52 research outputs found

    Characteristic Bisimulation for Higher-Order Session Processes

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    Characterising contextual equivalence is a long-standing issue for higher-order (process) languages. In the setting of a higher-order pi-calculus with sessions, we develop characteristic bisimilarity, a typed bisimilarity which fully characterises contextual equivalence. To our knowledge, ours is the first characterisation of its kind. Using simple values inhabiting (session) types, our approach distinguishes from untyped methods for characterising contextual equivalence in higher-order processes: we show that observing as inputs only a precise finite set of higher-order values suffices to reason about higher-order session processes. We demonstrate how characteristic bisimilarity can be used to justify optimisations in session protocols with mobile code communication

    Limitations of Applicative Bisimulation (Preliminary Report)

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    We present a series of examples that illuminate an important aspect of the semantics of higher-order functions with local state. Namely that certain behaviour of such functions can only be observed by pro- viding them with arguments that contain the functions themselves. This provides evidence for the necessity of complex conditions for functions in modern semantics for state, such as logical relations and Kripke-like bisimulations, where related functions are applied to related arguments (that may contain the functions). It also suggests that simpler semantics, such as those based on applicative bisimulations where functions are ap- plied to identical arguments, would not scale to higher-order languages with local state

    The Proof Technique of Unique Solutions of Contractions

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    International audienceWe review some recent work aimed at understanding proof techniques for behavioural equivalence on processes based on the concept of unique solution of equations. The schema of equations is refined to that of contraction, based on partial orders rather than equalities

    Modal Logics for Mobile Processes Revisited

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    We revisit the logical characterisations of various bisimilarity relations for the finite fragment of the ?-calculus. Our starting point is the early and the late bisimilarity, first defined in the seminal work of Milner, Parrow and Walker, who also proved their characterisations in fragments of a modal logic (which we refer to as the MPW logic). Two important refinements of early and late bisimilarity, called open and quasi-open bisimilarity, respectively, were subsequently proposed by Sangiorgi and Walker. Horne, et. al., showed that open and quasi-bisimilarity are characterised by intuitionistic modal logics: OM (for open bisimilarity) and FM (for quasi-open bisimilarity). In this work, we attempt to unify the logical characterisations of these bisimilarity relations, showing that they can be characterised by different sublogics of a unifying logic. A key insight to this unification derives from a reformulation of the four bisimilarity relations (early, late, open and quasi-open) that uses an explicit name context, and an observation that these relations can be distinguished by the relative scoping of names and their instantiations in the name context. This name context and name substitution then give rise to an accessibility relation in the underlying Kripke semantics of our logic, that is captured logically by an S4-like modal operator. We then show that the MPW, the OM and the FM logics can be embedded into fragments of our unifying classical modal logic. In the case of OM and FM, the embedding uses the fact that intuitionistic implication can be encoded in modal logic S4

    Bisimulations up-to: beyond first-order transition systems

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    International audienceThe bisimulation proof method can be enhanced by employing 'bisimulations up-to' techniques. A comprehensive theory of such enhancements has been developed for first-order (i.e., CCS-like) labelled transition systems (LTSs) and bisimilarity, based on the notion of compatible function for fixed-point theory. We transport this theory onto languages whose bisimilarity and LTS go beyond those of first-order models. The approach consists in exhibiting fully abstract translations of the more sophisticated LTSs and bisimilarities onto the first-order ones. This allows us to reuse directly the large corpus of up-to techniques that are available on first-order LTSs. The only ingredient that has to be manually supplied is the compatibility of basic up-to techniques that are specific to the new languages. We investigate the method on the pi-calculus, the lambda-calculus, and a (call-by-value) lambda-calculus with references
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