7 research outputs found

    Epistemic entrenchment-based multiple contractions

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    In this article we present a new class of multiple contraction functions—the epistemic entrenchment-based multiple contractions—which are a generalization of the epistemic entrenchment-based contractions (Gardenfors, 1988; G ¨ ardenfors & Makinson, 1988) to the case of ¨ contractions by (possibly nonsingleton) sets of sentences and provide an axiomatic characterization for that class of functions. Moreover, we show that the class of epistemic entrenchment-based multi ple contractions coincides with the class of system of spheres-based multiple contractions introduced in Ferme & Reis (2012).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Two axiomatic characterizations for the system of spheres-based (and the Epistemic Entrenchment-based) multiple contractions

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    t In some recent works (Reis 2011, Ferme and Reis, J. Philos. Log. ´ 41, 29–52, 2012, Ferme and Reis, Rev. Symb. Log. ´ 6, 460–487, 2013) two new kinds of multiple contraction functions have been proposed, namely the system of spheres-based multiple contractions and the epistemic entrenchment-based multiple contractions, as generalizations (to the case of multiple contraction) of the well-known classes of systems of spheres-based and of epistemic entrenchment-based (singleton) contractions. Additionally, a representa tion theorem for the class of epistemic entrenchment-based multiple contraction has been proposed, and it has been shown that the two newly proposed constructions are equivalent, in the sense that a multiple contraction function is a system of spheres-based multiple contrac tion if and only if it is an epistemic entrenchment-based multiple contraction. In this paper we present two axiomatic characterizations for those multiple contraction functions which differ from the one mentioned above and, in particular, make use of some more intuitive postulates.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    On theory multiple contraction

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    The one which is considered the standard model of theory change was presented in [AGM85] and is known as the AGM model. In particular, that paper introduced the class of partial meet contractions. In subsequent works several alternative constructive models for that same class of functions were presented, e.g.: safe/kernel contractions ([AM85, Han94]), system of spheres-based contractions ([Gro88]) and epistemic entrenchment-based contractions ([G ar88, GM88]). Besides, several generalizations of such model were investigated. In that regard we emphasise the presentation of models which accounted for contractions by sets of sentences rather than only by a single sentence, i.e. multiple contractions. However, until now, only two of the above mentioned models have been generalized in the sense of addressing the case of contractions by sets of sentences: The partial meet multiple contractions were presented in [Han89, FH94], while the kernel multiple contractions were introduced in [FSS03]. In this thesis we propose two new constructive models of multiple contraction functions, namely the system of spheres-based and the epistemic entrenchment-based multiple contractions which generalize the models of system of spheres-based and of epistemic entrenchment-based contractions, respectively, to the case of contractions (of theories) by sets of sentences. Furthermore, analogously to what is the case in what concerns the corresponding classes of contraction functions by one single sentence, those two classes are identical and constitute a subclass of the class of partial meet multiple contractions. Additionally, and as the rst step of the procedure that is here followed to obtain an adequate de nition for the system of spheres-based multiple contractions, we present a possible worlds semantics for the partial meet multiple contractions analogous to the one proposed in [Gro88] for the partial meet contractions (by one single sentence). Finally, we present yet an axiomatic characterization for the new class(es) of multiple contraction functions that are here introduced.Eduardo Ferm

    Epistemology in Latin America

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    After presenting the current situation of epistemological research in Latin America and part of its history, this entry will address five topics: skepticism (especially in its Pyrrhonian stripe), core epistemology, formal epistemology, Wittgenstein’s thought in connection with epistemology and skepticism, and epistemology of law. It should be noted from the outset that the entry does not purport to provide a comprehensive account of epistemology in Latin America, but rather to paint a general picture of it by focusing on the main issues that have been discussed within that field. We will take into consideration the work of those scholars who have written (in Spanish, Portuguese, or English) on epistemological issues independently of both whether they are currently based in Latin America and whether they have worked in a non-Latin American country for a considerable part of their careers. The touchstone for inclusion was not whether they were born in Latin America—although all but one of those who will be mentioned were born there—but whether they are of Latin American origin, earned a degree from a Latin American university, and worked for at least some time in Latin America, thus receiving (part of) their philosophical education in such a milieu. For this reason, there will be no mention of, e.g., Ernest Sosa’s and Linda Martín Alcoff’s extensive and influential work in epistemology.Fil: Machuca, Diego Emanuel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Academia Nacional de Ciencias de Buenos Aires. Centro de Estudios Filosóficos "Eugenio Pucciarelli"; Argentin

    Two axiomatic characterizations for the system of spheres-based (and the Epistemic Entrenchment-based) multiple contractions

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    © 2015, Springer International Publishing Switzerland. In some recent works (Reis 2011, Fermé and Reis, J. Philos. Log. 41, 29–52, 2012, Fermé and Reis, Rev. Symb. Log. 6, 460–487, 2013) two new kinds of multiple contraction functions have been proposed, namely the system of spheres-based multiple contractions and the epistemic entrenchment-based multiple contractions, as generalizations (to the case of multiple contraction) of the well-known classes of systems of spheres-based and of epistemic entrenchment-based (singleton) contractions. Additionally, a representation theorem for the class of epistemic entrenchment-based multiple contraction has been proposed, and it has been shown that the two newly proposed constructions are equivalent, in the sense that a multiple contraction function is a system of spheres-based multiple contraction if and only if it is an epistemic entrenchment-based multiple contraction. In this paper we present two axiomatic characterizations for those multiple contraction functions which differ from the one mentioned above and, in particular, make use of some more intuitive postulates