89 research outputs found

    Equational Security Proofs of Oblivious Transfer Protocols

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    We exemplify and evaluate the use of the equational framework of Micciancio and Tessaro (ITCS 2013) by analyzeing a number of concrete Oblivious Transfer protocols: a classic OT transformation to increase the message size, and the recent (so called ``simplest\u27\u27) OT protocol in the random oracle model of Chou and Orlandi (Latincrypt 2015), together with some simple variants. Our analysis uncovers subtle timing bugs or shortcomings in both protocols, or the OT definition typically employed when using them. In the case of the OT length extension transformation, we show that the protocol can be formally proved secure using a revised OT definition and a simple protocol modification. In the case of the ``simplest\u27\u27 OT protocol, we show that it cannot be proved secure according to either the original or revised OT definition, in the sense that for any candidate simulator (expressible in the equational framework) there is an environment that distinguishes the real from the ideal system

    Secure two-party computation in applied pi-calculus:models and verification

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    Secure two-party computation allows two mutually distrusting parties to compute a function together, without revealing their secret inputs to each other. Traditionally, the security properties desired in this context, and the corresponding security proofs, are based on a notion of simulation, which can be symbolic or computational. Either way, the proofs of security are intricate, requiring first to find a simulator, and then to prove a notion of indistinguishability. Furthermore, even for classic protocols such as Yao’s (based on garbled circuits and oblivious transfer), we do not have adequate symbolic models for cryptographic primitives and protocol roles, that can form the basis for automated security proofs. We therefore propose new models in applied pi-calculus in order to address these gaps. Our contributions, formulated in the context of Yao’s protocol, include: an equational theory for specifying the primitives of garbled computation and oblivious trans-fer; process specifications for the roles of the two parties in Yao’s protocol; definitions of security that are more clear and direct: result integrity, input agreement (both based on correspondence assertions) and input privacy (based on observational equivalence). We put these models together and illustrate their use with ProVerif, providing a first automated verification of security for Yao’s two-party computation protocol.

    IPDL: A Probabilistic Dataflow Logic for Cryptography

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    While there have been many successes in verifying cryptographic security proofs of noninter- active primitives such as encryption and signatures, less attention has been paid to interactive cryptographic protocols. Interactive protocols introduce the additional verification challenge of concurrency, which is notoriously hard to reason about in a cryptographically sound manner. When proving the (approximate) observational equivalance of protocols, as is required by simulation based security in the style of Universal Composability (UC), a bisimulation is typically performed in order to reason about the nontrivial control flows induced by concurrency. Unfortunately, bisimulations are typically very tedious to carry out manually and do not capture the high-level intuitions which guide informal proofs of UC security on paper. Because of this, there is currently a large gap of formality between proofs of cryptographic protocols on paper and in mechanized theorem provers. We work towards closing this gap through a new methodology for iteratively constructing bisimulations in a manner close to on-paper intuition. We present this methodology through Interactive Probabilistic Dependency Logic (IPDL), a simple calculus and proof system for specifying and reasoning about (a certain subclass of) distributed probabilistic computations. The IPDL framework exposes an equational logic on protocols; proofs in our logic consist of a number of rewriting rules, each of which induce a single low-level bisimulation between protocols. We show how to encode simulation-based security in the style of UC in our logic, and evaluate our logic on a number of case studies; most notably, a semi-honest secure Oblivious Transfer protocol, and a simple multiparty computation protocol robust to Byzantine faults. Due to the novel design of our logic, we are able to deliver mechanized proofs of protocols which we believe are comprehensible to cryptographers without verification expertise. We provide a mechanization in Coq of IPDL and all case studies presented in this work

    A Core Calculus for Equational Proofs of Cryptographic Protocols

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    International audienceMany proofs of interactive cryptographic protocols (e.g., as in Universal Composability) operate by proving the protocol at hand to be observationally equivalent to an idealized specification. While pervasive, formal tool support for observational equivalence of cryptographic protocols is still a nascent area of research. Current mechanization efforts tend to either focus on diff-equivalence, which establishes observational equivalence between protocols with identical control structures, or require an explicit witness for the observational equivalence in the form of a bisimulation relation. Our goal is to simplify proofs for cryptographic protocols by introducing a core calculus, IPDL, for cryptographic observational equivalences. Via IPDL, we aim to address a number of theoretical issues for cryptographic proofs in a simple manner, including probabilistic behaviors, distributed message-passing, and resource-bounded adversaries and simulators. We demonstrate IPDL on a number of case studies, including a distributed coin toss protocol, Oblivious Transfer, and the GMW multi-party computation protocol. All proofs of case studies are mechanized via an embedding of IPDL into the Coq proof assistant

    IPDL: A Simple Framework for Formally Verifying Distributed Cryptographic Protocols

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    Although there have been many successes in verifying proofs of non-interactive cryptographic primitives such as encryption and signatures, formal verification of interactive cryptographic protocols is still a nascent area. While in principle, it seems possible to extend general frameworks such as Easycrypt to encode proofs for more complex, interactive protocols, a big challenge is whether the human effort would be scalable enough for proof mechanization to eventually acquire mainstream usage among the cryptography community. We work towards closing this gap by introducing a simple framework, Interactive Probabilistic Dependency Logic (IPDL), for reasoning about a certain well-behaved subset of cryptographic protocols. A primary design goal of IPDL is for formal cryptographic proofs to resemble their on-paper counterparts. To this end, IPDL includes an equational logic to reason about approximate observational equivalence (i.e., computational indistinguishability) properties between protocols. IPDL adopts a channel-centric core logic, which decomposes the behavior of the protocol into the behaviors along each communication channel. IPDL supports straight-line programs with statically bounded loops. This design allows us to capture a broad class of protocols encountered in the cryptography literature, including multi-party, reactive, and/or inductively-defined protocols; meanwhile, the logic can track the runtime of the computational reduction in security proofs, thus ensuring computational soundness. We demonstrate the use of IPDL by a number of case studies, including a multi-use, secure message communication protocol, a multi-party coin toss with abort protocol, several oblivious transfer constructions, as well as the two-party GMW protocol for securely evaluating general circuits. We provide a mechanization of the IPDL proof system and our case studies in Coq, and our code is open sourced at https://github.com/ipdl/ipdl

    "The Simplest Protocol for Oblivious Transfer'' Revisited

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    In 2015, Chou and Orlandi presented an oblivious transfer protocol that already drew a lot of attention both from theorists and practitioners due to its extreme simplicity and high efficiency. Chou and Orlandi claimed that their protocol is universally composable secure (UC-secure) in the random oracle model under dynamic corruptions. UC-security is a very strong security guarantee that assures that, not only the protocol in itself is secure, but can be also used safely in larger protocols. Unfortunately, in this work we point out a flaw in their security proof for the case of a corrupt sender. In more detail, we define a decisional problem and we prove that, if a correct security proof for the Chou and Orlandi's protocol is provided, then this problem can be solved correctly with overwhelming probability. Therefore, the protocol of Chou and Orlandi cannot be instantiated securely with groups for which our decisional problem cannot be solved correctly with overwhelming probability. Consequently, the protocol of Chou and Orlandi cannot be instantiated with {\em all} groups \G in which the CDH problem is intractable, but only with groups in which both the CDH problem is intractable and our decisional problem can be solved with overwhelming probability. After the appearance of our work, Chou and Orlandi acknowledged the problems we pointed out in their security proof and subsequent works showed additional issues, removing the claims of UC security of their protocol

    Applying pi-Calculus to Practice: An Example of a Unified Security Mechanism

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    The Pi-calculus has been developed to reason about behavioural equivalence. Different notions of equivalence are defined in terms of process interactions, as well as the context of processes. There are various extensions of the Pi-calculus, such as the SPI calculus, which has primitives to facilitate security protocol design. Another area of computer security is access control research, which includes problems of access control models, policies and access control mechanism. The design of a unified framework for access control requires that all policies are supported and different access control models are instantiated correctly. In this paper we will utilise the Pi calculus to reason about access control policies and mechanism. An equivalence of different policy implementations, as well as access control mechanism will be shown. Finally some experiences regarding the use of Pi-calculus are presented

    The Simplest Protocol for Oblivious Transfer

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    Oblivious Transfer (OT) is one of the fundamental building blocks of cryptographic protocols. In this paper we describe the simplest and most efficient protocol for 11-out-of-nn OT to date, which is obtained by tweaking the Diffie-Hellman key-exchange protocol. The protocol allows to perform mm 11-out-of-nn OTs using only 2+3m2+3m full exponentiations (2m2m for the receiver, 2+m2+m for the sender) and, sending only m+1m+1 group elements and 2mn2mn ciphertexts. We also report on an implementation of the protocol using elliptic curves, and on a number of mechanisms we employ to ensure that our software is secure against active attacks too. Experimental results show that our protocol (thanks to both algorithmic and implementation optimizations) is at least one order of magnitude faster than previous work
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