1,114 research outputs found

    Mass Partitions via Equivariant Sections of Stiefel Bundles

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    We consider a geometric combinatorial problem naturally associated to the geometric topology of certain spherical space forms. Given a collection of mm mass distributions on Rn\mathbb{R}^n, the existence of kk affinely independent regular qq-fans, each of which equipartitions each of the measures, can in many cases be deduced from the existence of a Zq\mathbb{Z}_q-equivariant section of the Stiefel bundle Vk(Fn)V_k(\mathbb{F}^n) over S(Fn)S(\mathbb{F}^n), where Vk(Fn)V_k(\mathbb{F}^n) is the Stiefel manifold of all orthonormal kk-frames in Fn,F=R\mathbb{F}^n,\, \mathbb{F} = \mathbb{R} or C\mathbb{C}, and S(Fn)S(\mathbb{F}^n) is the corresponding unit sphere. For example, the parallelizability of RPn\mathbb{R}P^n when n=2,4n = 2,4, or 88 implies that any two masses on Rn\mathbb{R}^n can be simultaneously bisected by each of (n1)(n-1) pairwise-orthogonal hyperplanes, while when q=3q=3 or 4, the triviality of the circle bundle V2(C2)/ZqV_2(\mathbb{C}^2)/\mathbb{Z}_q over the standard Lens Spaces L3(q)L^3(q) yields that for any mass on R4\mathbb{R}^4, there exist a pair of complex orthogonal regular qq-fans, each of which equipartitions the mass.Comment: 11 pages, final versio

    Tropical Limits of Probability Spaces, Part I: The Intrinsic Kolmogorov-Sinai Distance and the Asymptotic Equipartition Property for Configurations

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    The entropy of a finite probability space XX measures the observable cardinality of large independent products XnX^{\otimes n} of the probability space. If two probability spaces XX and YY have the same entropy, there is an almost measure-preserving bijection between large parts of XnX^{\otimes n} and YnY^{\otimes n}. In this way, XX and YY are asymptotically equivalent. It turns out to be challenging to generalize this notion of asymptotic equivalence to configurations of probability spaces, which are collections of probability spaces with measure-preserving maps between some of them. In this article we introduce the intrinsic Kolmogorov-Sinai distance on the space of configurations of probability spaces. Concentrating on the large-scale geometry we pass to the asymptotic Kolmogorov-Sinai distance. It induces an asymptotic equivalence relation on sequences of configurations of probability spaces. We will call the equivalence classes \emph{tropical probability spaces}. In this context we prove an Asymptotic Equipartition Property for configurations. It states that tropical configurations can always be approximated by homogeneous configurations. In addition, we show that the solutions to certain Information-Optimization problems are Lipschitz-con\-tinuous with respect to the asymptotic Kolmogorov-Sinai distance. It follows from these two statements that in order to solve an Information-Optimization problem, it suffices to consider homogeneous configurations. Finally, we show that spaces of trajectories of length nn of certain stochastic processes, in particular stationary Markov chains, have a tropical limit.Comment: Comment to version 2: Fixed typos, a calculation mistake in Lemma 5.1 and its consequences in Proposition 5.2 and Theorem 6.

    Magnetism in the spiral galaxy NGC 6946: magnetic arms, depolarization rings, dynamo modes and helical fields

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    The spiral galaxy NGC 6946 was observed in total intensity and linear polarization in five radio bands between 3cm and 21cm. At the inner edge of the inner gas spiral arm the ordered magnetic field is only mildly compressed and turns smoothly, to become aligned along the gas arm. Hence the field is not shocked and is probably connected to the warm, diffuse gas. At larger radii, two bright magnetic arms between the optical arms are visible in polarized intensity. The field in the northern magnetic arm is almost totally aligned. Faraday rotation measures (RM) in these arms are consistent with the superposition of two low azimuthal dynamo modes. Three more magnetic arms are discovered in the outer galaxy, located between HI arms. Due to strong Faraday depolarization the galaxy is not transparent to polarized waves at 18cm and 20cm. The large-scale asymmetry in depolarization with respect to the major axis may be another indication of large-scale helical fields. Three depolarization rings of almost zero polarization seen at 20cm are probably generated by differential Faraday rotation in HII complexes in NGC 6946 of 300-500 pc size. - In the gas/optical spiral arms, the total (mostly turbulent) magnetic field is amplified to \simeq 20\muG. Its energy density is \simeq 10 times larger than that of the ionized gas and is similar to that of the turbulent gas motions in the inner galaxy. The magnetic energy exceeds that of the turbulent energy in the outer galaxy.Comment: 18 pages, 28 figures. Accepted for publication in A&A. Corrected typo in Sect. 3.1 04/06/200

    Balanced Islands in Two Colored Point Sets in the Plane

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    Let SS be a set of nn points in general position in the plane, rr of which are red and bb of which are blue. In this paper we prove that there exist: for every α[0,12]\alpha \in \left [ 0,\frac{1}{2} \right ], a convex set containing exactly αr\lceil \alpha r\rceil red points and exactly αb\lceil \alpha b \rceil blue points of SS; a convex set containing exactly r+12\left \lceil \frac{r+1}{2}\right \rceil red points and exactly b+12\left \lceil \frac{b+1}{2}\right \rceil blue points of SS. Furthermore, we present polynomial time algorithms to find these convex sets. In the first case we provide an O(n4)O(n^4) time algorithm and an O(n2logn)O(n^2\log n) time algorithm in the second case. Finally, if αr+αb\lceil \alpha r\rceil+\lceil \alpha b\rceil is small, that is, not much larger than 13n\frac{1}{3}n, we improve the running time to O(nlogn)O(n \log n)