4 research outputs found

    Enumerating the k closest pairs mechanically

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    Let SS be a set of nn points in DD-dimensional space, where DD is a constant, and let kk be an integer between 11 and (n2)n \choose 2. An algorithm is given that computes the kk closest pairs in the set SS in O(nlogn+k)O(n \log n + k) time, using O(n+k)O(n+k) space. The algorithm fits in the algebraic decision tree model and is, therefore, optimal

    An optimal algorithm for the on-line closest-pair problem

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    We give an algorithm that computes the closest pair in a set of nn points in kk-dimensional space on-line, in O(nlogn)O(n \log n) ime. The algorithm only uses algebraic functions and, therefore, is optimal. The algorithm maintains a hierarchical subdivision of kk-space into hyperrectangles, which is stored in a binary tree. Centroids are used to maintain a balanced decomposition of this tree

    The largest hyper-rectangle in a three dimensional orthogonal polyhedron

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    Given a three dimensional orthogonal polyhedron P, we present a simple and efficient algorithm for finding the three dimensional orthogonal hyper-rectangle R of maximum volume, such that R is completely contained in P. Our algorithm finds out the three dimensional hyper-rectangle of maximum volume by using space sweep technique and enumerating all possible such rectangles. The presented algorithm runs in O((n2n^2+K)logn) time using O(n) space, where n is the number of vertices of the given polyhedron P and K is the number of reported three dimensional orthogonal hyper-rectangles for a problem instance, which is O(n3n^3) in the worst case

    Randomized Data Structures for the Dynamic Closest-Pair Problem

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    We describe a new randomized data structure, the {\em sparse partition}, for solving the dynamic closest-pair problem. Using this data structure the closest pair of a set of nn points in kk-dimensional space, for any fixed kk, can be found in constant time. If the points are chosen from a finite universe, and if the floor function is available at unit-cost, then the data structure supports insertions into and deletions from the set in expected O(logn)O(\log n) time and requires expected O(n)O(n) space. Here, it is assumed that the updates are chosen by an adversary who does not know the random choices made by the data structure. The data structure can be modified to run in O(log2n)O(\log^2 n) expected time per update in the algebraic decision tree model of computation. Even this version is more efficient than the currently best known deterministic algorithms for solving the problem for k>1k>1