4,681 research outputs found

    Counting invertible Schr\"odinger Operators over Finite Fields for Trees, Cycles and Complete Graphs

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    We count invertible Schr\"odinger operators (perturbations by diagonal matrices of the adjacency matrix) over finite fieldsfor trees, cycles and complete graphs.This is achieved for trees through the definition and use of local invariants (algebraic constructions of perhapsindependent interest).Cycles and complete graphs are treated by ad hoc methods.Comment: Final version to appear in Electronic Journal of Combinatoric

    Faster Algorithms for the Maximum Common Subtree Isomorphism Problem

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    The maximum common subtree isomorphism problem asks for the largest possible isomorphism between subtrees of two given input trees. This problem is a natural restriction of the maximum common subgraph problem, which is NP{\sf NP}-hard in general graphs. Confining to trees renders polynomial time algorithms possible and is of fundamental importance for approaches on more general graph classes. Various variants of this problem in trees have been intensively studied. We consider the general case, where trees are neither rooted nor ordered and the isomorphism is maximum w.r.t. a weight function on the mapped vertices and edges. For trees of order nn and maximum degree Δ\Delta our algorithm achieves a running time of O(n2Δ)\mathcal{O}(n^2\Delta) by exploiting the structure of the matching instances arising as subproblems. Thus our algorithm outperforms the best previously known approaches. No faster algorithm is possible for trees of bounded degree and for trees of unbounded degree we show that a further reduction of the running time would directly improve the best known approach to the assignment problem. Combining a polynomial-delay algorithm for the enumeration of all maximum common subtree isomorphisms with central ideas of our new algorithm leads to an improvement of its running time from O(n6+Tn2)\mathcal{O}(n^6+Tn^2) to O(n3+TnΔ)\mathcal{O}(n^3+Tn\Delta), where nn is the order of the larger tree, TT is the number of different solutions, and Δ\Delta is the minimum of the maximum degrees of the input trees. Our theoretical results are supplemented by an experimental evaluation on synthetic and real-world instances

    Cumulants of Hawkes point processes

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    We derive explicit, closed-form expressions for the cumulant densities of a multivariate, self-exciting Hawkes point process, generalizing a result of Hawkes in his earlier work on the covariance density and Bartlett spectrum of such processes. To do this, we represent the Hawkes process in terms of a Poisson cluster process and show how the cumulant density formulas can be derived by enumerating all possible "family trees", representing complex interactions between point events. We also consider the problem of computing the integrated cumulants, characterizing the average measure of correlated activity between events of different types, and derive the relevant equations.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figure
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