4 research outputs found

    Comunidades de práctica en las PYMES del sector turístico del Departamento de Caldas

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    Within the framework of knowledge management, it is necessary to develop intellectual capital, for which variables such as communities of practice must be considered, given their importance for the development of organizations. The research results presented in this article are intended to establish the state of development of communities of practice related to intellectual capital in SMEs in the tourism sector of the Department of Caldas, Colombia, for which it was used a descriptive and correlational analysis with an evaluation model adapted to specific communities, it was possible to evaluate 87% of the SMEs. The main findings show the consolidation of communities of practice of SMEs operators in the tourism sector in the department of Caldas, and highlight the leadership and teamwork of these.En el marco de la gestión del conocimiento, se hace necesario desarrollar el capital intelectual, para lo cual se deben considerar variables como las comunidades de práctica, dada su importancia para el desarrollo de las organizaciones. Los resultados de la investigación presentados en este artículo pretenden establecer el estado de desarrollo de las comunidades de práctica relacionadas con el capital intelectual en las PYMES del sector turístico del Departamento de Caldas, Colombia, para lo cual se utilizó un análisis descriptivo y correlacional con un modelo de evaluación adaptado a comunidades específicas, siendo posible evaluar al 87% de las PYMES. Los principales hallazgos muestran la consolidación de las comunidades de práctica de los operadores de PYMES del sector turístico en el departamento de Caldas, y destacan el liderazgo y el trabajo en equipo de estos

    Comunidades de práctica en las PYMES del sector turístico del Departamento de Caldas

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    Within the framework of knowledge management, it is necessary to develop intellectual capital, for which variables such as communities of practice must be considered, given their importance for the development of organizations. The research results presented in this article are intended to establish the state of development of communities of practice related to intellectual capital in SMEs in the tourism sector of the Department of Caldas, Colombia, for which it was used a descriptive and correlational analysis with an evaluation model adapted to specific communities, it was possible to evaluate 87% of the SMEs. The main findings show the consolidation of communities of practice of SMEs operators in the tourism sector in the department of Caldas, and highlight the leadership and teamwork of these.En el marco de la gestión del conocimiento, se hace necesario desarrollar el capital intelectual, para lo cual se deben considerar variables como las comunidades de práctica, dada su importancia para el desarrollo de las organizaciones. Los resultados de la investigación presentados en este artículo pretenden establecer el estado de desarrollo de las comunidades de práctica relacionadas con el capital intelectual en las PYMES del sector turístico del Departamento de Caldas, Colombia, para lo cual se utilizó un análisis descriptivo y correlacional con un modelo de evaluación adaptado a comunidades específicas, siendo posible evaluar al 87% de las PYMES. Los principales hallazgos muestran la consolidación de las comunidades de práctica de los operadores de PYMES del sector turístico en el departamento de Caldas, y destacan el liderazgo y el trabajo en equipo de estos

    Marketing interno em apoio às práticas de gestão do conhecimento em organizações de base tecnológica

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal da Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia e Gestão do Conhecimento, Florianópolis, 2014.A implementação de práticas de gestão do conhecimento apresenta, como um de seus principais desafios, a obtenção de adesão e comprometimento por parte dos colaboradores das organizações. Os paradigmas organizacionais foram alterados com a evolução da sociedade do conhecimento, oferecendo contexto favorável à redução de departamentalizações, maior integração e diálogo interdisciplinar, o que por sua vez expressa o valor do conhecimento. Motivada por esta visão, a pesquisa teve como principal objetivo analisar como o marketing interno pode apoiar as práticas de gestão do conhecimento em organizações de base tecnológica, usualmente identificadas como intensivas em conhecimento. O método apropriado de condução dos estudos surgiu a partir da busca e revisão sistemática da literatura, que localizou seis publicações com os termos combinados marketing interno e gestão do conhecimento, sinalizando a necessidade de investigação exploratória. O método de procedimento foi o de estudo qualitativo básico, com definição da estratégia analítica geral com base nas proposições teóricas, cujo agrupamento evidenciou oito focos de análises, sendo eles: 1) Promoção de GC internamente; 2) Cultura organizacional; 3) Alinhamento estratégico; 4) Gestão de pessoas; 5) Liderança; 6) Processos e tecnologias; 7) Interdisciplinaridade; 8) Gestão, comunicação, ação. Em paralelo, com base na literatura sobre o marketing interno, identificou-se como essa atividade pode apoiar as práticas de gestão do conhecimento, correlacionando-se, em resumo: 1) Utilização de campanhas promocionais para "vender" GC internamente; 2) Gestão da mudança e da identidade corporativa; 3) Implementação de estratégias; 4) visão de que o colaborador é um dos principais clientes, endereçando a ele campanhas de integração e de incentivos; 5) Formação de líderes propagadores de GC; 6) Dinâmica da comunicação; 7) Integração e comunicação alicerçada em sinergia; 8) Planejamento integrado, comunicação para difusão do conhecimento, incentivo à ação e aos inter-relacionamentos. Conclui-se que, apesar de não haver um contexto de maturidade de gestão do conhecimento nas organizações pesquisadas, existe significativo número de práticas e ferramentas do conhecimento empregadas, que necessitam ser divulgadas e tornadas visíveis para melhor utilização e envolvimento por parte dos colaboradores. Os casos pesquisados apresentaram um conjunto significativo de práticas e ferramentas de marketing interno que podem oferecer o apoio à GC. Constatou-se, porém, que as abordagens de marketing precisam ser melhor utilizadas no mercado interno, de forma estratégica e estruturada. Recomenda-se, como estudos futuros, o aprofundamento de cada tópico pesquisado, em especial os relacionados às lideranças de GC e à inovação fomentada por cultura de criação do conhecimento em organizações de base tecnológica.Abstract : The implementation of knowledge management practices in organizations shows the obtainement of adhesion and commitment of employees as one of its mais challenges. Organizational paradigms have been changing with the evolution of the knowledge society, now providing a favorable environment for reducing departmentalizations, increasing integration and promoting interdisciplinary dialogue, which in turn expresses the value of knowledge. Driven by this vision, the research aimed at analysing how internal marketing may support the knowledge management practices in technology-based organizations, usually identified as knowledge intensive. The proper method of conducting this study was identified after running a systematic search and review of the literature, which located six publications when combining the internal marketing and knowledge management terms, signaling as such the need for exploratory research. The procedure method was the basic qualitative study, with definition of the general analytical strategy based on theoretical propositions, whose grouping highlighted eight foci of analysis, which are: 1) KM promotion internally; 2) Organizational Culture; 3) Strategic Alignment; 4) People Management; 5) Leadership; 6) processes and technologies; 7) Interdisciplinary; 8) Management, communication, action. At the same time, based on the literature on internal marketing, we identified how this activity can support knowledge management practices, correlating, briefly: 1) Using promotional campaigns to "sell" KM internally; 2) Change management and corporate identity; 3) Strategies implementation; 4) Viewing the employee as the main client, addressing him integration and incentives campaigns; 5) Training KM propagator leaders; 6) Communication dynamic; 7) Integration and communication grounded in synergy; 8) Integrated planning, communication for knowledge diffusion, encouraging action and interrelationships. We conclude that, although there is no context of knowledge management maturity in the organizations studied, there is a significant number of knowledge practices and tools employed that need to be made visibleand disclosed for better use and involvement by employees. The cases studied showed a significant set of internal marketing practices and tools that can provide support for KM. It was found, however, that marketing approaches need to be better used in the internal market, strategically and in a structured way. It is recommended as future work to detail each topic researched, particularly those related to KM leadership, and innovation fostered by knowledge creation culture in technology-based organizations

    Knowledge Management (KM) and Monitoring & Evaluation (M&E) of government to government partnerships in sport management: A BRICS case of the PRC - South Africa relations in the Shandong - Western Cape partnership

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    Masters in Public Administration - MPAGovernment to Government (G2G) partnerships between countries in the BRICS partnerships have significantly increased and with it, the need for more effective strategic management and operational coordination but also for evidence-based decision-making. In this process, improved KM, as well as M&E of outcomes and impacts has become prominent and essential requirements for evidence-based decision-making. The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) emphasise the need for a global partnership for development with a focus on a new development paradigm that emphasise results, partnership, coordination, and accountability (Picciotto, 2002:3). Subsequently, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development further strengthened the importance of the global partnership in the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), recognises that the implementation of the SDGs is a challenge for governments and therefore seeks to strengthen the global partnership by calling upon all stakeholders to take part in implementing the SDGs. In this context, the study investigated the need for knowledge management (KM) as well as Monitoring & Evaluation (M&E) systems in G2G partnerships such as the partnership of Shandong China (PRC) and the Western Cape Government (WCG) in South Africa. This study focused on the sport management aspects of such a partnership, although such systems may also be relevant to economic, tourism and other partnerships programmes. The research investigation focused on the relevance of KM and M&E systems in sport management on G2G partnerships, as well as the possible benefits of such systems. Readiness Assessments for the establishment of KM and M&E systems were conducted with respect to the Shandong -Western Cape Government (WCG) in PRC and South Africa. The research methodology consisted of a qualitative approach and a case study was developed of the Sport Exchange Programme (SEP) as a component of the partnership between Shandong PRC and Western Cape Government (WCG) South Africa. The research included a desktop study of primary documentation including the formal agreements, Memorandum of understanding (MoU), regulations and programme annual reports, semi-structured interviews with officials and public sector managers of both governments in PRC and South Africa, as well as focus group discussion, interviews with specialists and experts were also conducted