6 research outputs found

    Yazılım Geliştirme Yaşam Döngüsü Bakış Açısından ERP Uygulaması: Bir Delphi Çalışması

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    Amaç – Bu araştırma, Yazılım Geliştirme Yaşam Döngüsünün (Software Development Life Cycle, SDLC) altı süreci; Planlama, Analiz, Tasarım, Gerçekleştirme, Test & Entegrasyon, Bakım, bağlamında ERP Yaşam Döngüsünün uygulama öncesi, uygulama aşaması ve uygulama sonrası aşamalarında tamamlanması beklenen temel iş uygulamalarını belirlemeyi amaçlamaktadır. Yöntem – ERP uzmanları (n=10) ile üç aşamalı, sıralama tipi, nitel bir Delphi çalışması yürütülmüştür. Delphi çalışmasının ilk turunda, bir ERP uygulaması için gerekli temel iş uygulamaları tanımlanmıştır. İkinci turda katılımcılardan her aşamada tanımlanan uygulamaları değerlendirmeleri ve en önemli olanlarını seçmeleri istenmiştir. Üçüncü turda katılımcılardan bir önceki turdan gelen uygulamaları önem sırasına göre sıralamaları istenmiştir. Bulgular – Elde edilen bulgulara göre ERP uygulama öncesi Planlama, Analiz, Test & Entegrasyon süreçleri için belirlenen temel iş uygulamaları için katılımcılar arasında iyi derecede uzlaşma sağlanmıştır. ERP uygulama aşamasında ise Analiz, Tasarım ve Bakım süreçlerindeki uygulamalar için orta derecede uzlaşma, Test & Entegrasyon sürecindeki uygulamalar için güçlü bir uzlaşma, Gerçekleştirme sürecindeki uygulamalar için zayıf bir uzlaşma sağlanmıştır. ERP uygulama sonrası Test & Entegrasyon ve Bakım süreçlerindeki uygulamalar için ise uzmanlar arasında güçlü bir uzlaşma sağlanmıştır. Tartışma – ERP uygulamaları işletmeler açısından oldukça maliyetli, zaman gerektiren ve genellikle adaptasyonu zor bir süreçtir. Bu sürecin üstesinden gelinmesinde işletmeleri zorlayan konulardan biri de ERP projeleri için etkili bir uygulama metodunun olmamasıdır. Bu araştırma, ERP projelerini SDLC bakış açısından incelemektedir. ERP Yaşam Döngüsü içinde hangi aşamada hangi SDLC sürecindeki iş uygulamalarının önemli görüldüğünü uzman görüşleri doğrultusunda ortaya konmaktadır

    Yazılım Geliştirme Yaşam Döngüsü Bakış Açısından ERP Uygulaması: Bir Delphi Çalışması

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    Amaç – Bu araştırma, Yazılım Geliştirme Yaşam Döngüsünün (Software Development Life Cycle, SDLC) altı süreci; Planlama, Analiz, Tasarım, Gerçekleştirme, Test & Entegrasyon, Bakım, bağlamında ERP Yaşam Döngüsünün uygulama öncesi, uygulama aşaması ve uygulama sonrası aşamalarında tamamlanması beklenen temel iş uygulamalarını belirlemeyi amaçlamaktadır. Yöntem – ERP uzmanları (n=10) ile üç aşamalı, sıralama tipi, nitel bir Delphi çalışması yürütülmüştür. Delphi çalışmasının ilk turunda, bir ERP uygulaması için gerekli temel iş uygulamaları tanımlanmıştır. İkinci turda katılımcılardan her aşamada tanımlanan uygulamaları değerlendirmeleri ve en önemli olanlarını seçmeleri istenmiştir. Üçüncü turda katılımcılardan bir önceki turdan gelen uygulamaları önem sırasına göre sıralamaları istenmiştir. Bulgular – Elde edilen bulgulara göre ERP uygulama öncesi Planlama, Analiz, Test & Entegrasyon süreçleri için belirlenen temel iş uygulamaları için katılımcılar arasında iyi derecede uzlaşma sağlanmıştır. ERP uygulama aşamasında ise Analiz, Tasarım ve Bakım süreçlerindeki uygulamalar için orta derecede uzlaşma, Test & Entegrasyon sürecindeki uygulamalar için güçlü bir uzlaşma, Gerçekleştirme sürecindeki uygulamalar için zayıf bir uzlaşma sağlanmıştır. ERP uygulama sonrası Test & Entegrasyon ve Bakım süreçlerindeki uygulamalar için ise uzmanlar arasında güçlü bir uzlaşma sağlanmıştır. Tartışma – ERP uygulamaları işletmeler açısından oldukça maliyetli, zaman gerektiren ve genellikle adaptasyonu zor bir süreçtir. Bu sürecin üstesinden gelinmesinde işletmeleri zorlayan konulardan biri de ERP projeleri için etkili bir uygulama metodunun olmamasıdır. Bu araştırma, ERP projelerini SDLC bakış açısından incelemektedir. ERP Yaşam Döngüsü içinde hangi aşamada hangi SDLC sürecindeki iş uygulamalarının önemli görüldüğünü uzman görüşleri doğrultusunda ortaya konmaktadır

    Análisis de los factores que influyen en la implementación, uso y desarrollo de los sistemas ERP en las pymes: impacto en el rendimiento de la organización

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    [SPA] Los avances tecnológicos y el entorno empresarial demandan cada vez más, la incorporación de métodos sistematizados dentro de las pymes, para la apropiada toma de decisiones y mejora de las ventajas competitivas. En este aspecto, los sistemas de Planificación de Recursos Empresariales (ERP) ofrecen una alternativa para que las pyme familiares y no familiares, cambien la forma en que manejan sus competencias y su gestión. Los ERP son soluciones informáticas que permiten almacenar y procesar la información de las pymes, contribuyendo de esta forma a la gestión eficiente de sus procesos administrativos. Dichas herramientas, integran los procesos operativos de las funciones empresariales, en un único sistema y de forma sistematizada, facilitando el flujo de información, entre los diferentes departamentos de la empresa. La implementación de los sistemas ERP se ha popularizado de manera significativa en los últimos años a nivel de grandes organizaciones y, por consiguiente, las investigaciones se han centrado en su mayoría en este tipo de empresas. Por tanto, es todavía minoritario el establecimiento de dichos sistemas en las pequeñas empresas, sobre todo de las de carácter familiar. En el caso de estas últimas, una de las razones principales es la influencia familiar que impera en este tipo de negocios. Las funcionalidades asociadas a los sistemas ERP constituyen grandes beneficios para las pymes, ya que contribuyen a resolver dificultades en la gestión empresarial. Estos beneficios ayudan en la generación y el incremento de sus ventajas competitivas. Sin embargo, a pesar de las ventajas que conlleva para las pymes la implementación y uso de estos sistemas de gestión existen algunas barreras que pueden reducir su rentabilidad. Para poder obtener los beneficios esperados con la implementación de los sistemas ERP en las pymes es preciso establecer las estrategias necesarias que ayuden a su correcto uso y posterior desarrollo. En este sentido, la gestión del conocimiento y la profesionalización juegan un papel fundamental. No obstante, los componentes que intervienen entre estos elementos y el uso y desenvolvimiento de los ERP no están lo suficientemente desarrollados. De igual manera, no está totalmente determinado el impacto de estas técnicas de gestión en las ventajas competitivas de las pymes a través de la mediación de la gestión del conocimiento y la profesionalización. De igual modo, en el caso de las empresas de carácter familiar existen pocos avances en relación al impacto de la influencia de la familia en la decisión de ejecutar estos sistemas de gestión, así como en el efecto que tienen sobre su competitividad. Por otro lado, las investigaciones orientadas a la profesionalización en el uso de los sistemas de gestión ERP es menor en las pymes que en las grandes empresas. Asimismo, son minoritarios los estudios relacionados con las desventajas generadas por la implantación y uso de los ERP en este tipo de organizaciones. Por consiguiente, esta tesis propone la adecuada administración de la gestión del conocimiento y la profesionalización en las pymes a través de la incorporación de pautas y procedimientos que contribuyan a mejorar el uso de los sistemas ERP. Todo ello, con la finalidad de aumentar las ventajas competitivas en este tipo de organizaciones. Asimismo, es relevante identificar como la influencia familiar incide en la competitividad de la empresa mediante la gestión del conocimiento y la implementación, uso y desarrollo de los sistemas ERP. De igual manera, el estudio sugiere directrices orientadas a potenciar la profesionalización en el empleo de los sistemas ERP mediante la capacitación permanente de sus usuarios. El estudio se fundamenta en la teoría de los recursos y las capacidades a nivel general y, en concreto, aplicado a la empresa familiar. Así, la visión de dicha teoría comprende las estrategias que contribuyen al desempeño de los medios, habilidades y competencias de que disponen las organizaciones para llevar a cabo sus actividades de manera eficiente. De igual forma, estos principios adaptados a la empresa familiar establecen un marco teórico para evaluar e identificar los recursos con los que cuentan este tipo de organizaciones, tomando en consideración el grado de participación en la gestión, la propiedad, la experiencia y los valores como aquellos elementos que indican el grado de influencia de la familia en el negocio. Para dar contestación al objetivo planteado en la tesis doctoral, se ha empleado una única base de datos compuesta por 137 pymes españolas, de las cuales 77 son familiares y 60 no familiares. En primer lugar, se lleva a cabo un estudio empírico con el total de la muestra para determinar la relación entre la gestión del conocimiento y la profesionalización con el uso de los sistemas ERP, así como su influencia en la competitividad de las pymes. El análisis de los datos se realiza utilizado la metodología de ecuaciones estructurales mediante la técnica PLS-SEM. Los resultados manifiestan que tanto la profesionalización como la gestión del conocimiento ejercen un efecto positivo en las ventajas competitivas de las pymes a través del uso de los sistemas ERP. Todo ello, sugiere el establecimiento de estrategias que contribuyan a enriquecer los conocimientos y competencias de los individuos, así como su desarrollo profesional. En segundo lugar, se realiza un estudio empírico empleando únicamente las 77 empresas familiares que componen la muestra. Al igual que en el primer análisis, se lleva a cabo el examen estadístico a través del enfoque de ecuaciones estructurales con la técnica PLS-SEM. Los resultados del análisis empírico muestran la importante relación que tiene la influencia familiar en la competitividad de este tipo de organizaciones. Para determinar este vínculo se realiza un análisis de mediación múltiple, que establece que el impacto de la influencia familiar en la competitividad lo define el efecto mediador que tiene la gestión del conocimiento y la implementación, uso y desarrollo de los ERP. En este sentido, y debido a que en ocasiones la influencia familiar puede afectar las decisiones estratégicas del negocio, se plantea la inclusión de personal externo en los puestos directivos para apoyar a la gerencia familiar en el proceso de implementación y uso de los sistemas ERP. De igual modo, los resultados destacan la importancia de la transferencia de conocimiento, poder y liderazgo, transmitida a través de las siguientes generaciones mediante la sucesión. Por último, se analizan los elementos que influyen en la profesionalización y capacitación de los usuarios de sistemas ERP y como esto determina el éxito en la implantación, uso y desarrollo de los sistemas integrales de gestión en las pymes. Para ello, se emplea el total la muestra para el análisis empírico (137 pymes). De nuevo, la técnica utilizada para el examen estadístico de los datos ha sido el método de ecuaciones estructurales (PLS-SEM). Los resultados del análisis evidencian un vínculo significativo entre la profesionalización y la implantación, uso y desarrollo de los sistemas ERP con los beneficios de las pymes. Sin embargo, los resultados también advierten una relación negativa entre la profesionalización y las barreras derivadas de la implantación y empleo de los sistemas avanzados de gestión. Por otra parte, igual que en el primer objetivo planteado, se lleva a cabo un análisis de mediación simple que evidencia que los beneficios obtenidos por las pymes se producen a través de la relación entre la profesionalización y la implementación, uso y desarrollo de los sistemas integrales ERP. En consecuencia, el estudio aporta evidencia empírica sobre la importancia de profesionalizar los sistemas de gestión ERP. Los resultados contribuyen a fomentar la capacitación continua de los usuarios y el seguimiento de los resultados con la finalidad de incrementar los beneficios asociados a la implantación y uso de los sistemas ERP en las pymes y, así, minorar los posibles inconvenientes. En general, los resultados muestran los elementos que afectan el uso y desarrollo de los sistemas ERP y su impacto en la competitividad de las pymes, tanto familiares como no familiares. Por consiguiente, se proporcionan las pautas necesarias que fortalezcan los recursos y las capacidades de las organizaciones con el fin de que puedan mejorar sus estrategias de dirección y, en consecuencia, aumentar sus ventajas competitivas. [ENG] Technological advances and the business environment demand more and more the incorporation of systematized management methods within SMEs for an appropriate decision-making process and improvement of competitive advantages. In this regard, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems offer an advanced management model for family and non-family SMEs to achieve a more efficient decision-making process. ERPs are computer solutions that allow the storage and processing of SME information, thus contributing to the efficient management of their administrative processes. These package integrate the operational processes of the business functions in a single system and in a systematic way, facilitating the flow of information between the different departments of the company. The implementation of ERP systems has become significantly popular in recent years at the level of large organizations and, consequently, research has focused mainly on this type of company. Therefore, the establishment of such systems is still scarce in small companies, especially those of a family nature. In family firms is essential to control the family influence that prevails in this type of organizations. The activities associated with ERP procedures constitute great benefits for SMEs, which contribute to solving difficulties in business management. Benefits from ERP implementation generate and increase competitive advantages of SMEs. However, despite the advantages for SMEs, the implementation and use of these management systems also has some drawbacks that can reduce their profitability. In order to obtain the expected benefits with the implementation of ERP systems in SMEs, it is necessary to establish the necessary strategies that help their correct use and subsequent development. In this regard, knowledge management and professionalization play a fundamental role. However, the components that intervene between these elements and the use and development of ERPs are not sufficiently developed. Additionally, the impact of these management systems on the competitive advantages of SMEs is not fully determined through the mediation of knowledge management and professionalization. In the case of family businesses, there is short progress in relation to the influence of the family on the decision to develop ERP systems, as well as their impact on the competitiveness of family firms. On the other hand, research aimed at professionalizing the use of ERP management systems is less in SMEs than in large companies. In that sense, studies related to the disadvantages generated by the implementation and uses of ERP in this type of organizations are scarce. Therefore, the thesis proposes the adequate administration of knowledge management and professionalization in SMEs, through the incorporation of guidelines and procedures that contribute to improve the use of ERP systems, in order to increase competitive advantages of companies. Furthermore, results let to identify how family influence affects the competitiveness of the company, through knowledge management and the implementation, use and development of ERP. Similarly, the study suggests guidelines aimed at enhancing professionalization in the use of ERP systems by training users. The study background is based on the resources based view at a general level and in the case of family businesses. Theory development includes the theoretical visions on the strategies that contribute to the performance of the media, skills and competences available to the business organizations to carry out their activities efficiently. Furthermore, these theoretical principles adapted to the family businesses establish a theoretical framework to evaluate and identify the resources available to this type of organization by determining management participation, ownership, experience and values, as the elements that indicate the degree of family influence in the business. For the research a single database has been used made up of 137 Spanish SMEs, of which 77 are family and 60 are non-family firms. Firstly, an empirical study was carried out with the total sample (137 SMEs) to determine the relationship between knowledge management and professionalization with the use of ERP systems and how impact the competitiveness of the firm. Data analysis is performed using the structural equations approach using the PLS-SEM technique. The results show that both professionalization and knowledge management have a positive effect on the competitive advantages of SMEs through the use of ERP systems. It suggests the establishment of strategies that contribute to enriching the knowledge and skills of individuals, as well as their professional development. Secondly, another empirical study is carried out using only the 77 Spanish family SMEs that comprises the sample. The statistical tests are carried out through the structural equations approach with the PLS-SEM technique. The results of the empirical analysis show the important relationship that the family influence has on the competitiveness of family firms. In order to determine this hypothesis, a multiple mediation analysis is also carried out, which establishes that the impact of family influence on competitiveness is defined by the mediating effect of knowledge management and the implementation, use and development of ERP. In this sense, and because family influence can sometimes affect strategic business decisions, the inclusion of external personnel in management positions is proposed to support family management in the process of implementation and use of ERP systems. At the same time, the results highlight the importance of the transfer of knowledge, power, and leadership, passed down through generations in the succession process. Finally, the elements that influence the professionalization and training of users of ERP systems are analyzed because determines the success in the implementation, use and development of these management systems in SMEs. The total sample is used for the empirical analysis (137 SMEs). Similarly, the technique used for the statistical tests has been the structural equation method (PLS-SEM). The results of the analysis show a significant link between professionalization and the implementation, use and development of ERP systems and their advantages for SMEs. However, the results also show a negative relationship between professionalization and the barriers derived from the implementation and use of these management model. Initially, a simple mediation analysis is carried out which shows that the benefits obtained by SMEs are determined through the relationship between professionalization and implementation, use and development of integrated ERP systems. Consequently, this study provides empirical evidence on the importance of professionalizing ERP management systems. The results contribute to promote continuous user training and monitoring of results, in order to increase the benefits associated with the implementation and use of ERP in SMEs and, at the same time, reducing barriers for its development Overall, the results show the elements that affect the use and development of ERP and how these can affect the competitiveness of SMEs, both in the case of family and non-family firms. Therefore, results provide the necessary guidelines that strengthen the resources and capacities of these organizations, so adoption of ERP can improve their management strategies and, consequently, increase their competitive advantages.Escuela Internacional de Doctorado de la Universidad Politécnica de CartagenaUniversidad Politécnica de CartagenaPrograma de Doctorado en Ciencias Económicas, Empresariales y Jurídica

    Implementing Cloud-Based Enterprise Resource Planning Solutions in Small and Medium Enterprises

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    Lacking strategies to implement a cloud-based enterprise resource planning (ERP) solution in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) can lead to a failed implementation. SME owners can improve company performance by integrating company processes by successfully implementing a cloud-based ERP solution. Grounded in the diffusion of innovation theory augmented with business process management design for Six Sigma, the purpose of this qualitative multiple case study was to explore strategies SME owners use to implement cloud-based ERP solutions. The participants consisted of 4 SME owners in Lebanon who successfully implemented a cloud-based ERP solution and improved company performance and growth. Data were collected using semistructured interviews and a review of ERP implementation project documents and analyzed using thematic analysis. Seven themes emerged: top management support for IT implementation, requirements identification, software selection, user involvement, project management, change management, and post-implementation performance monitoring. A key recommendation for SME owners is to support IT implementation and remain involved throughout the implementation process. The implications for positive social change include the opportunity to increase employment opportunities, economic growth, and reducing the adverse environmental consequences of computing by using cloud-based technologies

    Novel approach for integrated biomass supply chain synthesis and optimisation

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    Despite looming energy crises, fossil resources are still widely used for energy and chemical production. Growing awareness of the environmental impact from fossil fuels has made sustainability one of the main focuses in research and development. Towards that end, biomass is identified as a promising renewable source of carbon that can potentially replace fossil resources in energy and chemical productions. Although many researches on converting biomass to value-added product have been done, biomass is still considered underutilised in the industry. This is mainly due to challenges in the logistic and processing network of biomass. An integrated biomass supply chain synthesis and optimisation are therefore important. Thus, the ultimate goal of this thesis is to develop a novel approach for an integrated biomass supply chain. Firstly, a multiple biomass corridor (MBC) concept is presented to integrate various biomass and processing technologies into existing biomass supply chain system in urban and developed regions. Based on this approach, a framework is developed for the synthesis of a more diversified and economical biomass supply chain system. The work is then extended to consider the centralisation and decentralisation of supply chain structure. In this manner, P-graph-aided decomposition approach (PADA) is proposed, whereby it divides the complex supply chain problem into two smaller sub-problems – the processing network is solved via mixed-integer linear programming (MILP) model, whereas the binaries-intensive logistic network configuration is determined through P-graph framework. As existing works often focus on supply chain synthesis in urban regions with well-developed infrastructure, resources integrated network (RIN) – a novel approach for the synthesis of integrated biomass supply chain in rural and remote regions is introduced to enhance rural economies. This approach incorporates multiple resources (i.e. bioresources, food commodities, rural communities’ daily needs) into the value chain and utilises inland water system as the mode of transport, making the system more economically feasible. It extends the MBC approach for technology selection and adopts vehicle routing problem (VRP) for inland water supply and delivery network. To evaluate the performance of the proposed integrated biomass supply chain system, a FANP-based (fuzzy analytical network process) sustainability assessment tool is established. A framework is proposed to derive sustainability index (SI) from pairwise comparison done by supply chain stakeholders to assess the sustainability of a system. Fuzzy limits are introduced to reduce uncertainties in human judgment while conducting the pairwise comparison. To design a sustainable integrated biomass supply chain, a FANP-aided, a novel multiple objectives optimisation framework is proposed. This approach transforms multiple objective functions into single objective function by prioritising each of the objective through the FANP framework. The multiple objectives are then normalised via max-min aggregation to ensure the trade-off between objectives is performed on the same scale. At the end of this thesis, viable future works of the whole programme is presented for consideration

    Novel approach for integrated biomass supply chain synthesis and optimisation

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    Despite looming energy crises, fossil resources are still widely used for energy and chemical production. Growing awareness of the environmental impact from fossil fuels has made sustainability one of the main focuses in research and development. Towards that end, biomass is identified as a promising renewable source of carbon that can potentially replace fossil resources in energy and chemical productions. Although many researches on converting biomass to value-added product have been done, biomass is still considered underutilised in the industry. This is mainly due to challenges in the logistic and processing network of biomass. An integrated biomass supply chain synthesis and optimisation are therefore important. Thus, the ultimate goal of this thesis is to develop a novel approach for an integrated biomass supply chain. Firstly, a multiple biomass corridor (MBC) concept is presented to integrate various biomass and processing technologies into existing biomass supply chain system in urban and developed regions. Based on this approach, a framework is developed for the synthesis of a more diversified and economical biomass supply chain system. The work is then extended to consider the centralisation and decentralisation of supply chain structure. In this manner, P-graph-aided decomposition approach (PADA) is proposed, whereby it divides the complex supply chain problem into two smaller sub-problems – the processing network is solved via mixed-integer linear programming (MILP) model, whereas the binaries-intensive logistic network configuration is determined through P-graph framework. As existing works often focus on supply chain synthesis in urban regions with well-developed infrastructure, resources integrated network (RIN) – a novel approach for the synthesis of integrated biomass supply chain in rural and remote regions is introduced to enhance rural economies. This approach incorporates multiple resources (i.e. bioresources, food commodities, rural communities’ daily needs) into the value chain and utilises inland water system as the mode of transport, making the system more economically feasible. It extends the MBC approach for technology selection and adopts vehicle routing problem (VRP) for inland water supply and delivery network. To evaluate the performance of the proposed integrated biomass supply chain system, a FANP-based (fuzzy analytical network process) sustainability assessment tool is established. A framework is proposed to derive sustainability index (SI) from pairwise comparison done by supply chain stakeholders to assess the sustainability of a system. Fuzzy limits are introduced to reduce uncertainties in human judgment while conducting the pairwise comparison. To design a sustainable integrated biomass supply chain, a FANP-aided, a novel multiple objectives optimisation framework is proposed. This approach transforms multiple objective functions into single objective function by prioritising each of the objective through the FANP framework. The multiple objectives are then normalised via max-min aggregation to ensure the trade-off between objectives is performed on the same scale. At the end of this thesis, viable future works of the whole programme is presented for consideration