90,492 research outputs found

    Digital Hash Data Encryption for IoT Financial Transactions using Blockchain Security in the Cloud

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    Blockchain security via the Internet of Things (IoT) will reshape the decision-making function of the data-driven incumbent smart enterprise, providing the vision of the connected world of things. Enterprise IoT development of devices, personnel, and systems in such a way that they may connect and communicate with each other through the Internet. Blockchain is an enterprise financial transaction, and its digital network is distributed transaction ledger. Today, enterprises need the massive global data management and rapid trading volume to keep things going and growing. It creates enterprise business challenges of different types of security, transparency, and complexity of the problem. Enterprise architecture offers several advantages for the thief to obtain a specific user account,   application, and access to the device. This is, will doesn't be to provide the necessities of security. The proposed Digital Hash Data Encryption (DHDE) is used to secure the transaction data-based embedded system people and blockchain. Blockchain and IoT technology integration may bring numerous benefits to mention. Therefore, the proposed DHDE algorithm comprehensively discusses the blockchain technology integration system. The proposed DHDE algorithm encrypts the transaction data for an unauthorized person who cannot access the enterprise transaction data based on embedded system people and blockchain

    How Digital Transformation affects Enterprise Architecture Management – a case study

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    Internet of Things (IoT), machine learning, cyber-physical systems and other recent technological innovations offer new opportunities for enterprises in the context of Digital Transformation (DT) but also cause new challenges for Enterprise Architecture Management (EAM), which traditionally deals with enterprise-IT planning and coordination. Based on an industrial case of a power garden products manufacturer that is exploring potentials and facing challenges in DT, this article investigates the integration of product-IT into EAM. Product-IT includes the embedded IT-systems in physical products and services, components for operations, maintenance or evaluation purposes. In this article we discuss product-IT and enterprise-IT integration in the context of EAM observed in the industrial practice. The main contributions are (1) positioning of the product-IT in the field of EAM, and (2) identification of the challenges from real-world case regarding integration of product-IT into EAM

    How Digital Transformation affects Enterprise Architecture Management – a case study

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    Internet of Things (IoT), machine learning, cyber-physical systems and other recent technological innovations offer new opportunities for enterprises in the context of Digital Transformation (DT) but also cause new challenges for Enterprise Architecture Management (EAM), which traditionally deals with enterprise-IT planning and coordination. Based on an industrial case of a power garden products manufacturer that is exploring potentials and facing challenges in DT, this article investigates the integration of product-IT into EAM. Product-IT includes the embedded IT-systems in physical products and services, components for operations, maintenance or evaluation purposes. In this article we discuss product-IT and enterprise-IT integration in the context of EAM observed in the industrial practice. The main contributions are (1) positioning of the product-IT in the field of EAM, and (2) identification of the challenges from real-world case regarding integration of product-IT into EAM

    Advanced Animal Track-&-Trace Supply-Chain Conceptual Framework: An Internet of Things Approach

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    Information and data transmission, as well as total visibility in terms of supply chain track-&-trace, is seriously lacking in current industrial logistics-&-supply-chain management activities. This paper proposes the application of RFIDs and the Internet of things’ enterprise systems architecture to, propose a low-cost feasible cloud solution. This solution would keep track of health history, birth records, ownership history and track location of each animal by using an electronic solar-powered tag instead of the current passive ear tags. This paper employs GPRS, GSM and the Google Earth function along with RFIDs to design an enhanced proposed enterprise system-architecture framework in the form of a business process model. Various areas such as e-health, e-commerce, and cloud-based manufacturing have been revolutionized by discoveries in digitized practices. Advancements in the Internet of things led to the advent of asset tracking systems, condition monitoring and various intelligent systems that exchange data over the cloud. Farmers are very vulnerable to stock theft, straying animals and high business risks due to poor animal health management practices. Existing tracking systems have high ownership costs since some of them rely on GSM network providers whose services are costly for farmers. Innovations in digitized systems continue to add more value to businesses and individuals across broad range sectors. Authors of this paper propose a low-cost intelligent animal tracking system for an African free-ranging environment. Economies worldwide are ever becoming digital and animal husbandry practices stand to benefit from this digitisation approach

    Inter-Enterprise architecture and Internet of the future

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-37291-9_3This paper proposes the concept of Inter-Enterprise Architecture (IEA), which seeks the application of tools and methodologies developed in the Enterprise Architecture (EA) field for the individual firm, adapting to an environment of collaboration between several companies that make networks or supply chains, in order to facilitate the integration and interoperability of their collaborative processes in line with its IS/IT (Information Systems/ Information Technology) to harmonize the joint processes, reduce risk and duplication, increase service and customer responsiveness, reduce technology costs and align the joint business to IS/IT.Vargas, A.; Boza García, A.; Cuenca, L.; Sacala, I. (2013). Inter-Enterprise architecture and Internet of the future. En Technological Innovation for the Internet of Things: 4th IFIP WG 5.5/SOCOLNET Doctoral Conference on Computing, Electrical and Industrial Systems, DoCEIS 2013, Costa de Caparica, Portugal, April 15-17, 2013. Proceedings. Springer. 25-32. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-37291-9_3S2532Information Society and Media European Commission: FInES Cluster Position Paper. Future Internet Enterprise Systems (FInES) Cluster (September 2009)Vargas, A., Boza, A., Cuenca, L.: Lograr la alineación estratégica de negocio y las tecnologías de la información a través de Arquitecturas Empresariales: Revisión de la Literatura. In: Cartagena, XV Congreso de Ingeniería de Organización, pp. 1061–1070 (2011a)Vargas, A., Boza, A., Cuenca, L.: Towards Interoperability through Inter-enterprise Collaboration Architectures. In: Meersman, R., Dillon, T., Herrero, P. (eds.) OTM 2011 Workshops. LNCS, vol. 7046, pp. 102–111. Springer, Heidelberg (2011)Vargas, A., Boza, A., Cuenca, L., Ortiz, A.: The importance of strategic alignment in enterprise collaboration. In: 6th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Industrial Management, Vigo (2012)Henderson, J., Venkatraman, N.: Strategic alignment: Leveraging information technology for transforming organizations. IBM Systems Journal 32(1), 472–484 (1993)Luftman, J.: Assessing Business-IT alignment maturity. Communications of the Association for Information Systems 4 (2000)Cuenca, L., Boza, A., Ortiz, A.: An enterprise engineering approach for the alignment of business and information technology strategy. International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing 24(11) (2011)Kilger, C., Reuter, B., Stadtler, H.: Collaborative Planning. In: Stadtler, H., Kilger, C. (eds.) Supply Chain Management and Advanced Planning-—Concepts, Models Software and Case Studies, pp. 263–284. Springer, Heidelberg (2008)Audy, J., Lehoux, N., D’Amours, S.: A framework for an efficient implementation of logistics collaborations. International Transactions in Operational Research, 1–25 (2010)Stadtler, H.: A framework for collaborative planning and state-of-the-art. OR Spectrum 31, 5–30 (2010)CIMOSA Association: CIMOSA Primer on key concepts, purpose and business value, http://cimosa.cnt.pl/Chen, D., Vallespir, B., Doumeingts, G.: GRAI integrated methodology and its mapping onto generic enterprise reference architecture and methodology. Computers in Industry 33, 387–394 (1997)Williams, T., Li, H.: PERA and GERAM enterprise reference architectures in enterprise integration. Information Infrastructure Systems for Manufacturing, 1–27 (1998)Ortiz, A.: Propuesta para el Desarrollo de Programas de Integración Empresarial en Empresas Industriales. Aplicación a una Empresa del Sector Cerámico. Ph.D Dissertation. Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (1998)The Open Group, https://www.opengroup.org/index.htmChalmeta, R., Grangel, R.: ARDIN extension for virtual enterprise integration. The Journal of Systems and Software 67 (2003)Scheer, A., Schneider, K.: ARIS – Architecture of Integrated Information. In: Handbook on Architectures of Information Systems. International Handbooks on Information Systems, s.l., vol. 3, pp. 605–623 (2006)Bernard, S.: An introduction to enterprise architecture. Author House, Bloomington (2005)Cuenca, L., Ortiz, A., Boza, A.: Arquitectura de Empresa. Visión General. In: IX Congreso de Ingeniería de Organización, Gijón, pp. 1–8 (2005)Burlacu, G., Stanescu, A., Sacala, I., Cojocaru, L.: Development of a Modeling Framework for Future Internet Enterprise Systems. In: IEEE 16th International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing, Sinaia, October 12-14 (2012

    Towards the development of the framework for inter sensing enterprise architecture

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    [EN] Inter-enterprise architecture (IEA) is a new concept that seeks to apply the tools and methodologies of enterprise architecture (EA) in a collaborative context, in order to model collaborative organizations in an inclusive manner. According to the main enterprise architectures proposed to this point, an EA should be conformed at least for a framework, a methodology and a modelling language. Sensing enterprise (SE) is an attribute of an enterprise or a network that allows it to react to business stimuli originating on the Internet. These fields have come into focus recently, and there is not evidence of the use of IEA for modelling a SE, while finding an interesting gap to work on. Thus, this paper proposes an initial framework for inter sensing enterprise architecture (FISEA), which seeks to classify, organize, store and communicate, at the conceptual level, all the elements for inter-sensing enterprise architectures and their relationships, ensuring their consistency and integrity. This FISEA provides a clear idea about the elements and views that create collaborative network and their inter-relationships, based on the support of Future Internet.This work was supported by the European Commission FP7 UNITE Project, through its Secondment Programme and the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia ADENPRO-PJP project (ref. SP20120703).Vargas, A.; Cuenca, L.; Boza, A.; Sacala, I.; Moisescu, M. (2016). Towards the development of the framework for inter sensing enterprise architecture. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing. 27(1):55-72. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10845-014-0901-zS5572271Adaba, G., Rusu, L., & Mekawy, M. (2010). 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