100 research outputs found

    Genetic Transfer or Population Diversification? Deciphering the Secret Ingredients of Evolutionary Multitask Optimization

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    Evolutionary multitasking has recently emerged as a novel paradigm that enables the similarities and/or latent complementarities (if present) between distinct optimization tasks to be exploited in an autonomous manner simply by solving them together with a unified solution representation scheme. An important matter underpinning future algorithmic advancements is to develop a better understanding of the driving force behind successful multitask problem-solving. In this regard, two (seemingly disparate) ideas have been put forward, namely, (a) implicit genetic transfer as the key ingredient facilitating the exchange of high-quality genetic material across tasks, and (b) population diversification resulting in effective global search of the unified search space encompassing all tasks. In this paper, we present some empirical results that provide a clearer picture of the relationship between the two aforementioned propositions. For the numerical experiments we make use of Sudoku puzzles as case studies, mainly because of their feature that outwardly unlike puzzle statements can often have nearly identical final solutions. The experiments reveal that while on many occasions genetic transfer and population diversity may be viewed as two sides of the same coin, the wider implication of genetic transfer, as shall be shown herein, captures the true essence of evolutionary multitasking to the fullest.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    Softened Symbol Grounding for Neuro-symbolic Systems

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    Neuro-symbolic learning generally consists of two separated worlds, i.e., neural network training and symbolic constraint solving, whose success hinges on symbol grounding, a fundamental problem in AI. This paper presents a novel, softened symbol grounding process, bridging the gap between the two worlds, and resulting in an effective and efficient neuro-symbolic learning framework. Technically, the framework features (1) modeling of symbol solution states as a Boltzmann distribution, which avoids expensive state searching and facilitates mutually beneficial interactions between network training and symbolic reasoning;(2) a new MCMC technique leveraging projection and SMT solvers, which efficiently samples from disconnected symbol solution spaces; (3) an annealing mechanism that can escape from %being trapped into sub-optimal symbol groundings. Experiments with three representative neuro symbolic learning tasks demonstrate that, owining to its superior symbol grounding capability, our framework successfully solves problems well beyond the frontier of the existing proposals.Comment: Published as a conference paper at ICLR 2023. Code is available at https://github.com/SoftWiser-group/Soften-NeSy-learnin

    Solving Sudoku with Ant Colony Optimization

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    In this paper we present a new algorithm for the well-known and computationally-challenging Sudoku puzzle game. Our Ant Colony Optimization-based method significantly out-performs the state-of-the-art algorithm on the hardest, large instances of Sudoku. We provide evidence that – compared to traditional backtracking methods – our algorithm offers a much more efficient search of the solution space, and demonstrate the utility of a novel anti-stagnation operator. This work lays the foundation for future work on a general-purpose puzzle solver, and establishes Japanese pencil puzzles as a suitable platform for benchmarking a wide range of algorithms

    Analyzing the effectiveness of quantum annealing with meta-learning

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    The field of Quantum Computing has gathered significant popularity in recent years and a large number of papers have studied its effectiveness in tackling many tasks. We focus in particular on Quantum Annealing (QA), a meta-heuristic solver for Quadratic Unconstrained Binary Optimization (QUBO) problems. It is known that the effectiveness of QA is dependent on the task itself, as is the case for classical solvers, but there is not yet a clear understanding of which are the characteristics of a problem that make it difficult to solve with QA. In this work, we propose a new methodology to study the effectiveness of QA based on meta-learning models. To do so, we first build a dataset composed of more than five thousand instances of ten different optimization problems. We define a set of more than a hundred features to describe their characteristics and solve them with both QA and three classical solvers. We publish this dataset online for future research. Then, we train multiple meta-models to predict whether QA would solve that instance effectively and use them to probe which features with the strongest impact on the effectiveness of QA. Our results indicate that it is possible to accurately predict the effectiveness of QA, validating our methodology. Furthermore, we observe that the distribution of the problem coefficients representing the bias and coupling terms is very informative in identifying the probability of finding good solutions, while the density of these coefficients alone is not enough. The methodology we propose allows to open new research directions to further our understanding of the effectiveness of QA, by probing specific dimensions or by developing new QUBO formulations that are better suited for the particular nature of QA. Furthermore, the proposed methodology is flexible and can be extended or used to study other quantum or classical solvers

    SudoQ -- a quantum variant of the popular game

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    We introduce SudoQ, a quantum version of the classical game Sudoku. Allowing the entries of the grid to be (non-commutative) projections instead of integers, the solution set of SudoQ puzzles can be much larger than in the classical (commutative) setting. We introduce and analyze a randomized algorithm for computing solutions of SudoQ puzzles. Finally, we state two important conjectures relating the quantum and the classical solutions of SudoQ puzzles, corroborated by analytical and numerical evidence.Comment: Python code and examples available at https://github.com/inechita/Sudo
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