4,492 research outputs found

    Measuring information growth in fractal phase space

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    We look at chaotic systems evolving in fractal phase space. The entropy change in time due to the fractal geometry is assimilated to the information growth through the scale refinement. Due to the incompleteness, at any scale, of the information calculation in fractal support, the incomplete normalization ∑ipiq=1\sum_ip_i^q=1 is applied throughout the paper. It is shown that the information growth is nonadditive and is proportional to the trace-form ∑ipi−∑ipiq\sum_ip_i-\sum_ip_i^q so that it can be connected to several nonadditive entropies. This information growth can be extremized to give, for non-equilibrium systems, power law distributions of evolving stationary state which may be called ``maximum entropic evolution''.Comment: 10 pages, 1 eps figure, TeX. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals (2004), in pres

    Generalized (c,d)-entropy and aging random walks

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    Complex systems are often inherently non-ergodic and non-Markovian for which Shannon entropy loses its applicability. In particular accelerating, path-dependent, and aging random walks offer an intuitive picture for these non-ergodic and non-Markovian systems. It was shown that the entropy of non-ergodic systems can still be derived from three of the Shannon-Khinchin axioms, and by violating the fourth -- the so-called composition axiom. The corresponding entropy is of the form Sc,d∌∑iΓ(1+d,1−cln⁥pi)S_{c,d} \sim \sum_i \Gamma(1+d,1-c\ln p_i) and depends on two system-specific scaling exponents, cc and dd. This entropy contains many recently proposed entropy functionals as special cases, including Shannon and Tsallis entropy. It was shown that this entropy is relevant for a special class of non-Markovian random walks. In this work we generalize these walks to a much wider class of stochastic systems that can be characterized as `aging' systems. These are systems whose transition rates between states are path- and time-dependent. We show that for particular aging walks Sc,dS_{c,d} is again the correct extensive entropy. Before the central part of the paper we review the concept of (c,d)(c,d)-entropy in a self-contained way.Comment: 8 pages, 5 eps figures. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1104.207

    Fractal geometry, information growth and nonextensive thermodynamics

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    This is a study of the information evolution of complex systems by geometrical consideration. We look at chaotic systems evolving in fractal phase space. The entropy change in time due to the fractal geometry is assimilated to the information growth through the scale refinement. Due to the incompleteness of the state number counting at any scale on fractal support, the incomplete normalization ∑ipiq=1\sum_ip_i^q=1 is applied throughout the paper, where qq is the fractal dimension divided by the dimension of the smooth Euclidean space in which the fractal structure of the phase space is embedded. It is shown that the information growth is nonadditive and is proportional to the trace-form ∑ipi−∑ipiq\sum_ip_i-\sum_ip_i^q which can be connected to several nonadditive entropies. This information growth can be extremized to give power law distributions for these non-equilibrium systems. It can also be used for the study of the thermodynamics derived from Tsallis entropy for nonadditive systems which contain subsystems each having its own qq. It is argued that, within this thermodynamics, the Stefan-Boltzmann law of blackbody radiation can be preserved.Comment: Final version, 10 pages, no figures, Invited talk at the international conference NEXT2003, 21-28 september 2003, Villasimius (Cagliari), Ital

    Incomplete information and fractal phase space

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    The incomplete statistics for complex systems is characterized by a so called incompleteness parameter ω\omega which equals unity when information is completely accessible to our treatment. This paper is devoted to the discussion of the incompleteness of accessible information and of the physical signification of ω\omega on the basis of fractal phase space. ω\omega is shown to be proportional to the fractal dimension of the phase space and can be linked to the phase volume expansion and information growth during the scale refining process.Comment: 12 pages, 2 ps figure, Te

    Generalized thermodynamics and Fokker-Planck equations. Applications to stellar dynamics, two-dimensional turbulence and Jupiter's great red spot

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    We introduce a new set of generalized Fokker-Planck equations that conserve energy and mass and increase a generalized entropy until a maximum entropy state is reached. The concept of generalized entropies is rigorously justified for continuous Hamiltonian systems undergoing violent relaxation. Tsallis entropies are just a special case of this generalized thermodynamics. Application of these results to stellar dynamics, vortex dynamics and Jupiter's great red spot are proposed. Our prime result is a novel relaxation equation that should offer an easily implementable parametrization of geophysical turbulence. This relaxation equation depends on a single key parameter related to the skewness of the fine-grained vorticity distribution. Usual parametrizations (including a single turbulent viscosity) correspond to the infinite temperature limit of our model. They forget a fundamental systematic drift that acts against diffusion as in Brownian theory. Our generalized Fokker-Planck equations may have applications in other fields of physics such as chemotaxis for bacterial populations. We propose the idea of a classification of generalized entropies in classes of equivalence and provide an aesthetic connexion between topics (vortices, stars, bacteries,...) which were previously disconnected.Comment: Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Incomplete descriptions and relevant entropies

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    Statistical mechanics relies on the complete though probabilistic description of a system in terms of all the microscopic variables. Its object is to derive therefrom static and dynamic properties involving some reduced set of variables. The elimination of the irrelevant variables is guided by the maximum entropy criterion, which produces the probability law carrying the least amount of information compatible with the relevant variables. This defines relevant entropies which measure the missing information (the disorder) associated with the sole variables retained in an incomplete description. Relevant entropies depend not only on the state of the system but also on the coarseness of its reduced description. Their use sheds light on questions such as the Second Law, both in equilibrium an in irreversible thermodynamics, the projection method of statistical mechanics, Boltzmann's \textit{H}-theorem or spin-echo experiment.Comment: flatex relevant_entropies.tex, 1 file Submitted to: Am. J. Phy

    Coarse-grained distributions and superstatistics

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    We show an interesting connexion between the coarse-grained distribution function arising in the theory of violent relaxation for collisionless stellar systems (Lynden-Bell 1967) and the notion of superstatistics introduced recently by Beck & Cohen (2003). We also discuss the analogies and differences between the statistical equilibrium state of a multi-components self-gravitating system and the metaequilibrium state of a collisionless stellar system. Finally, we stress the important distinction between mixing entropies, generalized entropies, H-functions, generalized mixing entropies and relative entropies

    Generalized entropies and open random and scale-free networks

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    We propose the concept of open network as an arbitrary selection of nodes of a large unknown network. Using the hypothesis that information of the whole network structure can be extrapolated from an arbitrary set of its nodes, we use Renyi mutual entropies in different q-orders to establish the minimum critical size of a random set of nodes that represents reliably the information of the main network structure. We also identify the clusters of nodes responsible for the structure of their containing network.Comment: talk at CTNEXT07 (July 2007
