2,118 research outputs found

    Quantifying dependencies for sensitivity analysis with multivariate input sample data

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    We present a novel method for quantifying dependencies in multivariate datasets, based on estimating the R\'{e}nyi entropy by minimum spanning trees (MSTs). The length of the MSTs can be used to order pairs of variables from strongly to weakly dependent, making it a useful tool for sensitivity analysis with dependent input variables. It is well-suited for cases where the input distribution is unknown and only a sample of the inputs is available. We introduce an estimator to quantify dependency based on the MST length, and investigate its properties with several numerical examples. To reduce the computational cost of constructing the exact MST for large datasets, we explore methods to compute approximations to the exact MST, and find the multilevel approach introduced recently by Zhong et al. (2015) to be the most accurate. We apply our proposed method to an artificial testcase based on the Ishigami function, as well as to a real-world testcase involving sediment transport in the North Sea. The results are consistent with prior knowledge and heuristic understanding, as well as with variance-based analysis using Sobol indices in the case where these indices can be computed

    Quantifying dependencies for sensitivity analysis with multivariate input sample data

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    We present a novel method for quantifying dependencies in multivariate datasets, based on estimating the Rényi entropy by minimum spanning trees (MSTs). The length of the MSTs can be used to order pairs of variables from strongly to weakly dependent, making it a useful tool for sensitivity analysis with dependent input variables. It is well-suited for cases where the input distribution is unknown and only a sample of the inputs is available. We introduce an estimator to quantify dependency based on the MST length, and investigate its properties with several numerical examples. To reduce the computational cost of constructing the exact MST for large datasets, we explore methods to compute approximations to the exact MST, and find the multilevel approach introduced recently by Zhong et al. (2015) to be the most accurate. We apply our proposed method to an artificial testcase based on the Ishigami function, as well as to a real-world testcase involving sediment transport in the North Sea. The results are consistent with prior knowledge and heuristic understanding, as well as with variance-based analysis using Sobol indices in the case where these indices can be computed

    Methods for Learning Structured Prediction in Semantic Segmentation of Natural Images

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    Automatic segmentation and recognition of semantic classes in natural images is an important open problem in computer vision. In this work, we investigate three different approaches to recognition: without supervision, with supervision on level of images, and with supervision on the level of pixels. The thesis comprises three parts. The first part introduces a clustering algorithm that optimizes a novel information-theoretic objective function. We show that the proposed algorithm has clear advantages over standard algorithms from the literature on a wide array of datasets. Clustering algorithms are an important building block for higher-level computer vision applications, in particular for semantic segmentation. The second part of this work proposes an algorithm for automatic segmentation and recognition of object classes in natural images, that learns a segmentation model solely from annotation in the form of presence and absence of object classes in images. The third and main part of this work investigates one of the most popular approaches to the task of object class segmentation and semantic segmentation, based on conditional random fields and structured prediction. We investigate several learning algorithms, in particular in combination with approximate inference procedures. We show how structured models for image segmentation can be learned exactly in practical settings, even in the presence of many loops in the underlying neighborhood graphs. The introduced methods provide results advancing the state-of-the-art on two complex benchmark datasets for semantic segmentation, the MSRC-21 Dataset of RGB images and the NYU V2 Dataset or RGB-D images of indoor scenes. Finally, we introduce a software library that al- lows us to perform extensive empirical comparisons of state-of-the-art structured learning approaches. This allows us to characterize their practical properties in a range of applications, in particular for semantic segmentation and object class segmentation.Methoden zum Lernen von Strukturierter Vorhersage in Semantischer Segmentierung von Natürlichen Bildern Automatische Segmentierung und Erkennung von semantischen Klassen in natür- lichen Bildern ist ein wichtiges offenes Problem des maschinellen Sehens. In dieser Arbeit untersuchen wir drei möglichen Ansätze der Erkennung: ohne Überwachung, mit Überwachung auf Ebene von Bildern und mit Überwachung auf Ebene von Pixeln. Diese Arbeit setzt sich aus drei Teilen zusammen. Im ersten Teil der Arbeit schlagen wir einen Clustering-Algorithmus vor, der eine neuartige, informationstheoretische Zielfunktion optimiert. Wir zeigen, dass der vorgestellte Algorithmus üblichen Standardverfahren aus der Literatur gegenüber klare Vorteile auf vielen verschiedenen Datensätzen hat. Clustering ist ein wichtiger Baustein in vielen Applikationen des machinellen Sehens, insbesondere in der automatischen Segmentierung. Der zweite Teil dieser Arbeit stellt ein Verfahren zur automatischen Segmentierung und Erkennung von Objektklassen in natürlichen Bildern vor, das mit Hilfe von Supervision in Form von Klassen-Vorkommen auf Bildern in der Lage ist ein Segmentierungsmodell zu lernen. Der dritte Teil der Arbeit untersucht einen der am weitesten verbreiteten Ansätze zur semantischen Segmentierung und Objektklassensegmentierung, Conditional Random Fields, verbunden mit Verfahren der strukturierten Vorhersage. Wir untersuchen verschiedene Lernalgorithmen des strukturierten Lernens, insbesondere im Zusammenhang mit approximativer Vorhersage. Wir zeigen, dass es möglich ist trotz des Vorhandenseins von Kreisen in den betrachteten Nachbarschaftsgraphen exakte strukturierte Modelle zur Bildsegmentierung zu lernen. Mit den vorgestellten Methoden bringen wir den Stand der Kunst auf zwei komplexen Datensätzen zur semantischen Segmentierung voran, dem MSRC-21 Datensatz von RGB-Bildern und dem NYU V2 Datensatz von RGB-D Bildern von Innenraum-Szenen. Wir stellen außerdem eine Software-Bibliothek vor, die es erlaubt einen weitreichenden Vergleich der besten Lernverfahren für strukturiertes Lernen durchzuführen. Unsere Studie erlaubt uns eine Charakterisierung der betrachteten Algorithmen in einer Reihe von Anwendungen, insbesondere der semantischen Segmentierung und Objektklassensegmentierung


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    Cloud motion wind (CMW) determination requires tracking of individual cloud targets. This is achieved by first clustering and then tracking each cloud cluster. Ideally, different cloud clusters correspond to diiferent pressure levels. Two new clustering techniques have been developed for the identification of cloud types in multi-spectral satellite imagery. The first technique is the Global-Local clustering algorithm. It is a cascade of a histogram clustering algorithm and a dynamic clustering algorithm. The histogram clustering algorithm divides the multi-spectral histogram into'non-overlapped regions, and these regions are used to initialise the dynamic clustering algorithm. The dynamic clustering algorithm assumes clusters have a Gaussian distributed probability density function with diiferent population size and variance. The second technique uses graph theory to exploit the spatial information which is often ignored in per-pixel clustering. The algorithm is in two stages: spatial clustering and spectral clustering. The first stage extracts homogeneous objects in the image using a family of algorithms based on stepwise optimization. This family of algorithms can be further divided into two approaches: Top-down and Bottom-up. The second stage groups similar segments into clusters using a statistical hypothesis test on their similarities. The clusters generated are less noisy along class boundaries and are in hierarchical order. A criterion based on mutual information is derived to monitor the spatial clustering process and to suggest an optimal number of segments. An automated cloud motion tracking program has been developed. Three images (each separated by 30 minutes) are used to track cloud motion and the middle image is clustered using Global-Local clustering prior to tracking. Compared with traditional methods based on raw images, it is found that separation of cloud types before cloud tracking can reduce the ambiguity due to multi-layers of cloud moving at different speeds and direction. Three matching techniques are used and their reliability compared. Target sizes ranging from 4 x 4 to 32 x 32 are tested and their errors compared. The optimum target size for first generation METEOSAT images has also been found.Meteorological Office, Bracknel

    A Large-Deviation Analysis of the Maximum-Likelihood Learning of Markov Tree Structures

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    The problem of maximum-likelihood (ML) estimation of discrete tree-structured distributions is considered. Chow and Liu established that ML-estimation reduces to the construction of a maximum-weight spanning tree using the empirical mutual information quantities as the edge weights. Using the theory of large-deviations, we analyze the exponent associated with the error probability of the event that the ML-estimate of the Markov tree structure differs from the true tree structure, given a set of independently drawn samples. By exploiting the fact that the output of ML-estimation is a tree, we establish that the error exponent is equal to the exponential rate of decay of a single dominant crossover event. We prove that in this dominant crossover event, a non-neighbor node pair replaces a true edge of the distribution that is along the path of edges in the true tree graph connecting the nodes in the non-neighbor pair. Using ideas from Euclidean information theory, we then analyze the scenario of ML-estimation in the very noisy learning regime and show that the error exponent can be approximated as a ratio, which is interpreted as the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) for learning tree distributions. We show via numerical experiments that in this regime, our SNR approximation is accurate.Comment: Accepted to the IEEE Transactions on Information Theory on Nov 18, 201