9 research outputs found

    Depth of segments and circles through points enclosing many points: a note

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    Neumann-Lara and Urrutia showed in 1985 that in any set of n points in the plane in general positionthere is always a pair of points such that any circle through them contains at least (n-2)/60 points. In a series of papers, this result was subsequently improved till n/4.7, which is currently the best known lower bound. In this paper we propose a new approach to the problem that allows us, by using known results about j-facets of sets of points in R3R^3, to give a simple proof of a somehow stronger result: there is always a pair of points such that any circle through them has, both inside and outside, at least n/4.7 points.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    On the Monotone Upper Bound Problem

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    The Monotone Upper Bound Problem asks for the maximal number M(d,n) of vertices on a strictly-increasing edge-path on a simple d-polytope with n facets. More specifically, it asks whether the upper bound M(d,n)<=M_{ubt}(d,n) provided by McMullen's (1970) Upper Bound Theorem is tight, where M_{ubt}(d,n) is the number of vertices of a dual-to-cyclic d-polytope with n facets. It was recently shown that the upper bound M(d,n)<=M_{ubt}(d,n) holds with equality for small dimensions (d<=4: Pfeifle, 2003) and for small corank (n<=d+2: G\"artner et al., 2001). Here we prove that it is not tight in general: In dimension d=6 a polytope with n=9 facets can have M_{ubt}(6,9)=30 vertices, but not more than 26 <= M(6,9) <= 29 vertices can lie on a strictly-increasing edge-path. The proof involves classification results about neighborly polytopes, Kalai's (1988) concept of abstract objective functions, the Holt-Klee conditions (1998), explicit enumeration, Welzl's (2001) extended Gale diagrams, randomized generation of instances, as well as non-realizability proofs via a version of the Farkas lemma.Comment: 15 pages; 6 figure

    Multitriangulations, pseudotriangulations and primitive sorting networks

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    We study the set of all pseudoline arrangements with contact points which cover a given support. We define a natural notion of flip between these arrangements and study the graph of these flips. In particular, we provide an enumeration algorithm for arrangements with a given support, based on the properties of certain greedy pseudoline arrangements and on their connection with sorting networks. Both the running time per arrangement and the working space of our algorithm are polynomial. As the motivation for this work, we provide in this paper a new interpretation of both pseudotriangulations and multitriangulations in terms of pseudoline arrangements on specific supports. This interpretation explains their common properties and leads to a natural definition of multipseudotriangulations, which generalizes both. We study elementary properties of multipseudotriangulations and compare them to iterations of pseudotriangulations.Comment: 60 pages, 40 figures; minor corrections and improvements of presentatio


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    We may describe a polytope P as the convex hull of n points in space. Here we consider the numbers of chains of faces of P. The toric g-vector and CD-index of P are useful invariants for encoding this information. For a simplicial polytope P, Lee defined the winding number wk in a Gale diagram corresponding to P. He showed that wk in the Gale diagram equals gk of the corresponding polytope. In this dissertation, we fully establish how to compute the g-vector for any polytope with few vertices from its Gale diagram. Further, we extend these results to polytopes with higher dimensional Gale diagrams in certain cases, including the case when all the points are in affinely general position. In the Generalized Lower Bound Conjecture, McMullen and Walkup predicted that if gk(P)=0 for some simplicial polytope P and some k, then P is (k-1)-stacked. Lee and Welzl independently use Gale transforms to prove the GLBC holds for any simplicial polytope with few vertices. In the context of Gale transforms, we will extend this result to nonpyramids with few vertices. We will also prove how to obtain the CD-index of polytopes dual to polytopes with few vertices in several cases. For instance, we show how to compute the CD-index of a polytope from the Gale diagram of its dual polytope when the Gale diagram is 2-dimensional and the origin is captured by a line segment