will thus take a new look at the place of mathematics in world culture, and how international organizations can make a difference. Aimed at mathematicians, historians of science, scientists, and the scientifically inclined general public, the book will be valuable to anyone interested in the history of science on an international level

    Putting Chinese natural knowledge to work in an eighteenth-century Swiss canton: the case of Dr Laurent Garcin

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    Symposium: S048 - Putting Chinese natural knowledge to work in the long eighteenth centuryThis paper takes as a case study the experience of the eighteenth-century Swiss physician, Laurent Garcin (1683-1752), with Chinese medical and pharmacological knowledge. A Neuchâtel bourgeois of Huguenot origin, who studied in Leiden with Hermann Boerhaave, Garcin spent nine years (1720-1729) in South and Southeast Asia as a surgeon in the service of the Dutch East India Company. Upon his return to Neuchâtel in 1739 he became primus inter pares in the small local community of physician-botanists, introducing them to the artificial sexual system of classification. He practiced medicine, incorporating treatments acquired during his travels. taught botany, collected rare plants for major botanical gardens, and contributed to the Journal Helvetique on a range of topics; he was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society of London, where two of his papers were read in translation and published in the Philosophical Transactions; one of these concerned the mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana), leading Linnaeus to name the genus Garcinia after Garcin. He was likewise consulted as an expert on the East Indies, exotic flora, and medicines, and contributed to important publications on these topics. During his time with the Dutch East India Company Garcin encountered Chinese medical practitioners whose work he evaluated favourably as being on a par with that of the Brahmin physicians, whom he particularly esteemed. Yet Garcin never went to China, basing his entire experience of Chinese medical practice on what he witnessed in the Chinese diaspora in Southeast Asia (the ‘East Indies’). This case demonstrates that there were myriad routes to Europeans developing an understanding of Chinese natural knowledge; the Chinese diaspora also afforded a valuable opportunity for comparisons of its knowledge and practice with other non-European bodies of medical and natural (e.g. pharmacological) knowledge.postprin