24 research outputs found

    ELMFIRE:n ennustama bootstrap-virran profiili JET:n reuna-alueella

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    Magnetic confinement of a plasma in a tokamak fusion reactor requires sufficient plasma current drive to sustain the magnetic field configuration. In present devices, the necessary current is mainly driven by external means. Non-inductive, self-generated plasma current called bootstrap current is considered critical in any future tokamak-based designs. The bootstrap current develops in a plasma due to the presence of a radial plasma pressure gradient. Consequently, significant bootstrap current drive arises in particular in a steep pedestal that forms in high confinement mode plasma scenarios. The bootstrap current also plays an important role in pedestal stability. In this thesis, the bootstrap current profile is studied in the pedestal region numerically with both neoclassical and turbulent simulations using plasma and magnetic parameters present in the JET tokamak. The simulations are performed with the gyrokinetic plasma simulation code ELMFIRE in the low-collisionality regime. The neoclassical simulation results are compared to two different analytical estimates. From the turbulence simulations, the effect of electrostatic instabilities on the bootstrap current profile is investigated by comparing the results to neoclassical predictions. The neoclassical bootstrap current simulations are found to agree with the analytical estimates within a few percent. No large deviation between the two analytical models is observed for the low-collisionality regime, and both models match the simulation results within numerical accuracy, even when approaching the limit where the neoclassical approximations start to break down. However, discrepancies as large as 20% between the numerical simulation and the analytical estimates by the models are introduced when the collision grid used by ELMFIRE is made sparser, resulting in inaccuracy in the collision operator. The turbulence simulations show a strong effect of turbulent fluctuations on the plasma current which reduces the current density in comparison to the neoclassical predictions. Computational restrictions prevent further quantitative investigations and analyses.Tokamak-fuusioreaktorin plasman magneettinen koossapito vaatii riittävän plasmavirran ylläpitämään reaktorin magneettikenttää. Nykyisissä laitteissa tarvittava virta luodaan pääasiassa ulkoisin keinoin. Tulevissa tokamakeissa induktioton ja itsestään plasmaan syntyvä bootstrap-virta on kuitenkin keskeinen tekijä. Bootstrap-virta syntyy plasmaan radiaalisen painegradientin vaikutuksesta. Varsinkin reuna-alueen plasmassa virta kehittyy merkittävän suuruiseksi, kun alueelle muodostuu jyrkän gradientin omaava kulkeutumiseste, joka johtaa korkeaan koossapitoon. Bootstrap-virralla on lisäksi tärkeä rooli reuna-alueen plasman vakaudessa. Tässä työssä bootstrap-virran profiilia tutkitaan plasman reuna-alueella numeerisesti sekä neoklassisin että turbulentein simulaatioin käyttäen JET-tokamakin plasma- sekä magneettisia parametreja. Simulaatiot suoritetaan gyrokineettisellä ELMFIRE-plasmasimulaatiokoodilla matalan törmäyksellisyyden alueella. Neoklassisia tuloksia verrataan kahteen eri analyyttiseen malliin. Elektrostaattisten epävakaisuuksien vaikutusta bootstrap-virtaan tutkitaan vertaamalla turbulentin plasman simulaatiotuloksia neoklassisiin ennusteisiin. Neoklassisten simulaatioiden havaitaan vastaavan analyyttisiä estimaatteja muutaman prosentin tarkkuudella. Matalan törmäyksellisyyden alueella analyyttisten mallien väliltä ei löydy suuria eroja. Molemmat mallit vastaavat simulaatioita numeerisen tarkkuuden rajoissa, jopa neoklassisen teorian rajoilla, jolloin mallien tekemät approksimaatiot eivät enää päde. Simuloidun bootstrap-virran ja analyyttisien mallien ennusteiden välille kuitenkin ilmaantuu jopa 20% eroavuuksia, kun ELMFIRE-koodin käyttämien törmäyshilakoppien määrää pienennetään, mikä aiheuttaa epätarkkuutta törmäysoperaattoriin. Turbulenteista simulaatioista havaitaan, että turbulenssi vaikuttaa voimakkaasti plasmavirtaan johtaen pienennettyyn virrantiheyteen neoklassisiin ennusteisiin verrattuna. Laskennalliset rajoitteet estävät kvantitatiivisempien tulosten keräämisen

    Plasma Dynamics

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    Contains table of contents for Section 2 and reports on four research projects.Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Subcontract 6264005National Science Foundation Grant ECS 84-13173National Science Foundation Grant ECS 85-14517U.S. Air Force - Office of Scientific Research Contract AFOSR 84-0026U.S. Army - Harry Diamond Laboratories Contract DAAL02-86-C-0050U.S. Navy - Office of Naval Research Contract N00014-87-K-2001National Science Foundation Grant ECS 85-15032National Science Foundation Grant ECS 88-22475U.S. Department of Energy Contract DE-AC02-ET-5101

    Analysis of Instability Growth and Collisionless Relaxation in Thermionic Converters Using 1-D PIC Simulations

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    This work investigates the role that the beam-plasma instability may play in a thermionic converter. The traditional assumption of collisionally dominated relaxation is questioned, and the beam-plasma instability is proposed as a possible dominant relaxation mechanism. Theory is developed to describe the beam-plasma instability in the cold-plasma approximation, and the theory is tested with two common Particle-in- Cell (PIC) simulation codes. The theory is first confirmed using an unbounded plasma PIC simulation employing periodic boundary conditions, ES1. The theoretically predicted growth rates are on the order of the plasma frequencies, and ESl simulations verity these predictions within the order of 1%. For typical conditions encountered in thermionic converters, the resulting growth period is on the order of 7x10-11 seconds. The bounded plasma simulation PDP was used to evaluate the influence of finite geometry and the electrode boundaries. For this bounded plasma, a two-stream interaction was supported and resulted in nearly complete thermalization in approximately 5x10-10 seconds. Since the electron-electron cornsion rate of 109 Hz and the electron atom collision rate of 107 Hz are significantly slower than the rate of development of these instabilities, the instabilities appear to be an important relaxation mechanism

    Towards realistic orbit-following simulations of fast ions in ITER

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    One of the main scientific goals of the international ITER experiment is to provide understanding of burning plasmas, including the behavior of fusion-born alpha particles. These particles form both a potential risk for the first wall and a massive source of free energy in the plasma. Such free energy can drive a multitude of MHD modes, most notably the Alfvénic ones, that can lead to increased transport and even losses of fast ions. In this work, the alpha particle physics has been studied using kinetic orbit-following Monte Carlo code ASCOT. The code was enhanced with two new physics models. The first model relaxes the usual guiding center (GC) approximation used to save computation time. In some cases, this approximation is not valid and the full gyro motion (FO) has to be resolved. The second model is for fast ion relevant MHD modes and its implementation allows taking into account electromagnetic fields due to these modes. When the MHD model was used to simulate ITER plasmas, the wall power loads due to fast particles were not found to exceed the design limits of the wall materials even for unrealistically large perturbations. However, redistribution of fast ions was observed to alter the alpha particle heating profile and neutral beam ion (NBI) driven current profile. Fusion alphas were simulated for the ITER 15 MA scenario using different integration methods. Following the full gyro motion gave slightly larger alpha particle wall power loads than the GC method. Since the FO method uses more than 50 times more CPU than GC integration, a third method was introduced as a compromise between the speed and accuracy: the GC method is used in the plasma core and FO integration is activated in the vicinity of the wall. Finally, alpha-driven current and torque in ITER were studied using different magnetic field configurations. It was found that, independent of the magnetic configurations, the alpha-driven current is less than 1% of the total plasma current for both 9 MA and 15 MA baseline scenarios. On the contrary, the alpha-driven torque depends on the magnetic field configuration. While in the axisymmetric case the total torque was found to be close to zero, with realistic 3D effects the alpha particles produced substantial torque, about one tenth of that driven by the NBI particles, but in direction opposite to it.Maailman ensimmäisessä fuusioreaktorissa, ITERissä, on tarkoitus oppia ymmärtämään palavien plasmojen fysiikkaa ja siten valmistella tietä kaupalliselle fuusioenergialle. Fuusioreaktioissa syntyvät nopeat alfahiukkaset sekä neutraalisuihkukuumennuksesta (NBI) syntyneet nopeat ionit aiheuttavat riskin ensiseinämän kestävyydelle. Hiukkasten sisältämä vapaa energia mahdollistaa monenlaiset magnetohydrodynaamiset (MHD) epästabilisuudet. Nämä MHD-häiriöt voivat aiheuttaa nopeiden hiukkasten kulkeutumista jopa ulos plasmasta. Tässä työssä on tutkittu alfa- ja NBI-hiukkasten fysiikkaa käyttäen apuna kineettistä Monte-Carlo menetelmään perustuvaa radanseurantaohjelmistoa nimeltään ASCOT. Koodia on täydennetty numeerisilla malleilla, joista ensimmäinen mahdollistaa johtokeskusmenetelmän (GC) testaamisen ja tarvittaessa korvaa sen. Menetelmässä ratkaistaan hiukkasen gyroliike magneettikentän ympäri (FO). Toinen malli ottaa huomioon tiettyihin MHD ilmiöihin liittyvien sähkömagneettisten häiriöiden vaikutuksen nopeisiin hiukkasiin. Ensimmäistä mallia sovellettiin ITER:n perusplasmalle (15 MA) ja havaittiin, että FO menetelmällä laskettu alfahiukkasten aiheuttama seinäkuorma on suurempi kuin käytettäessä GC menetelmää. Koska FO menetelmä vaati noin 50 kertaa enemmän laskenta-aikaa, esiteltiin uusi hybridimenetelmä, joka siirtyy käyttämään FO radanseurantaa vain seinämien lähistöllä. MHD-mallia käytettiin useissa erilaisissa ITER-simuloinneissa. MHD-häiriöt eivät aiheuttaneet missään tapauksessa merkittävää lisäystä nopeiden hiukkasten tuottamiin seinäkuormiin. Sen sijaan MHD-häiriöt vaikuttavat nopeiden hiukkasten jakaumaan plasman sisällä. Tämä uudelleen jakautuminen aiheutti muutoksia sekä alfahiukkasten kuumennusprofiilissa että NBI-hiukkasten ajamassa virtaprofiilissa. Työssä laskettiin myös alfahiukkasten aiheuttama sähkövirta ja vääntömomentti erilaisten magneettikentän häiriöiden läsnäollessa. Alfahiukkasten synnyttämä virta oli kaikissa tapauksissa alle 1% kokonaisplasmavirrasta. Alfahiukkasten ajaman väännön puolestaan havaittiin riippuvan ulkoisista häiriöistä: aksiaalisesti symmetrisessä tapauksessa väännön komponentit summautuivat nollaan, mutta 3D häiriöiden läsnäollessa alfavääntö oli nollasta poikkeava. Alfaväännön suuruus on kuitenkin kertaluokkaa pienempi kuin NBI-hiukkasten aiheuttama vääntö ja lisäksi vastakkaissuuntainen

    The Magnetized Universe

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    Cosmology, high-energy physics and astrophysics are converging on the study of large-scale magnetic fields. While the experimental evidence for the existence of large-scale magnetization in galaxies, clusters and superclusters is rather compelling, the origin of the phenomenon remains puzzling especially in light of the most recent observations. The purpose of the present review is to describe the physical motivations and some of the open theoretical problems related to the existence of large-scale magnetic fields.Comment: 147 pages, 10 included figures. Few corrected typos and added reference

    Helium-tuhkan simuloiminen ITER:ssä

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    As energetic alpha particles cool down in fusion plasmas, they become helium ash. This helium ash radiates away energy from the plasma, dilutes the deuterium-tritium fuel mix and, thus, decreases the achievable fusion power. Therefore, its efficient removal from the confined plasma is essential for successful operation of the future fusion test reactor ITER. It is also important to prevent the return of the helium back to the confined plasma after is has been first removed from there. In this thesis, simulations were made to examine whether magnetic islands, created by external magnetic perturbations (MPs) due to ELM control coils (ECCs), can be used as a transport barrier to prevent helium from the first wall and divertor from returning to the confined plasma. The issue of helium ash as well as past helium experiments are also reviewed in this work. Along the simulated method, two schemes to improve helium ash removal are also presented in this work. The simulations were carried out with the orbit-following Monte Carlo code ASCOT. Earlier ASCOT-simulations were done mainly for fast ions, so in order to correctly simulate thermal helium ash, ASCOT's numerical integration scheme for stochastic differential equations (SDEs) was updated from the Euler-Maryuama method to the Milstein method. An adaptive time-stepping scheme for stochastic integration was added to the code. The simulations were done for the ITER baseline scenario and showed that the transport barrier effect of the islands was weak. The MPs furthermore enhanced the losses of deuterium and alpha particles more than the losses of helium.Fuusioplasmoissa syntyy energeettisten alfa-hiukkasten jäähtymisen seurauksena niin sanottua helium-tuhkaa. Tämä helium-tuhka säteilee pois plasman energiaa ja rajoittaa saatavaa fuusiotehoa. Näistä syistä on tulevan ITER-testireakrorin onnistuneen toiminnan kannalta tärkeää, että helium-tuhka saadaan tehokkaasti poistettua koossapidetystä plasmasta. Jotta heliumin määrä reaktorissa pysyy riittävän alhaisena, on myös ehkäistävä koossapidetystä plasmasta jo poistuneen heliumin paluu sinne. Tässä työssä tutkittiin, voidaanko helium-tuhkan paluuta reaktorin seinältä koossapidettyyn plasmaan ehkäistä luomalla plasman reunalle magneettisia saaria ulkoisten magneettisten häiriöiden (MP:den) avulla. Työssä myös esitellään helium-tuhkan haittavaikutuksia ja aiempia helium-kokeita. Tutkitun menetelmän lisäksi työssä esitellään kaksi menetelmää heliumin poistamiseksi. Helium-tuhkaa tutkittiin simulaatioilla. Nämä simulaatiot toteutettiin Monte Carlo radanseurantakoodilla ASCOT. ASCOT-simulaatioita on aiemmin tehty lähinnä nopeille ioneille ja onnistuneiden simulaatioiden takaamiseksi termiselle heliumille ASCOT:n numeerinen integraattori päivitettii Euler-Maryuama -menetelmästä Milsteinin menetelmään. Koodiin myös lisättiin uusi adaptiivinen aika-askellus stokastiselle integroinnille. Simulaatiot tehtiin ITER:n perusplasmalle ja havaittiin, että magneettiset saaret ehkäisevät heliumin palautumista koossapidettyyn plasmaan vain hyvin heikosti. Lisäksi MP:t huononsivat deuteriumin ja alfa-hiukkasten koossapitoa enemmän kuin heliumin

    Experimental and Numerical Studies of Cavities, Flows, and Waves in Arched Flux Ropes

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    This dissertation details various studies of arched flux ropes using both scalable laboratory experiments and numerical simulations. This work can be divided into three major classes: studies of flux rope motion and shape, development of supporting simulations, and development of new experimental diagnostics. The primary scientific results in this work are the characterization of new mechanisms for flux rope motion and morphology. These studies are done on two separate experiments, the single loop and double loop, which produce arched flux ropes with non-dimensional evolution equivalent to solar prominences. Measurements taken on these experiments characterize three flux rope mechanisms: (1) how variation in a flux rope minor radius can drive axial flows and collimation, (2) how non-uniform axial density can perturb flux rope shape and inhibit the kink instability, and (3) how changing flux rope current can repel background plasma and form density cavities around the flux rope. These mechanisms are each relevant to a different aspect of solar prominences: the collimation mechansim (1) can explain why solar loops are denser and more collimated than expected, the work on density perturbations (2) puts a higher limit on prominence stability, and the cavity mechanism (3) provides the first model to explain why coronal mass ejections (CMEs) are observed to have a three part structure. Two numerical simulations were developed in support of the experiments: a 3D magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) simulation of the single loop experiment and a 3D spline model simulating flux ropes as interacting current carrying wires. The MHD simulation uses the solver module from the Los Alamos COMPutational Astrophysics Simulation Suite (LA-COMPASS) to evolve B, v, rho, and P on a 96^3 Cartesian grid using the dimensionless ideal MHD equations. The resulting simulation has excellent agreement with experimental observations in shape, velocity, and magnetic field and quantitatively reproduces the mechanisms (2,3) observed in the single loop experiment. The spline simulation models the flux ropes experiments as plasma systems of thin current paths in a 3D space with no background plasma. This model is shown to be useful for reproducing flux rope evolution, testing new experimental configurations, evaluating the magnetic fields generated from complex 3D current paths, and testing the robustness of analytic flux rope models. The last body of work concerns the development of two novel diagnostics: a high frequency (1-100 MHz) wave probe designed to measure both the magnetic field B, and current density J, of passing waves and a high frequency (100 MHz) 1D coded aperture camera. The wave probe consists of four 3-axis Bdot-probes arranged in a tetrahedron. This additional spatial resolution allows the calculation of both J and the wavevector k. Measurements taken by this probe on the plasma jet experiment identify short whistler wave pulses emitted from magnetic reconnection events. These waves are identified by measurements of the background conditions, the wave polarization, and comparisons with the theoretical whistler dispersion relation. The pulses also occur simultaneously with bursts of X-ray emissions, indicating that non-MHD physics (i.e. two-fluid or kinetic effects) are important during the reconnection event. The coded aperture camera is a fast (100MHz) 1D visible light system developed as a prototype for imaging plasma experiments in the EUV/X-ray bands. In the low signal limit, the system demonstrates 40-fold increase in throughput and a signal-to-noise gain of ~7 over that of a pinhole camera of equivalent parameters.</p

    Modeling and simulation support for ICRF heating of fusion plasmas. Annual report, 1990

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    Control and Diagnostic of High-Z Impurities in Fusion Plasmas

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